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For Trump, Coronavirus Proves to Be an Enemy He Can't Tweet Away

Defending against criticism of his handling of the coronavirus, President Donald Trump suggested the other day that he could hardly have been expected to be ready for such an unexpected crisis.

“Who would have thought?” he asked during a visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the nerve center for the government’s response to the outbreak. “Who would have thought we would even be having the subject?”

Actually, quite a few people would have thought, and did — including the officials in his own White House who were in charge of preparing for just such a pandemic only to have their office shut down in a reorganization in 2018. “The threat of pandemic flu is the No. 1 health security concern,” one of the officials said the day before that happened two years ago. “Are we ready to respond? I fear the answer is no.”

Trump has shown his uneducation and stupidity when trying to handle the coronavirus outbreak. Americans have lost their faith inTrump and this is shown by the huge drops in the stock market.


T-rump won’t win this one. A deadly virus and sinking stock market? No way.


Let's dial back the panic..

"It's clear that the Democrats see the corona virus outbreak as an opportunity rather than an epidemic. Having failed to bring down President Trump with ridiculous conspiracy theories involving Russia and Ukraine, they are desperately attempting to convince the public he is somehow exacerbating the COVID-19 crisis. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, for example, issued a joint press release Sunday that included the following fiction: “President Trump continues to manufacture needless chaos within his administration and it is hampering the government’s response to the corona virus outbreak.” Predictably, Pelosi and Schumer fail to provide any objective facts to support this claim.

A good read if you pull back from the biased fake news media outlets but the love some have for paranoia and hysteria will give the leftists the ride they want if not the victory.


It’s really sad to see something like this politicized. But I’m definitely not surprised, as there is no shame in politics, and they will resort to anything, and I mean ANYTHING, to get him out of office. I mean, just vote in November for Christ’s sake.

Since the election, the level of CONSTANT 24/7 bitching coming from so many Democrats, politicians and citizens, and the amount of hypocritical and childish behavior as’s just astounding. I have never seen human beings act like this...ever. The funny thing is, they are just as bad as they accuse Trump of being, and they have no idea. The amount of hatred for anyone who voted for him (I didn’t vote for him, so piss off), or anyone who even mentions that he handled ANYTHING well, those “tolerant” liberals will attack you like you took their Birkenstock’s away, with enough hatred and vile insults to more than match the supposed xenophobic, racist, homophobic, sexist, old white dude boomers they always accuse everyone of being.

They’re acting like Trump is a doctor who should have developed a vaccine and a cure for this by now. All you can do is listen to your medical advisors. Wonder if the leaders of the other countries are being criticized for failing to stop a virus from spreading? Do you know how unbelievably difficult that is to do??? Especially with how moronic society has become. Lol.

The funny thing is, all people do is criticize, and never offer any alternative solution to anything. Good old politics. No wonder there’s never a damn thing that gets done.


But it is 81 dead so far this year in the US. No wait a minute this is about the virus not the amount killed this year in Chicago.


The latest update: 27 people have died from corona virus in the USA since March 1, with 849 cases reported as of today (and those are for the cases which people could actually be tested - who knows how many people are infected but haven't had the chance to be tested?).

But don't worry - T-rump said it would be 'contained' at 15 the other day. I'm sure he was telling the truth.


It will end up being another injection we will need to have each year.
Flu deaths up in the new year: CDC Flu deaths are up more than 65% so far in 2020, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reporting that 4,800 people had died and 87,000 people had been hospitalized.


Lap dogs like Rush, O'Reilly and Hannity and all their echo chambers have set the tone. That pubs put someone like chump trump at the head of their party leaves no room for politely looking away while our country runs off the rails. I don't endorse extreme language but trump has invited it. He's arrogant blowhard, and his followers will excuse anything no matter how horrifying. It's disgusting.


How many lap dogs did Obama have, pray tell? Maddow, Olberman, all the network anchors, Cooper, Blitzer, Lemon, etc. The ENTIRE MSM was on his side and when something he did wrong, the coverage was sparse and limited. Seriously, how much did you hear about Fast & Furious? You probably didn't know that AG Holder was held in contempt of Congress.

You bitch about the border, but what did Obama do. He enforced border laws. That's a good thing and doing so, he detained illegals crossing the border including children. The law says children must be separated from their parents as they don't want kids in a jail, so kids in cages. You bitch about now, but you didn't bitch about it then. Straight up hypocrisy.

What else did Obama do? He extended the Bush tax cuts. That's a good thing too, yet you all bitch that tax cuts are for the wealthy only. So why didn't you bitch about Obama about that, yet you bitch about Trump's tax cuts, which you benefit from as well. Tax cuts benefit everybody from the top down, but you only see what you want to see. As Margaret Thatcher said, "you want the poor to be poorer."

Why don't you move to Venezuela? It's Michael Moore endorsed and he's in the 1%.


T-rump politicized this when he de-funded the CDC over the past three years, and decided to fire (or push to resign) the Pandemic Team back in 2018, which Obama put in place for situations such as this. His ego pushed him to 'undo' everything which Obama did in his two terms in Office, and look where we are now - a place we certainly don't have to be.

Voters will remember this come November. He jeopardized the lives of thousands.


One again robocat, thank you for including the link to the article. Although I don't share many of your viewpoints and you are blowhard grammar nazi, providing a link allows everybody a chance to make up their own mind and backs up your stance. That should go without mention, but other regular posters here don't seem to know that. So thank you again.

I do see you get the majority of your news from Yahoo news. As you can see, it's very opinionated and leftist skewed. Boiling all of the chepooka away, I would agree that the response could've been bolder, but then again it's a damned if you damned if you don't situation. I don't blame Obama for his dealing with the H1N1 flu. If Trump orders travel bans earlier than he did, it might've been too early, thus disrupting citizens, tourists, business. Knowing what we know now, it's easy to say he should've done it.

If you believe that Americans' have lost faith in Trump, well then just sit back and wait for November when the inevitable will happen. No need to waste your time on the boards bitching and moaning, yes?
