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Pence, Pompeo and Mulvaney still under investigation

Rep. Adam Schiff (R-CA) said last night that three T-rump cabinet members are still under investigation for their involvement in the Ukraine scandal to help T-rump personally in the 2020 election.

In an interview with Lawrence O'Donnell last night, The Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence explained, “We know, I think, very well what the president did that he withheld this military assistance, that he withheld this meeting in the White House, to coerce Ukraine into doing investigations to help his re-election campaign.”

“But how much involvement did the Secretary of State have in this?” Schiff continued. “We know he was in the loop from the documentary evidence and testimony of Ambassador Sondland. We know the vice president was aware of the conditionality of the military aid on these political investigations. We certainly know Mick Mulvaney was deeply involved in this.”

“There’s more to learn about their role,” he added. “There’s also more to learn about when this whole scheme began, because there are indications it started far earlier than we expected, that indeed some elements of this go back to when the prior president of Ukraine, Poroshenko was in office, efforts to get that president and his attorney general, Lutsenko, to engage in his sham investigations to help Donald T-rump.”


1. Where's the link? Not slanted enough, yes?

2. How much weight does Schiff's accusations carry? None. He accuses everybody and he's a proven liar by WaPo.

3. He went on MSNBC! Well that's it then, yes? Game. Set. Match! Just wait for the inevitable now, yes?

4. If you only believed the chepooka you posted, you'd post less chepooka. Just FYI.🤪🤪🤪


Shiff is a proven LIAR, just like YOU.


I take that is a major compliment - thank you!


It should be illuminating to everyone that a PROVEN liar such as you, is happy to be known as such but your antifa komrads and human centipede club doesn't care about truth. Orange man bad! Cheeto!! T-rump! SCAM MAN!!


You know what's really weird? How you keep following doggiedaddy around and accusing him of lying when the president you support is the biggest established and proven liar of all.

It kind of takes the wind out your sails by proving you really don't care if someone lies as long as you agree with them politically. It exposes you as a massive hypocrite while making your accusations sound like a bad joke.


Well, to play devil's advocate, you're as massive a hypocrite because you don't care that Doggiedaddy is a liar.


I asked you the other day what you thought he lied about because you appeared so upset and you couldn't tell me.

The only thing I saw was when he admitted to misspeaking about Netanyahu's indictment which I frankly found ridiculous for you to insist he lied when he admitted his mistake. Everyone knows a sitting PM can't go to trial while in office so it was obvious he wasn't trying to lie about Bibi being found guilty when logic dictates that can't happen while he is still the Prime Minister.

But like I said, none of it matters because you clearly don't care about lies or hypocrisy so long as the person adheres with you politically. That's why you constantly accusing doggiedaddy of lying when the president you support is such a MASSIVE and proven liar is a joke.


I have mentioned numerous times, on numerous threads that he said the White House Press Secretary said that "impeachment" went against the constitution. That is a total lie. She never said that. She said "undermining" the president went against the constitution.

As far as the Netanyahu thing goes, he only SAID he misspoke after being completely cornered but lets think about this, shall we? Would you ever confuse "indicted" and "found guilty"? Me neither and for a little more perspective, if T-rump said the EXACT same thing, you'd have him drawn and quartered and you'd go to your grave, saying he lied. You would NEVER believe he "misspoke".

I have no doubt that T-rump lies. I have no doubt Bernie lies. I have no doubt Lindsey Graham lies. I have no doubt Hillary and Bill lie. I have no doubt Barak and Michelle lie. I have no doubt Mitch McConnell lies. I have no doubt Nancy Pelosi lies. I have no doubt Warren, Biden, Beto, and all the others lie. Which liar are you gonna vote for? Hypocrite.


Actually I'm not aware of when Bernie has ever lied. Provide proof that he lied I'll admit I was wrong. If you can't doesn't that make YOU the liar here?


It took me all of two seconds to find this and it's from the sacred CNN:


I read that as a CNN hit piece because it was clear Sanders misspoke because he didn't include "on average" which would have made the statement true.

But the fact he makes the accurate statement on his website makes it obvious that he misspoke and did not deliberately lie.


So you're really gonna say that Bernie never lies and is a righteous man?


You understand there's a difference between misspeaking and deliberately lying right?


I'll ask you again, are you really gonna say that Bernie never lies and is a righteous man?


Why would I say that? I said I wasn't aware of him deliberately lying. I believe he's generally an honest guy until I see oterwise. Pointing to sentences he said that were false because he left a couple words like "on average" does not prove he lied.


Keep telling yourself that.


It's true. In court to prove someone lied you have to prove intent. You have not done that.


I'm not trying to prove anything other that you're a hypocrite. You know Washington is FULL of liars and worse and you've knowingly or unknowingly voted for them.

T-rump, despite his flaws, is better for the country than ALL the others, put together.

People who say they won't chose the lesser of evils are idiots because then they have no choice in the evil they get anyway.


Here's more.

Enjoying your journey down the worlds largest river?


To prove he actually lied instead of misspoke you have to prove intent. You haven't done that.


If he's "misspeaking" that much, maybe he has no idea what he's talking about and shouldn't be running for president but even if he's never lied in his life, his platform isn't economically viable and would destroy the country.


No there's a difference between misspeaking when citing facts and making things up like trump.


We're not talking about T-rump. You didn't address my points. On a related note, you're saying that Bernie is the only candidate who "doesn't lie"?




Whoa dude. I found all sorts of false allegations of Sanders on that page. Policy wise there is no discernible difference between Sanders "Democratic Socialism" and FDR's New Deal Liberalism. Yet that page tries to say there is and Sanders is lying without providing proof. It's also ridiculously unfair by claiming Sanders lied about not campaigning for Hillary when that's not true either. Clearly was written by a Hillary supporter with an axe to grind.


Chilone continues to lie. Just like when she said to you she never heard of Stephen Miller, then I proved she was a liar by linking to her comments in the Miller thread I started two weeks earlier. She’s ridiculous.


Pipe down, eunuch. Prove that I was lying. You can't because I wasn't but you know that. You are as usual attempting to take the focus off of you, the PROVEN liar.


Show ONE comment in that thread that I made about Miller. There aren't any. My sole purpose in that thread was to call you out on YOUR lies, which incidentally had nothing to do with Miller, either. Were you a compulsive liar before having your genitals removed?


Damn you're an idiot. As I said from day one - YOU COMMENTED IN A THREAD DISCUSSION TITLED 'STEPHEN MILLER' . The whole thread was about white nationalist STEPHEN MILLER and his racist emails. I don't care what your comments were or were not about (and I never said you commented on him, like you're trying to deflect ) - you read through a thread about Miller, titled with Miller's name, and then lied two weeks later and claim you never heard of him. How dense can you be? More importantly, do you think everyone here is as dense as you and believe you?


Keep telling yourself that, cupcake (doesn't that sound asinine when people say that?). Again and again and again, you have no proof. I could walk into a restaurant to use the toilet (kinda like all your threads) and never know what the name of the restaurant is. When you were emasculated, the anesthesia seems to have given you brain damage.


I could walk into a restaurant to use the toilet (kinda like all your threads) and never know what the name of the restaurant is.

And you prove how dense you are once again.


And you prove you are compelled to reply with meaningless drivel, once again.


Is anyone surprised that such a simple analogy went over this thing's head?
