On President's Day, Obama takes a subtle, important jab at T-rump
President Obama has stayed mostly quiet throughout T-rump's presidency the past three years, and the lies which T-rump constantly spits out about Obama's presidency. But today, Obama gave T-rump a subtle jab which has proven very important during our current economic times.
One of the biggest lie which T-rump has told and continues to tell on the campaign trail is that he 'turned the economy around' since taking office, and now we're enjoying the best economy ever because of his policies. Aside from T-rumptards, everyone knows this is not true at all. On January 20, 2009 Obama inherited the worst economic recession since the Ice Age thanks to the Republicans, and in less than a month laid the groundwork to save America from another Great Depression. That is when he signed signed the Recovery Act, which kicked off the strongest economic growth which has lasted more than a decade - and which T-rump is benefiting from today. And this was the subtle jab Obama gave the President today - bursting his balloon, and setting the record straight with voters. Tweeted Obama:
"Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the worst recession in generations, I signed the Recovery Act, paving the way for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history," Obama tweeted with a photo of the 2009 Stimulus Package.