MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump makes 86 false claims over two wee...

Trump makes 86 false claims over two weeks, including whoppers about Bloomberg, Pelosi and Social Security

President Donald Trump made 31 false claims last week and 55 the week before, including 22 at a campaign rally in Des Moines, Iowa, in late January and 13 in an official speech at a community college in Charlotte, North Carolina, in early February.

We have a toddler for a president.


All politicians lie! Doesn’t make it right though. But to be fair you need to include everyone who does lie instead of singling out the one you dislike. By Trump being a braggadocio and a narcissist his lies are more apparent.

“How quickly NY Times forgets Obama's lies and frauds”



The "bu bu but Obama" defense. So weak and pathetic.


“Just the facts, Mam! Just the facts!” I’m well aware you’re not a Mam, but it was the first thing to pop into my head. 🙇🏼‍♀️

But, y’all do the same reach into the past. I didn’t write in defense of Trump. There was no “bu bu but Obama" defense. I wrote it was wrong so please read my reply carefully. You could have agreed with me, but your stock replies are to deride those of us who bring out other facts which are unfavorable to your guy/gal.

I just wish Trump would keep his mouth shut and Twitter would block him! 😡 All State of the Union speeches are filled with half truths, lies and glorious hope. As Buzz Lightfoot says “To Infinity and Beyond!” They sound wonderful until a fact check is done.

As I wrote in a prior reply you Dems never find fault in anything another Dem does. Your daily goal is to write more hate for Trump and I swear it seems that’s all why you exist. Call me a fool for posting on this board due to my reply is going to be besmirched. So Weak & Pathetic...that’s how you read me. OK


Stay on point and stay in the same debate. I can bring my dog into this debate if I choose to. It would be idiotic but I could do it.

Don't deflect or dig in the past and make an argument.


Here's the problem.

Obama said "seven million people became eligible" when it was nearly six and a half million. He rounded up, and was only one-tenth away from the actual figure.

Trump concocts an entire conspiracy about Bloomberg trying to stand on a box to make himself look taller, and Trump even has it investigated.

It goes beyond what he says on twitter. He's using resources for this crap. And then you turn around and say "y'all do the same thing."


If you read more carefully I was referring to bringing up past presidents. You people single out just one, Trump. I referred to Obama’s lies while writing they all lie and spin. I’m then lambasted for not griping about just Trump. I’m tired of this! You folks will never, ever write about lying, crooked Dems, there are some. Your leftist Dems are a bunch of lemmings who see no fault in one of theirs. They stick together and truth be damned! Nothing comes out of their mouths but vile hatred for Trump. BTW, as I’ve wrote ad nauseam I don’t like the character of him.


I got the 'seven million people became eligible' "lie" from your link. So I'd say my reply is perfectly on point.


Obama has been out of office for over three years now yet you Trump supporters cannot stop talking about him. Maybe if Trump wasn't such a disaster you would be talking about him instead.


Like you didn’t when it came to Bush? Well, all righty now! 🙄


And I bet you were "all in" with the Iraq war and called all disinters "un-American". Those same people blush when I call them on their b.s.

This will play out just like Bush Jr. did. Trump will fuck things up horribly and a Democrat will come in and fix things while being blamed for the past administrations failures.


Well, it’s apparent you missed my post. I wrote once that statue of Saddam came down we should have packed up and got out! I watched a series on Viet Nam and became angry all over again as we had no business over there. But, anyhoo, a Vietnamese spokesperson made a statement which rang true. Something to the effect of “You Americans come to assist us...but then you become occupiers!” They ended up hating us, and I don’t mean the Viet Cong.

See, you don’t know me! I most certainly did NOT call those against the Iraq war “un-American”. Also, please knock it off about Rep. “mucking” things up so the great and mighty Dems have to fix things. Johnson lied and got us trenched into Viet Nam! He’s the one who put boots on the ground! I lived that damn war!!

Again, watch your language please?


See this is the disconnect you have. We should have never ousted Saddam.

Once that happened the fuckery began. You realize it was a mistake but try to justify it in the next sentence.


And I would like to add that Bush Jr. handed off the worst recession since the GD to Obama. Reagan and Bush Sr. left a massive debt and Clinton left office with a surplus. A SURPLUS. This is in the last 40 years. So yes. 3 Republican Presidents left a messy house and a Democrat President was elected to clean that mess up.

I stand by my statement.


You forget Clinton acquiesced to Newt and the Reps. He was wise in doing so, going along with the Contract for America. And, yes, Bush never vetoed a spending bill. I’ve wrote about this before. He went along to get along. I finally came to the conclusion Clinton (scoundrel that he was) was a better President...mostly due to Newt and the gang. You deride me for going back in time, but here you are going all the way back to Reagan. I’m not going there.

Care for some reading?
“President Bush added $5.849 trillion” This was after 9/11.
“Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most dollar-wise. He added $8.588 trillion.”

US Debt by President by Dollar and Percentage

“When Obama was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2009, the debt was $10.626 trillion. When he left office on Jan. 20, 2017, it was $19.947 trillion.”




I’s so boring to read and maybe learn something.🥱 As the saying goes “You can lead a horse to water...but you can’t make it drink!”
Ta ta! And Farewell! I bid you adieu!


I once knew a man not only boring, but the cause of boredom.


OK? 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m going back to the potato salad thread. 😋


There is more truth in that thread than in the entirety of this forum.


Have you ever read a list of Trump's lies, and his broken promises??? Unbelievable!
