MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump Bear Market Has Arrived!

Trump Bear Market Has Arrived!

The Dow and Russel 2000 have reached the minus 20% mark.

The S&P 500 and Nasdaq should reach it tomorrow after Trump has announced a travel ban from Europe except the UK.


So if liberals were calling this Obama's bull market is in this Obama's bear Market too?

I'm not sure why the Liberals can't seem to understand this but the downturn in the stock market has nothing to do with Trump. This is mostly coronavirus and Saudi Arabia oil


Obama is no longer president yet you Trump supporters cannot stop talking about him. Maybe if Trump wasn't such a disaster you would be talking about him instead.


All I hear from liberals is that Obama should be taking credit for the stock market so if it's going down he should also be blamed for it


Why? Obama has been out of office for over three years. Trump and his minions take credit when the stock market goes up so he should take responsibility when the stock market plunges. Obama has absolutely nothing to do with the stock market today.


That's not what the libs were saying just three weeks ago when it hit an all-time high


I get it. Anyone who dislikes Trump and doesn't agree with you is a liberal.


Obama gave Trump a strong stock market and good economy. Trump destroyed it.


Yes because the coronavirus which is a global issue and originated in China is Trump's fault


It's because Trump listened to Fox News instead of the CDC. Trump thought Fox News was correct that it was a "liberal hoax" and that it would blow over without him having to do anything.

The stock market is merely responding to his ignorance.

And of course his cultists are all in "but but but Obama" mode. Because you have nothing left.


Obama gave Trump a strong stock market and good economy. Trump destroyed it.

When Obama left, in 2017, the Dow Jones was at 20,000

Right now, even AFTER the fall, the Dow Jones still hasn't fallen to the point where it was when Obama left it in 2017. Right now, the Dow Jones is around 22,000. The crash point for Trump is still 2,000 higher than the peak during Obama's.


It ain't over yet! People will likely lose all gains during Trump and even some under Obama. Right now, the markets are way below the 200 moving average. Trump's mismanagement of the virus is wrecking the economy which obviously effects the markets.


oops the stock went up

27,433.48 +46.50 (0.17%)


Is that a real argument? Check the stock market growth three years into Obama's first term.

I'd swear you all have worms in your brains.


It's impolite to call them minions. The politically correct term is cronies.


All liberals hear is that T-rump is responsible for the stock market when it skyrockets. Why aren't they blaming him for the crash ?


Because anyone that has a brain knows that a foreign virus that is causing a global Panic is not Trump's fault


But his handling of it is. He refuses to have competent people around him in favor of those who don't give him straight news and advice. He's a carnival shill and that's want he wants to hear from his people.
Cut programs that help disadvantaged Americans and help the military and the richest among us. No wonder no one trusts him and think he's doing a crap job as prez. He's a total farce and failure. This joke has gone on too long. Revive The Apprentice to give this idiot something else to focus on than bringing our Democracy to it's knees with his ineptitude.


You don't seem to understand it's not the virus that's causing the crash - it's his response to it, and his handling of the crisis. He's proven himself to be an ineffective leader in times of crisis - and this shows on Wall Street. Investors have no confidence in him as a world leader who can handle such things. They know he's a fraud - plain and simple.


He was quoting Obama deep throaters.


Wait wut? Before it was Obama's economy now its Trumps? When did the transition happen?


Obama's economy was a bull market and expanding economy. Trump broke it! And now he owns it.

Trump lost the trade war with China, recession of the manufacturing sector, trillion dollar deficit, no preparation or planning of the pandemic and Trump's incompetence and dumb ideas have crashed the market.


It was already a bull market when Obama took office. He made it grow with huge tax cuts for the rich and lowered fed rates as well. He doubled the national debt, sent more jobs to China then all previous administrations combined, failed to secure the border, did not prepare for the Ebola crisis and the Swine Flu, tens of thousand died due to his incompetence, let his buddy Putin hack our elections in 2016, failed at gun control, overall a complete failure.


No, we were in a severe recession when Obama became president. Bush bailed out Wall Street before he left. Obama continued with an economic stimulus plan during his first term and the Federal Reserve helped both plans by keeping interest rates near zero for 10 years.

Our banking system almost collapsed and it was saved by competent leadership. Our economy would've collapsed while our money would've hyperinflated to zero, genius.

There's a huge difference between trying to save the economy and Trump lining his own pockets with taxpayers' money and giving an unnecessary tax cuts to his rich friends.

