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As Americans Continue To Get Coronavirus, Trump Shows He Doesn't Really Care

A meeting between President Donald Trump and health officials that was meant to reassure the public about the coronavirus instead became a sideshow in which the president praised himself, asked about television ratings and suggested sick passengers on a cruise ship stay there because he didn’t want to include them in U.S. infection numbers.

During a tour of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta on Friday, Trump donned a red campaign hat and boasted about himself amid an ongoing global crisis that has killed at least 3,000 people. At least 17 people in the U.S. have died from the coronavirus and more than 200 people in the country are infected. That number could be much higher, but the CDC has bungled its response and limited the number of diagnostic tests that can be administered.

Trump continues to be an embarrassment to our country. Most Americans are tired of Trump's nonsense and he will lose in November.


Those poor people on the cruise ship.


I know, right? Those people looked at Trump to be a leader and to help them. Instead Trump only cares how he looks to his supporters. Absolutely disgusting.


Honestly, I'm becoming more disgusted of his supporters at this point.

My wife said it well the other day. She said: "It's no longer a question of politics. It's a question of morality.".

Indeed. I question the mental faculties of ANYONE who could support such an abhorrent, disgusting, despicable slob as Trump. Oh, and the fact that Trumpers only ever defend that piece of shit with deflections speaks VOLUMES about them and their cult leader.

It's important that we remember his supporters when this abhorrent dumpster fire of a so-called ""president"" is finally gone because this psychos WILL vote in another Trump one day if we're not careful.

Trumpers represent a (thankfully) dying breed and we're witnessing the final spasms of this dying beast (support for Trump) and one last ditch effort to try to keep the "old regime" alive.


It's been a question of morality for a very long time - your wife is correct. It became a question of morality before election day in 2016, when the Access Hollywood tape surfaced - how could anyone in their right mind vote for a candidate who takes pleasure in sexually abusing women like that ?


Good example! This is why Trumpers deflect in these arguments: they KNOW he's a piece of shit and must find a way to drag his detractors down to their level in order to de-legitimize (in their minds) the argument.

My wife and I were discussing it today when the subject of that Agua di Gio guy came up. That guy is being railroaded on social media for recently revealing his support for Trump and how it was an "honor" for him to shake Trump's hand.

Thousands have already unfollowed that guy and threats to some of his endorsements have already been made. The guy was like: "Why am I being attacked for having a political opinion?". And that's the Trumpers in a nutshell: they express their support of Trump but then bitch, piss, whine and moan when people express their dislike of Trump in return. This guy--this public figure--thought he could just post this Trump flog on social media and not receive any negative backlash over it. The guy made a choice to voice a political opinion loud and clear in a controversial age on his social media account and then acted all "confused" over the negative response.

Have you noticed this? Trumpers seem to be guilty of this more than they accuse the liberal of: this act of posting a controversial political opinion and then acting all offended by people's less-than-savory replies. They act as if people should only reply with praise and no negativity. This is ironic because this is PRECISELY the thing you see them mention constantly about "liberal snowflakes" and how they can't handle criticism.

This guy was also being criticized for how he lashes out at people over matters (much like Trump) and tends to retaliate (much like Trump) but then acts like complete victim when people say they're unfollowing him over his Trump pic.

Trumpers DO act very similar to Trump in this case, don't they?

That's why I said I hate his supporters even more at this point. Hypocrites, the lot of them. Hypocrites who are more "snowflake" than they accuse us.


I am not familiar with the Aqua di Gio guy and the controversy surrounding him - do you have a link to what you're referring to in your post ? Thanks!


God I hope so


I’m just curious...what could he have done that would have actually made you happy?

I’m guessing he could have developed a vaccine, trialed it on himself after giving himself the disease, and then administered the first vaccine to a transgendered baby and you still would have somehow turned it around into a negative light to make him look like shit, just because it’s Donald Trump. 🤣

The president is horribly unprofessional and narcissistic, but the depths that people go to try and make this man the devil are hysterical. It’s common place in politics, and I’m sure if Obama was president the same thing would happen from the other side, but honestly, this man is not a doctor...he has no bearing over what happens with the Coronavirus...what the hell is he supposed to do??? He meets with people studying the disease, and he gives a speech here and there about it.

He has no effect whatsoever on what happens with the Coronavirus. There is absolutely NOTHING that people won’t turn political in today’s society. It’s brutally sad that some people live their lives that way, but there is nothing that Donald Trump can do except what his medical team of advisers says to do.

That’s a Yahoo! article too, they are basically a MSNBC website.

Can’t wait until November is over.


I’m just curious...what could he have done that would have actually made you happy?

1. In 2018, he fired the pandemic team (some say they abruptly resigned under him, knowing they were being terminated) which President Obama put in place. He did this out of spite for Obama's presidency. Fired or resigned, he never replaced them. They would have really come in useful the past few months if he left them alone. America would have been ahead of the game, like we were with other pandemics, if we had a Pandemic Team.

