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Rick Perry Calls Donald Trump The Chosen One Sent By God To Rule Over Us

What's really scary is that most Trump supporters believe this nonsense. Rick Perry is the latest to say Trump is the chosen one. It looks like a cult. It walks like a cult. It quacks like a cult. Yes, people.Trump’s base is a cult.


Conservatives sure seem to love the idea of being ruled. It's as if they don't know what to do with themselves with all this free will.


Unruled you mean. As far as I know it is only the left that wants to rule and tell people they can't have vehicles.
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As far as wanting to rule, that's pretty much everyone. As far as those who want to be ruled, that's conservatives. Conservatives are more believing in commandments that extend beyond your life. Conservatives favor the republic over democracy which is why they formed the republican party. The republic is all about representatives... one person speaking for many. Democracy and democrats are about everyone's voice being heard.


@NikkiHaley on whether God put @realDonaldTrump in place as president for such a time as this? She Says, "everything happens for a reason... I think God sometimes places people for lessons and sometimes places people for change." Her @700club story Tuesday! @POTUS
— David Brody (@DavidBrodyCBN) November 25, 2019


Thank you for agreeing with me.


LOL! What a clown. I just don't understand what these clowns get out of a hobby of acting like a moron on a message board. Some people collect stamps. Some get into photography. Some write poetry. These guys create accounts and act like idiots online. An odd hobby, if you ask me.


It IS scary. It's very similar to Nazi Germany of the 30's. That was a cult, too.

Someone even made a painting of an angel smiling as it stood behind Trump, hands on his shoulders, watching him sign a piece of legislation.

Yes, they actually believe this racist, xenophobic, lying, cheating, stealing, gluttonous adulterer is a "Gift from God".

I actually deal with people in real life who think this way. I won't drop names but those people were talking a couple months ago about how they believed "demons were ascending on DC to unseat Trump". Yes, they actually said that.

The man throws kids in cages for being "the wrong country and race", tries to acquit war criminals who were tried for torture and murder, is favored by David Duke, Klan and White Supremacists, calls predominantly brown-skinned countries "sh!tholes", admires tyrants like Putin and Kim, wants to bring about authoritarian rule in the US, lies, cheats, steals, undermines, bullies...and all that is from this supposed "gift from God". And grown-ass adults who live among us believe in this shit. On a WIDE SCALE, no less!

Scary as hell...

His base is 63 million strong. That might be one of the largest recorded cults in human history.


It IS scary. It's very similar to Nazi Germany of the 30's. That was a cult, too.



During a campaign stop in Iowa last week, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris promised the heavy hand of government when it comes to setting drug prices, vowing to “snatch” patents from private drug companies if they failed to do her will.


And that has what to do with Trump and what I was talking about? I wasn't talking about Kamala Harris, I don't like Kamala Harris and she won't be making the final running of candidates. So, just why are you deflecting to Kamala Harris exactly?

PS: Ah, I see where this is going: I compared Donald's rule to Nazi Germany and you pulled the old "but what about!" Trumper tactic of deflecting to a democrat. Well, guess what? We typically learn in first grade the old saying: "Two wrongs don't make a right". There could be ten candidates wanting to turn our country into Nazi Germany and it wouldn't negate the evil of Donald's Nazi tactics one iota.

Did you attend first grade? Honest question. This is basic, rudimentary morality teaching. This isn't rocket science. When you have 20 people doing the same bad thing it doesn't somehow make them less bad just because more than one is doing it.

I think you Trumpers don't have the mental capacity for these debates if you can't even understand a basic, rudimentary convention taught in the first grade or, in many cases, taught as early as we're able to speak and comprehend words. Come back when you've risen past kindergarten levels of thinking. Thank you.


Amazing! If the MSM would write an article on every stupid thing Joe Biden says in a day, there wouldn't be enough reporters to write articles. However, since the MSM needs to coddle and cater to there base, rather than report real news, they come up with this stupid story.

What's really funny is how you idiots were so attracted to it. Like flies to a bug zapper or cockroaches to a roach motel, you came out to see what the fuss was all about. Have at it. The more cockroaches that follow you to the roach motel, the better. Pray continue.


You've read plenty of my stuff. Tell me something, Einstein - do I sound like a cultist to you?
