MovieChat Forums > Politics > Imagine how bad the virus would be sprea...

Imagine how bad the virus would be spreading if we had open borders

The coronavirus would be running rampant in the country if the left got their wish and had open borders


If Obama was still President then we would have open borders by now.


If Obama was still president he wouldn't be able to do such a thing with a republican controlled senate.

If Obama was still president he'd be too busy hiding from the Trump cultists trying to murder him for taking a third term.

By the way, welcome back. Can't wait for your next gem of a thread talking about how the media is only discussing the coronavirus to hurt Trump.


“ If Obama was still president he'd be too busy hiding from the Trump cultists trying to murder him for taking a third term.“

I believe Jowilli meant if Obama was in his 1st or 2nd term. As you well know he wouldn’t be in his 3rd term...not permitted.


This is why you don't vote for a reality tv show for president. If a pandemic hits, he's going to be more concerned with his poll numbers than taking care of the problem until its staring him in the face. This is what you get from listening to Fox News over the CDC.

Then his voters are going to have to take a few days off from message boards until that reality blows over. And when they return they'll have to concoct some alternate reality where Obama would be worse.

Well done, Trumpers 👍




Well done, Trumpers 👍


And this is why you don't want a leftist MSM with pundits blaming the President for a pandemic, rather than sticking to facts that are present. This is what happens when indoctrinated NPCs, like you, defend the MSM for politicizing a pandemic and sanctimoniously saying how much they care about the citizens, when you know they're concern is as phony as you.

Obama was worse. H1N1 proves that already. Did the media get on his case for that? Nope. They fell in line and did whatever he said and reported he was on top of it at all times. How many US citizens died, pray tell? I don't want to trivialize these deaths like your pal, dogdump does, but to say the media hasn't caused more panic than necessary is only willful Ignorance on your part. But you're so good at that subject already, so what else is new, yes?


Ultra edited his/her reply after I wrote Huh? due to the incoherent last sentence. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don't know when he edited. Don't worry. According to ultraviolent, he only engages in "honest discussions" prior to him retconning what that meant to suit his current needs. He's also a sanctimonious hypocrite for discounting me for posting for entertainment purposes when dogdump, fatzo, Fredo, Dick Dick, etc all do the same. Since they share the same viewpoint as he does, he doesn't discount their posts. He's such a class 1 phony. Have fun.


I was dismayed we had to put up with Obama for 8 long, long years. I blasted him for making law without congress, the “pen and phone” thing. And those many things we are with forever stuck. But, I never wrote the vile, vicious, words about him as these anti-Trump haters do. They pick at every little thing as if they are filled with venom 24/7.

They go to bed thinking about him with hatred. They can’t wait until the next morning to post another hate filled post about him, but worst of all, about the voters who voted for Trump. We are called every name in the book of hate. We are accused of being cultists just because we voted for someone different.

I have wrote many times on this board not to debate someone whose mind is so closed to another person’s view. It’s the same as debating with a wall...except a wall doesn’t spew venom back. So, when I do comment I try not to make an argumentative post. I still don’t understand how by not releasing someone’s tax returns makes that person stupid and uneducated. Go figure. 🤷🏼‍♀️


If Obama was still President, we would have the Pandemic team in place and the CDC would be fully funded. We would be relying on medical professionals and scientists to combat this, and we would have enough test kits in place. So please don't remind us how much better prepared we would have been with Obama (or Hillary) as President. It makes you and the other T-rumptards look worse than you already do.


Was that why so many people died from H1N1?


If T-rump was in charge, the number would be quadrupled.


Okay. Show me proof rather than conjecture. Oh you can't. What else is new, yes? Absolutely nothing. 🤪🤪🤪


I didn't see you ask the OP for proof in his original post so why would you need it from me?

And if took the time and I gave you proof - what would you do with it ? Absolutely nothing - you wouldn't understand it. You would just stare at it, and nothing would make sense to you - as usual.


The OP said "imagine" and open borders. It doesn't take somebody with even a limited creative mind to figure out that open borders is not a good thing when trying to limit exposure to a pandemic. The OP isn't citing facts or comparing something like you are. You make the statement that it would be 4x worse. Well, give me something to base your conclusion on? You got nothing other than Orange Man Bad conjecture.

Damn! Crash test dummy much? I really hope that job pays well for you. 🤪🤪🤪


The OP said:

"The coronavirus would be running rampant in the country if the left got their wish and had open borders" - that was his original post, not the thread title moron.

WOW - you're really stupid. Bad enough you don't know the difference of an 'op-ed' and an 'article', and now you don't know the difference between original post and thread title. You truly are the 'village idiot'.

So once again I will point out - you didn't bother to ask the OP for proof on his declarative statement: "The coronavirus would be running rampant in the country if the left got their wish and had open borders".


Do you know what open borders means? It doesn't seem like you do.

One second you're bitching and moan that Trump didn't act fast enough and now you're basically saying he shouldn't close the borders. He banned trips to and from China a month ago and now he's banned travel to and from Europe at the end of the week.