2. Since he took office, he's been defunding the CDC - so we don't have the experts in place as we should have, and always did up until he took over.

So this pandemic has turned 'political' because he made it political from day one - undoing everything that President Obama put in place, all for jealousy and spite. No, 'he has no bearing over what happens with the coronavirus' but if he left everything in place we would have been pro-active with this virus, as we were with past viruses. And Americans wouldn't be stranded on a cruise ship to help his re-election campaign.


The only thing he could have done to make me happy was resign


If he wins in November, we're in deep trouble. Donald Trump is the first presidency in my lifetime whose tenure has actually frightened me. No other president made me actually feel afraid for my quality of life until he came along. If he wins again...I don't even know what will happen. Look at what he's done so far since being ""acquitted"" at his impeachment--he's emboldened. He's on a warpath. His melting fever-brain is zonking out left and right. Imagine how emboldened he'll feel if he's reelected. He won't have another election he'll have to worry about winning. His second term would be like a free-for-all. Think about it: no more reelection campaign to focus on. Just four more years of doing whatever the hell he wants.

It's always been that second term I've been the most afraid of. I'm sure a lot of people feel that way. That's the danger zone.

I also, for the first time in my life, am literally questioning EVERYTHING. Things I never would have even THOUGHT to question before:

-Will he leave when his term is finished?

-Will he find some way to stay on as president for life?

-Will he find a way to transform our country into a full-fledged dictatorship?

-Hell, I'm even beginning to honestly wonder if this guy will somehow find a way to make it illegal to refuse to support him. Why not? He's retaliating against EVERYONE who stands against him. For God's sake, he even asked his officials to try to get the NAMES of anyone who booed him at that one sporting event!

And his supporters are so damn batshit crazy at this point that I honestly can't tell a troll from a true Trumper.

I'm feeling what a lot of people are feeling at this point: if Trump doesn't lose the election this year (and actually LEAVE in January without putting up a fuss, which we KNOW he will do) then I don't think there's any coming back for our country. We may not come back anyway but we are GUARANTEED to never come back if Trump stays on another term. A Trump second term are uncharted waters we need to stay the hell away from.

It's quite a sight to behold: this guy's mental state is taking a nosedive and a third of our country doesn't even CARE. In fact--they APPLAUD and BRAG about it! It's insane.


So far Trump has done a terrible job with the corona virus. It's going to get worse and he has no plan. People will not vote for him once the economy goes in the shitter and people and their family members start to get sick and potentially die.


His handling of this international crisis and the down-spiraling of the economy (stock market and people not spending during this pandemic) is bound to hurt him in November.

However, if he squeaks by with re-election, there's an excellent chance the Dems will be keeping the House and grabbing the Senate - so he's doomed. He's looking at more investigations and probably another impeachment.


My wife told me today: "He's not gonna win again.".

To me, this means a lot. She's a very practical person. Always has been. She's almost always right about matters. Hell, she correctly predicted Trump would be president in the first place. I used to scoff and say: "Honey, he won't win. He's a joke. No way will people vote for him." and she would say: "He will. Just watch. I think he's gonna win.".

And, of course, he won.

Funny enough, my wife isn't even originally American. She immigrated from Asia quite a number of years ago. In fact, Trump is a big reason why my wife and I accelerated her US Naturalization because we feared what that idiot might try to do to legal immigrants.

It's funny because she had predicted we would be in a war with the Middle East if Bush Jr. won.

My wife is a good judge of character and can see the bigger picture in many situations before a lot of people can. She's rarely wrong in these predictions of hers. If she says Trump won't win, I'm inclined to believe her.

Yes, Trump's handling of this crisis is terrible. It's a nonresponse, more or less. They say you can tell a lot about a president for how they handle a crisis. Well, Donald doesn't even qualify as an amateur. He DOES NOT CARE about us Americans. AT ALL. He's proven this time and time again but this situation especially proves it. He cares about his votes. His reelection. His money. His ego. Nothing else. To him, this coronavirus is an inconvenience. To him, this is a detriment to his reelection. Nothing more.

Can't wait to be rid of this idiot. History will not be kind to this dark era in our history.


I knew he would win the first time also. I really thought he would win again, but with the way he is handling the corona virus, I am starting to believe that he won't win due to his lack of a response to this crisis.


As well as the stock market.


And you would think that he would be concerned about how the stock market has fallen. Eventually, he is going to have to understand that the economy is heading toward recession due to his inaction on the coronavirus. He has been talking up how he is responsible for the stock markets rise and the good economy, but if both hit the skids, he is done for. He might be dumb, but are the people advising him dumb too? He'd better pull a rabbit out of the hat pretty damn fast or else he will be finished. The only thing that might save the entire predicament he is in is if he is correct and by springtime the virus starts to wane. That could give him the opportunity to make it to election day before the virus comes back in the fall and winter.
