MovieChat Forums > Politics > If Trump is not reelected, China will un...

If Trump is not reelected, China will unleash virus number five, and it will be worse. Democrats are on China's side.

Not only are most liberals too ignorant to even realize where the stimulus money that is currently keeping all businesses from simply shutting down forever coming from( The fed borrowed it from banks. The banks are the ones who are saving this country for now, but it could cause big trouble down the line if we keep the quarantine for too long, as the money has to be paid back,) but they seem to not care at all if they emerge from this with no job, and jobless claims that will run out sooner then later. Every single day extra of quarantine means a small business will close its doors forever. And it needs to be weighed carefully with a disease that so far has killed not even close to a million worldwide( by comparison the Spanish flu killed 70 million). 12,000 are dead in the USA, 10, 000 die in the USA every YEAR from the flu. Yes, its a very contagious, but not very deadly disease. However, this is the fourth virus that has hit the world from China, and COVID 19 is much worse then Sars, Mars, and N1. Democrats side with China. They very, very likely take bribes from China, and they will not confront the Chinese government any more then Obama did after SARS and N1. Our only hope of not having a repeat is Trump being elected. I certainly don't want to see this happen with a much deadlier disease.


Don't be silly. Trump will side with China any day as long as they play ball with him. All China has to do is throw a few bones to Trump on trade then he'll be lapping praise all over them like he does with other dictators such as Kim Jong Un etc. He already praises Xi Jinping and Putin. If you praise Trump, he'll praise you back and never call out on his mistakes.

Speaking of China:

China's world domination plan is in motion now. Good on them. Democracy is too flawed to begin with. That's the problem with democracy, too open. China is very closed and secretive when it comes to their news and stuff they do and all they have to do is learn from the west (study in their schools), adapt (reverse engineer their tech and learn about their government), then turn their systems of government upside down and away from democracy. Western nations basically thought they could turn China into a democratic country by being friendly with them but in turn it is China turning other nations non-democratic little by little and as a subservient to China. As Trump once said non-verbatim, "you let the snake in, you know I was snake and I bit you and now you'll die."

Trump's American First policy is also greatly helping China fill in the gaps America once held. Won't be long in the near future when it is America the one isolated like China once was. If you don't see it now, you'll definitely notice it more if Trump is re-elected (no, I don't like dementia Biden either if you think I like one or the other). Mark my words.


All China has to do is throw a few bones to Trump on trade then he'll be lapping praise all over them like he does with other dictators such as Kim Jong Un etc. He already praises Xi Jinping and Putin. If you praise Trump, he'll praise you back and never call out on his mistakes.

WTF?????? What bullshit is that?

The Obama administration was much more compliant and permissive with China. And the same can be said about Clinton, Bush, Merkel or the European Union leaders. Trump is actually the first one that has been dealing with the Chinese problem.

China's world domination plan is in motion now

It has been in motion for two decades, and nobody did anything until now. Probably it's too late. Well, surely it's too late. But blame the ones before.

Western nations basically thought they could turn China into a democratic country by being friendly with them

Western democracies have massive immigration, their population is being replaced, they're turning into shitholes and the non-western ethnic groups are slowly taking political control because in a democracy, demographic is what matters.

And China is watching us and trying to do the exact opposite. Figures. I wonder why, hard to say, huh?...

Trump's American First policy is also greatly helping China fill in the gaps America once held. Won't be long in the near future when it is America the one isolated like China once was.

China is the new big boss, that's a fact. Next decades, you either isolate yourself or you follow what China says. Do you imagine US obeying China? Let's hope US isolates itself, because the alternative is World War 3.


Tax cuts are the problem. They are the reason for our annual deficits building into debt. So for 20 years we borrowed from China to pay for our shit. The right wing wants a way to scheme our money back from China so that wealthy donors can continue getting tax cuts. It won't work because it's a bullshit plan. It doesn't matter if Trump is trying to do it... it's still a bullshit plan. Trumpers will never admit it though. All you can see is brown people bad.


There's no need for elaborated reasons. The reason to reduce the debt is because that increasing debt is a time bomb, as simple as that. Greece knows well.

