MovieChat Forums > Politics > when do you see the coronavirus peaking ...

when do you see the coronavirus peaking in the U.S.

most have it for mid-may so if it peaks in mid-may it would probably be early-mid june before things open back up


probably about right... although there is still the question of how strongly it will return in the autumn.


most here in the U.S. are leaning towards April/May for the virus to peak

JBE of Louisana says April
Asa of Arkansas says 6-8 weeks basically - April/May
Dewine of Ohio says April/May is best timeline
Cuomo predicts 45 days so basically mid-May

ex-fda chief scott gottlieb says April/May is when virus likely peaks

Morgan Stanley says 15-25 days with 200,000 infected! so again that's April/May timeline


both iran and India are expecting april peak
the U.K. predicts their peak will be Easter and if not Easter then most likely May/June
Australia fears their peak wont happen till August