I know Trump's cultists like to deflect. The fact is Trump's incompetent and worst, so are his appointees who he routinely fires. Reagan had Alzheimer's but at least he had competent people around him. How many Americans are going to needlessly die because Trump doesn't know what he's doing? Are you listening to the medical community that has been complaining about his handling of this crisis? You really need to get your face up out of his hiney so you can see what's happening.


Thats what I just said bruh, Bush got the ball rolling then Obama lowered interest rates which helped the rich and then the economy started rolling forward again when all the rich people started investing again.

Obama had the biggest tax cut, check out the facts first. Tax cuts for the rich equals the economy growing.

It took Obama over 6 months to even acknowledge H1N1. By that time it was too late, Americans were already dying. It was too little too late though.

Trump acknowledged this new virus within 3 days and has people worldwide working on a cure.

Unfortunately Trump will get no credit when the virus is solved.


The press is communist so they will never give Donald credit for anything.


Trump gets credit for this Bear Market. -9.5% drop in one day!


The Bull is back!

23,185.62 +1,985.00 (9.36%)


Nope, it's only another bear trap. You have to pay attention to volume also. It went down at high volume, but it went up at low volume. High volume shows commitment. There is no commitment re: buying. All major indexes are at -20% which is a Bear Market.

Also, the government buys stocks during serous corrections to help which is likely happening now and shorts being squeezed.


Then this whole country is communist, because we have a free press. pubs have been pushing the narrative that a free press is biased against a corrupt party and regime because that's what the pub party is -- Corrupt ! They don't want people to know what's going on behind the curtain, which is what a free press does.
faux news is not a legitimate news organization. They betray their allegiance every hour, while the real work of journalism keeps grinding away for the truth. You can't handle the truth.


No matter how much you want to hope this affects trump it won't the market Fall is all on the Coronavirus


The global markets suffered a huge drop right after your moron president spoke. He is creating fear instead of calm because everyone knows he is incompetent. -9.5% drop in one day due to Trump's speech.


Exactly - people have zero faith in what he says now.


Wrong - the market crash is all on the way he's handling the crisis.


You couldn't be more wrong every article talks about a global pandemic and Saudi oil Wars


Of course every article talks about a global pandemic and Saudi oil wars - the market reacts to how he's handling the crisis. If investors have confidence in him, they would not panic. They have zero confidence in how he's handling a crisis.


On January 9,2020 when T-rump asked how your 409K is doing.




Then what are waiting for? It's a buyer's market. Disney Parks closed. It's under a $100 now. I guarantee that company won't go bankrupt anytime soon. You'll easily make 20% in the short run.

Look at BP and Exxon. Those companies aren't going bankrupt anytime soon either. The Russian/Saudi price war will eventually settle and you can make an easy 30%.

Don't be a whiny loser on the sidelines. Let your money work for you.


With idiot Trump as president, the market will probably drop -95%.


So if Disney releases a box office hit after a box office hit after a box office hit, the stock will still go down because Trump is president?


Disney Parks around the world are closed! Disney is delaying movie releases! That effects earnings. It could have been contained in the U.S. if Trump didn't do the following:

Trump ended a pandemic program that Obama created after the Ebola virus.
Trump defunded the CDC.
Trump attacked and attacks government scientists and doctors who resigned en masse.
Trump refused to start testing for this virus when doctors asked him to as early as January.
Trump joked about the seriousness of this virus for months wasting precious time.
Trump has still not addressed the serious issue of lack of testing needed to track the virus.
Trump has not resolved the crisis re: lack of ventilators, masks, gloves, etc needed by doctors to save lives and protect the people treating it.

Trump refused to contain this virus which is going to be much worst than it should. Yes, it's Trump's fault that many will die, the economy will enter a bad recession and the stock market is falling.


What part of the word “if” did you fail to understand?

Nice job completely missing the point. Let me try again and pay attention this time.

IF company XYZ completely sells out their inventory and then upon second shipment, they raise their prices 100% and still completely sells out. Is the company’s stock going to drop because Trump is President?


Oh, here's another one that hasn't aged well!


As of April 11, 2020:

Nasdaq is down -17%
S&P 500 is down -18%
Dow is down -20%
Russell 2000 is down -25%

You were saying?


27,433.48 +46.50 (0.17%)

its back up and no posts? interesting...loolz


28,492.27 +160.35 (0.57%)

wow, Trump stock market is up.


How much money did you make?


about 6k since Jan 2.

graph on fidelity is slowly going up.


It's obvious that you have ZERO money in the market.

The huge drop in the Spring means you would not have yet recovered and would still be in negative territory.


29,100.50 +454.84 (1.59%)

all time high of 29569.58

I assume you are happy now that Trumps Bear market is over.
