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Trump to New York: You’ve Been Mean to Me, Drop Dead

As the coronavirus pandemic has deepened, Democratic governors bearing the heaviest burdens are increasingly wary that if they complain too loudly about the federal response they will anger Donald Trump and risk losing critical support during a life-or-death crisis.

Trump is losing what's left of his dementia addled brain.


I don’t hear Gavin Newsom complaining.

Now nod you head and say d’oh.

Catch any typos, grammar nazi?


I hope the idiots in NY's suburbs, Staten Island and rural areas who voted for Trump are finally waking up.


NY is already a Blue state. We have to hope it's some of the red states that see the light.


Like Nebula said in Endgame,your choice was Donald or a communist.Apply that in November when you vote.


Sanders lost. The choice is the clown in the WH now or an adult in the room.


Trump is doing hour-long press conferences every day and Biden is struggling through 5-minute interviews
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) March 24, 2020


One of Trump's interviews supported a "cure" which killed a man while his wife is in critical condition.


You're an idiot, kowardly komrade keelai and this post from you is proof of it. Read the facts. They speak for themselves. Try not to be so Ignorant either.


The wife admitted in her NBC interview that she followed Trump's "cure" recommendation. Now, your moron in the WH wants millions to die by prematurely ending social distancing which is against ALL medical advice.

BTW, how's that wall paid for by Mexico going, Simpleton Sandy?


Oh? Did Trump say specific dosage amount? How many milligrams did Trump advise? Did she take the exact medication he said, or was it something that just contained that ingredient? Was it something from a fish store or was it obtained via a pharmacy oversaw by a pharmacist?

What does the wall have anything to do with what we're talking about? Are you so desperate to change the topic at hand, because you are so rekt? Weak sauce! Pathetic.


Trump shouldn't give medical advice at all. That includes ending social distancing by Easter.

Along with a wrecked economy, record high unemployment, bear market and a pandemic, the wall is just another Trump fiasco and failed promise to make America great.


You notice how you failed to confirm all of things I said? Trump wasn't giving medical advice. He was only conveying optimism from an existing drug that might be effective in treating the coronavirus.

Then again, this is all a moot point anyway because the people that took that fish product WEREN'T EVEN SICK to begin with. As they say Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law. Well, Ignorance of common sense and stupidity is no excuse to blame others for your idiocy.

And yet you want Biden to be president. A person that is senile, will expand entitlements, did not want to close the borders and issue a travel ban during the onset of the pandemic, so how would the economy be with him, pray tell? You're indoctrinated, kkk. 100%.


Many Trumpites like yourself are idiots therefore your idiot-in-chief Trump shouldn't be making any medical recommendations to any of you.

Let's deal in reality instead of fantasy. The reality is your moron of a leader Trump destroyed the stock market, economy and has created epic deficits and unemployment.


Again, what medical recommendation did Trump make that was a prescription? How stupid are you to have taken it for one? Seems to me your own words proves you're an idiot.

How did Trump destroy the stock market, economy and created epic deficits and unemployment? If it's due to the pandemic, tell me how he caused the pandemic.

Let's just see how much of an indoctrinated dunce you really are, kkk.


trump needs Fauci to come after to clarify his statements, that is to say, clean up all the dumb stuff trump ad libs and reassure people that medical experts are trying to hew to sensible actions. trump is a compulsive liar and we can't believe anything that comes out of his mouth -- unless it's dumb, bigoted and hateful, then we see the real donny.


It must be going up T-rump's ass sideways that more Americans are seeing Guv Cuomo and his press conferences as "Presidential" over T-rump's idiotic press conferences. Cuomo has a Presidential career in front of him - no doubt.


Oh? You got any proof? No? What else is new, eh dogdump? Just another chepooka day spewing aimless Orange Man Bad propaganda. In other news, Trump's approval rating is up.

Just nod you head and say, d'oh.