What did Bernie say at the Fox News townhall? He wouldn't close the borders. And you think by allowing an entire month of travel to and from China we be better off now? How, pray tell?

How stupid are you? It's ONLY OBVIOUS that closing the borders prevented people possibly contaminated from infecting the population. That's just basic COMMON SENSE.

Now you add on the open borders from Mexico. Because the medicare sucks down there, if they are infected and they can get treated for free at any US ER, where the hell do you think they'll go? To the US possibly???? Duuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......

Only a crash test dummy can be this stupid! Nevermind. You are a crash test dummy.🤪🤪🤪


So once again I will point out - you didn't bother to ask the OP for proof on his declarative statement: "The coronavirus would be running rampant in the country if the left got their wish and had open borders".


If you don't read what I post, how are you ever going to know what I say? Ignorance is Strength, innit? As they say, you can lead an idiot to the toilet, but you can't prevent him from drinking the water. 🤪🤪🤪


From what I have read, the CDC didn't lose funding, although this is what Trump wanted. Some top pandemic administrators left abruptly in 2018 and weren't replaced by Trump. So yes, it's the typical problem with trump wanting loyalists to deliver messages to reflect his "real stable genius" versus having competent people in charge.


From the CDC.

In the spring of 2009, a novel influenza A (H1N1) virus emerged. It was detected first in the United States.

Last time I checked, Mr Obama was pres in 2009 and its interesting that it started his first year. Coincidence?


And ? What is the point you are trying desperately to make ?


Pretty much like Italy now. Just as many people there drink camel pee as others drink wine.


It is rampant. That moron in the WH hasn't arranged for people to be tested.


Compared to other countries the US is doing pretty well right now


No we're not. We don't have enough testing kits available to our citizens, so the numbers are skewed - not accurate.

Stop spinning the T-rump bullshit he was shoveling last night.


This is why you don't vote for a reality tv host. When a pandemic hits, you don't want a guy more concerned with his poll numbers that he chooses to listen to Fox News hiding the numbers instead of listening to the CDC.

Italy has become the first developed economy to sign up to China's global investment programme which has raised concerns among Italy's Western allies.
A total of 29 deals amounting to €2.5bn ($2.8bn) were signed during Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Rome.


It feels like the Coronavirus is a map to tell the world how influential China is over said countries. Iran and Italy top the list.


T-rump was made aware of this virus three and a half months ago - on December1, to be exact. He was warned of the severity of it, and was told by health officials to take action THEN, to be ahead of the game, He ignored them. That is why this has spread throughout the USA - we were not prepared to deal with this the way we should have been, because T-rump ignored the warnings on the severity of this.


And if he closed the borders and issued a travel ban back then, you would be saying that he's being racist and xenophobic. It doesn't matter what he does, because idiots like you will bitch about it REGARDLESS. It's only when we compare the same situation to a dem we see the blatant hypocrisy.

Obama-Bin Laden. Well done! Trump-Bagdadi. Nothing
Obama-Kids in Cages. Nothing. Trump-racist!
Obama-H1N1. Thousands dead. correct response. Trump. less than 100 deaths. Too late!

This is what happens when one becomes indoctrinated and gives up INDEPENDENT THOUGHT.


There is no way that is accurate. Patient Zero in Wuhan, China began experiencing symptoms on December 1. The virus wasn't even identified for another month.


T-rump was made well aware of the 'pneumonia outbreak of unknown cause' in Wuhan when it first occurred in the beginning of December. Scientists were aware of the outbreak during the first few weeks of December (which they thought originated from a fish market) and gave it a 'name' the first week of January. The health department updated T-rump from its earliest stages, and he ignored their advice.


What advice was he given in early December from "the health department" that he ignored? Please cite a source for your claim.


The haters will never admit it, but Trump’s ability to meet the moment now is a reminder about why he was elected and how he has managed to guide the great American jobs machine to unprecedented heights. The only mystery is why supposedly intelligent people on the left refuse to acknowledge that millions of their fellow citizens are better off now than they were four years ago.


The illogical and ill-informed will believe everything you say. So please - continue to lead them astray.


Trumps ability to meet the moment!?
You’ve got to be kidding


I know. This guy is a comedienne.


trump and his team will make up any numbers and ignore any evidence to claim he's doing a good job. Are we supposed to believe the tax cut for the wealthy suddenly has given jobs to all those people who weren't working? I'm not getting the logic there. I think it's just don telling his people to tell lies ("gasp") to make him look good ("gasp," again).
He keeps pointing to Black employment. I know it can be statistically tracked, but djt is obsessive about pointing it out. I don't buy it, and certainly not from mr shit-hole country's mouth, mr Omorosa looks like a dog. He's just trying to convince people he actually did something for Black people. Pure damage control for being a shoot from the mouth jerk first and later realize he's making himself out to be an idiot for everyone to see.


Wouldn't matter if the uninsured aren't covered. Who needs open borders when you can spread it within eh?


Trump IS an open borders guy:

"His prosecution came after federal authorities raided the plant and arrested 389 illegal immigrants in 2008."
