MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump accused of coronavirus 'cover up' ...

Trump accused of coronavirus 'cover up' as president faces criticism for giving money to companies he has stake in

The Trump administration has ordered that all top-level coronavirus meetings be treated as classified by federal health officials.

The unusual restriction has resulted in the exclusion of health staffers and government experts without security clearances from interagency meetings.

Officials inside the Trump administration spoke with Reuters, claiming the restrictions have hampered efforts to contain the coronavirus.

Trump only cares about himself. If you think that Trump cares about you then you are sadly mistaken.


As the old saying goes: "Follow the money".


It was a beautiful, perfect coronavirus meeting. Everyone tells him how perfect the meeting was. There has never been a meeting more perfect. The ultimate perfection of meetings.


Not only was the meeting perfect it was beautiful too.


I can see how easy it is to have zero INDEPENDENT THOUGHT. Had you read the article you posted, thank you for that by the way, it names an "official". Who's that? That's nobody. Nobody to corroborate the information. They aren't even in the meetings so how would he/she even know? It's nothing less than hearsay and dogdump just bitched about Alex Jones being a conspiracy theorist. Well, hello pot. Meet kettle! Such hypocrites you are.

Try a different news site than yahoo news.


Yahoo is an aggregate news source that includes other news sources on their web site. Even Fox News. The article that I posted a link is from The Independent. You are just too stupid to see this. Typical of most Trump supporters.


Oh I see. You only read the ones that are leftist biased. Now why I remember why I changed my home page out of Yahoo way back when.

Also, notice how you failed to address any of my concerns other than your source material? No rebuttal or refuttal? I guess you and dogdump share the same indoctrination center, yes?

