10% Income Tax for every American
is this a bad idea?
shareYeah that would be nice. Those businesses that pay virtually no taxes would never stand for it though. And let's be honest: Those same businesses are pulling the strings of politicians to get favorable tax bills passed. Money begets money. Same as it ever was.
shareyes, I know but would middle class a lower also be fine with paying 10 cents of every dollar they make with no tax breaks, maybe they wont spoil their kids as much?
What about the lower class that doesn't worry about working hard, knowing they get plenty of social benefits? Not saying that is the case for everyone who's lower class, but it is for a LOT of them. Do you think they might suddenly have a problem with rampant spending on social programs when they actually kick in a percentage too?
shareThe ones who virtually pay no taxes will make sure they don't pay a 10% increase on the very little they do pay - if they pay at all.
shareA regressive tax system punishes anyone who isn't rich. The rich get to pay much less and everyone else pays more. That was figured out a few centuries ago.
shareI just think if a sales tax of 10 cents for every dollar is fine a Income tax of 10 cents for every dollar would be fine
shareIt doesn't work that way. Not every item has a sales tax and if you can't afford to buy something, then you don't.
But, a Federal income tax is mandatory. Rich people pay more than 10% so you're lowering their taxes. Lower income people pay less so you' be raising their income tax. See the following example:
Two families: $250k ea year vs $25k ea. year. Ten percent from the wealthier family means they may not buy a second car. Ten percent from the poorer family means they may not eat or pay rent.
Another issue is that the government uses taxes to direct behavior. Right now, people are donating less to charities because Trump's tax cut for the rich made it more difficult to write-off those donations. Also, tax cuts help stir the economy through investments or other tax incentives.
Finally, the reason why the tax system is set-up so that people overpay taxes during the year and receive a refund is an important psychological component. People feel like they're getting something in return for paying their taxes - less complaining and more complying. Notice how people are more likely to be upset if they don't get a refund even if they pay the same amount.
Simple answers in a complicated world often don't work.
Well said Keelai. I didn't realize the OPs angle until he started talking about the poor and middle-class spoiling their children, LMAO.
share'Cause we all know the middle and lower classes love to spoil their children. LOL!
shareYou get where I'm coming from, right? I thought the OP was going to start a thread about fair taxation and then he starts talking about spoiled children of the lower and middle class. Too funny.
shareYou're going to see many, many, many of these types of posts here - so keep your guard up.
And if you're not for T-rump, fair warning...
The T-rumpers will accuse you of being a 'sock account', a socialist, a communist, a hater, a troll, a liar, and many other assorted terms of endearment.
Don't try to have a 'discussion' with them, they will twist everything around to fit their pro-T-rump narrative, and then resort to ending with whatever the facts are is 'fake news'. Beware - many of their threads are set up to troll, as well.
So as I said earlier, fasten your seatbelt! LOL!
I came here for movie talk. Obviously due to the climate this site needed a political "safety valve" to keep it out of the other discussions. I'm cool with that. I don't have to post in this sub-forum. That said I can't help myself. I come from bitter political forums. That's why I came here!To get away from that! Pretty damned ironic if you ask me.
At times, the movie and TV sections on this site can be brutal too. Plenty of trolling along with all-around bigotry and sexism. The general section is surprisingly pleasant though.
sharea Universal 10% Income Tax
shareThat sounds way too fair for Democrats.
shareIt's not fair as I already wrote - see above. A greater proportion of your income is going to taxes if you are poorer. An example is the flat tax in Illinois which the governor wants to repeal:
"As the chart shows, the bottom fifth of Illinois taxpayers, those making below $21,800, contribute 14.4 percent of their income in state and local taxes each year on average, compared to only 7.4 percent for the top 1 percent, or those with incomes above $537,400."
Careful! So much factual information in one post could upset the trumplings...
shareKeelai you are slaying it in this thread. I'm not sure how "Master" is going to respond other than insult liberals or some such BS.
shareMost wealthy people get their wealth from capital gains and not income.
Even if you said 10% tax on capital gains and income, think about what you gain just by living in a wealthy neighborhood. You get better drinking water, better internet, more responsive power companies, better police forces/fire dept, better roads, and of course better schools.
The wealthy get all of those things by paying the same tax burden that everyone else pays who doesn't get those things.
That is why it is a regressive tax.
Master, you just got blown out of the water. Care to reply to Keelai or untravioletx?
Cat got your tongue?
It would cause a mass unemployment of lawyers and tax people.
shareIf you want a fair tax, a consumption tax around 15% is a better idea. Then everyone pays equally based on how much they spend. And therefore everyone has a stake in the game.
A better system as it doesn’t punish productivity, however it would kill millions of jobs and take away the governments power to selectively tax.
So it’ll never happen.