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Why Did Sanders Wait a Month Before Revealing Russian Campaign Help?

It doesn't appear very trustworthy.


His honeymoon was in communist Russia. His roots are there.



"Goldengirlsfan" but not a single post about the show on his profile. Just a leftard nutcase off his leash.



It was classified, correct? Most likely he was informed to not discuss it.
Moving past that, what has Russia done exactly to help his campaign? They spike his numbers in Nevada? His fans being bots or brownshirts like Chuck Todd slandered them as? There's no evidence of them being used by Russians this cycle.
Furthermore, Sanders denounced the Russians interfering in American elections in general and specifically warned against them dividing the Democratic base.


You know better than this. If you have to repeat Russian propaganda in order to defend Sanders then you have a serious problem. Rght now, you sound like Trump. That's not a good thing.


"You know better than this."

Don't shoot the messenger.

What Russian propaganda? Elaborate please. Because even the experts aren't even sure yet how Putin planned on helping him. And if you start with the Bernie bros, don't bother.

“We have seen no evidence in open sources during this election cycle that an online community of Sanders supporters, known as Bernie bros, were catalyzed by what Sanders suggested could be ‘Russian interference,’ ” said Graham Brookie, director of the Digital Forensic Research Lab at the Atlantic Council, which tracks disinformation on social media sites. “Any candidate or public official casually introducing the possibility of Russian influence without providing any evidence or context creates a specter of interference that makes responding to real interference harder.” (WaPo)

His campaign hasn't seek help from them (unlike Trump) and now CNN is reporting that briefer overstated their assessment of the 2020 Russian interference. So it looks like he's not a Russian asset. Don't mix your Bernie hate with Trump's criminal activity.


Sanders already admitted that Russians were helping his campaign. Keep up!


How so? What evidence you have? This is what he said anyway:

"It was not clear what role they're going to play. We were told that Russia, maybe other countries, are going to get involved in this campaign, and look, here's the message to Russia: stay out of American elections,

"And what they are doing, by the way, the ugly thing that they are doing, and I've seen some of their tweets and stuff, is they try to divide us up. That's what they did in 2016 and that is the ugliest thing they are doing -- is they are trying to cause chaos, they are trying to cause hatred in America."

I'd say they don't have to sow discord. Threads like this do a solid job.


If anything, Russia is hurting him. All it does is give establishment democrats ammunition against him without them having to explain exactly what they are criticizing.

We're not seeing the Cambridge Analytica stuff that we saw in 2016, and we certainly aren't seeing any DNC hacks targeting the establishment dems or propping up Bernie.

Also, Russia is smart enough to know that any campaign to help Bernie now could linger beyond the convention. The last thing Russia wants is a motivated voting base turning up for Bernie in the general election.

The only thing I could see worth complaining about are repubs voting for Bernie in open primaries. But that's a problem with the system and not Russian influence.


Cambridge Analytica changed their name and they are still being used by the Trump camp.

Russia is helping Sanders and Trump. You're unAmerican for believing Russian propaganda over the American Intelligence community.

Your attitude the reason why I compare the Sanders cult to the Trump cult. Willful ignorance and blind loyalty instead of critical thinking skills.


Putin has his agents in the US newsrooms. Can't let the public know!


Faux news which supports and repeats Russian propaganda. I totally agree with you.


Why do you lie in the title?
It doesn't appear very trustworthy.


"Sanders acknowledged he was briefed "about a month ago" about Russia's efforts, telling reporters Friday that he was "told Russia and other countries" were interfering in the elections. "


So how's Russia helping Bernie Sanders right now? Or are they just saying that to scare people like you into not supporting the most popular Democratic candidate and split the party further?


"But some current and former officials expressed doubt that Russian officials think that Mr. Sanders has a hidden affinity for Moscow. Instead, they said that a Russian campaign to support Mr. Sanders might ultimately be aimed at aiding Mr. Trump. Moscow could potentially consider Mr. Sanders a weaker general election opponent for the president than a more moderate Democratic nominee, according to two people familiar with the matter.

Russia also worked to support — or at least not harm — Mr. Sanders in 2016. Operatives at a Russian intelligence-backed troll factory were instructed to avoid attacking Mr. Sanders or Mr. Trump, according to the report by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, and an indictment he secured of 13 Russians working on the operation.

Both the indictment and Mr. Mueller’s report quoted internal documents from the Internet Research Agency ordering operatives to attack Hillary Clinton’s campaign. “Use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest except for Sanders and Trump — we support them,” the document said.

Russian operatives used the troll factory in 2016 to pose on social media as Americans and sow divisions among already divisive issues like immigration, religion and race. It was one part of the Kremlin’s multipronged attack on the election that also included hackings of Democratic emails, payments to unsuspecting Americans to stage pro-Trump rallies in battleground states and at least one scouting trip to the United States in 2014.

Mr. Sanders said the Russians were again trying to interfere in the race. Some “ugly stuff on the internet” had been attributed to his campaign that could be coming from falsified accounts, he said.


His online army of supporters is both coveted by his rivals and a source of complaints because of what they say is abusive behavior online. During the Democratic debate on Wednesday in Las Vegas, Mr. Sanders suggested that Russian trolls may be responsible for the some of the worst of the postings.

“All of us remember 2016, and what we remember is efforts by Russians and others to try to interfere in our election and divide us up,” he said. “I’m not saying that’s happening, but it would not shock me.”?


"Oh no, mean tweets. The horror"


That has nothing to do with the part of your title that is a lie.


The information was probably classified.


No, it wasn't.