Of course, it won't work. Not because it's a 'bullshit plan', but because to reduce the debt it would be necessary to reduce to welfare state. When that happened in Greece, people didn't kill each other because they felt like a nation going through hard times. But in US with its multi-ethnic society where each ethnic group hates the others? Good luck.

And the funny thing is that it's gonna happen sooner or later. Trump is not reducing the debt. Nobody will do, because nobody wants to be the guy who will see the cities burning down and that will be blamed for it. So the festival will continue until the debt is too high. Right now it's almost the 110%. The higher it is, the quicker it grows (because of the growing financial expenses). Some moment between 150% and 200%, it's bankruptcy.

Brace yourself.


Don't disagree with you there. Trump did more in the sense that he's in favor of American companies as a whole abroad but he can't dictate what these companies can do. He can stop their mergers and protect them from being taxed but he can't force them to not ship jobs overseas which they've been doing for some time and still continue to do for the most part due to cheaper labor and for profit making (tax cuts didn't really entice them all that much besides filling their pockets more with bonuses for the most part).

The problem started with the Clinton's back in 2000 once they allowed China into the WTO and they've been abusing it ever since and still hold the 'developing country' status to get special perks.

Western democracies have always had mass migration ever since the world wars (although it's a bit different now with the Eastern Migration Influx of 2015). Back then for the US it was just mostly whites from Germany, Italy, Ireland, etc. until they opened the doors to other nations. There is no 'population replacement' denoted by the right as that would require intentionally removing said population, just whites aren't having enough kids to keep up with the mixed flow migration and non-white immigrants having kids. As for shitholes, yeah they have their issues, some more than others, but what state doesn't?

If the US isolates itself, it'll eventually drive itself from world leading to meh. I don't think US will isolate itself since the change of power is always shifting and the US will strive to be the leading nation once more.



MERS and H1N1 did not originate in China. MERS is short for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and it is named after its place or origin. H1N1 originated in Mexico and spread to US pigs.

I don't believe China would intentionally release Covid-19 since there is no cure. Covid-19 is more deadly since it can be spread by asymptomatic carriers. Usually, people afflicted with a virus show immediate symptoms but that is not the case with Covid-19.

Trump stands to benefit from China. You know he'd love to build golf courses and hotels in China. Ivanka received several patents from China and the Kushners were caught using Trump's name in Chinese marketing materials. Trump didn't really gain anything significant from his trade war with China. Trump needs to go so we get somebody who will put the country's business first.


First, covid 19 is SARS-2. Both SARS came from Chinese wet markets. SARS-1 was the deadliest at 10%.

Best prevention method for next one is a permanent China travel ban!


Rest easy, folks! Noted epidemiologist Dr. Satan2016 says it's all gonna be okay!


Yes, Satan knows best!


Great - another sock account from krl97a spewing more conspiracy theories from Alex Jones and Breitbart.


Yeah, that's not too suspect...πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„


Not at all. Krl will return tomorrow and feign innocence. Meanwhile the sock account goes bye bye. πŸ˜‚


Breibart is trash. I remember trying to making a comment on one of their articles and they removed it after waiting for approval by a moderator. All I wrote was why don't the left and right have rules/laws dictated by party lines for each state (excluding swing states) so each side gets what they want for their own demographic voter base. So much for free speech and having a difference of opinion like they touted all this time. They're no better than the left when they censor or remove things.


Breitbart would never accept a comment with common sense such as that. That's not the narrative being driven to their base (which we have quite a sampling of here on the forum).


Mars virus? LMFAO


Looks like China is on donald's side, at least in this very noteworthy instance:

The Epoch Times is a multi-language newspaper[2] founded in 2000 by John Tang and a group of Chinese Americans associated with the Falun Gong spiritual movement.[3] Though the newspaper is known for general interest topics with a focus on news about China and its human rights issues, it has become known for its support of U.S. President Donald Trump and favorable coverage of far-right politicians in Europe; a 2019 report showed it to be the second-largest funder of pro-Trump Facebook advertising after the Trump campaign.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] The newspaper is part of the Epoch Media Group, which also operates New Tang Dynasty Television (NTD).[7] The group's news sites and YouTube channels have spread conspiracy theories such as QAnon and anti-vaccination propaganda.[7][12][13]


The Rightwing Virus is much worse than SARS CoV-2!


Oh for god's sake...
