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Trump's own words on a timeline

Trump incompetence in his own words.

January20: I know more about viruses than anyone.”
January 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”
February 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.”
February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
February 25: “CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.”
February 25: “I think that's a problem that’s going to go away… They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine.”
February 26: “The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”
February 26: “We're going very substantially down, not up.”
February 27: “One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
February 28: “We're ordering a lot of supplies. We're ordering a lot of, uh, elements that frankly we wouldn't be ordering unless it was something like this. But we're ordering a lot of different elements of medical.”
March 2: “You take a solid flu vaccine, you don't think that could have an impact, or much of an impact, on corona?”
March 2: “A lot of things are happening, a lot of very exciting things are happening and they’re happening very rapidly.”
March 4: “If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better.”
March 5: “I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work.”
March 5: “The United States… has, as of now, only 129 cases… and 11 deaths. We are working very hard to keep these numbers as low as possible!”
March 6: “I think we’re doing a really good job in this country at keeping it down… a tremendous job at keeping it down.”
March 6: “Anybody right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. They’re there. And the tests are beautiful…. the tests are all perfect like the letter was perfect. The transcription was perfect. Right? This was not as perfect as that but pretty good.”
March 6: “I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it… Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.”
March 6: “I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn't our fault.”
March 8: “We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus.”
March 9: “This blindsided the world.”
March 13: “National emergency, two big words.”
March 13: “When you compare what we’ve done to other areas of the world, it’s pretty incredible.”
March 13: “Five million (tests) within a month... I doubt we’ll need anything near that.”
March 13: “I don’t take responsibility at all.”
March 14. “It’s something that nobody expected… it’s one of those things that happened. It’s nobody’s fault.”
March 15: “This is a very contagious virus. It's incredible. But it's something that we have tremendous control over”
March 17: “I have always known this is a real, this is a pandemic. I’ve felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic… I’ve always viewed it as very serious.”
March 19: “If we had an honest media in this country, our country would be an even greater place.”
March 19: “It could have been stopped, could have been stopped pretty easily if we had known, if everybody had known about it… Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic… of this proportion.”
March 25: “Nobody could have ever seen something like this coming.”
March 25: “It’s hard not be happy with the job we’re doing, that I can tell you.”
March 26: “I don't believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. You go into major hospitals sometimes, and they’ll have two ventilators. And now all of a sudden they’re saying, ‘Can we order 30,000 ventilators?”
March 26: “It can’t be managed by the federal government.”
March 27: “We’ve had great success over the past month.”
March 27: “You can call it a germ. You can call it a flu. You can call it a virus.... I’m not sure anybody even knows what it is.”


And the T-rumptards are happy with him and agree with him.

I never thought that as we get ready to enter the third decade of the 21st Century, there would still be a mass of ignorant people who follow this POS.


Hopefully Trump's reign of idiocracy ends in November.


Hopefully - but as we saw in 2016, there's nothing stronger than a group of stupid people fired up with fear of those who don't look like them.


His press briefing tonight is a tough watch


As it's been pointed out time and time again - he's using the air time for his re-election campaign, since he can't have rallys any longer. So he gets in front of the cameras and brags about what he thinks he's doing.

They should give the same amount of free air time to Biden and to Sanders; let them address the pandemic.


I wonder why Trump supporters are so quiet on this. I expected at least one of them to scream, "Fake news!"


