Trump says he had Soleimani killed "to stop a war". That's like saying "I drove into the brick wall to stop the car". If this escalates it will be very bad. Nice going Idiot-in-Chief.
But we have Michael Moore now cussing them out.
با ابراز تأسف عمیق از اقدامات خشونت آمیز به نام ما توسط مردی که اکثریت آمریکایی ها هرگز به آن رأی نداده اند ، من می خواهم که شما با خشونت جواب ندهید بلکه در عوض شجاعانه عمل کنید و به ما ، مردم آمریکا اجازه دهید از قدرت خودداری کنید. مردی
مایکل مور
شهروند امریکایی
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) January 7, 2020
Me? I would get the fuck out of Iraq and let them do what they've done for thousands of years. Cut the losses now because it will only get worse and more expensive. This is just carry-over from the Bush admin. and the neo-cons running it. CUT LOSSES!