MovieChat Forums > Politics > Remember when 0bama said Trump...

Remember when 0bama said Trump...

...would need a “magic wand” to bring back jobs and economic growth?

Under 0bama GDP growth peaked at 2.6% in 2015. The previous time it was over 3% was 2005 during George W.

The 2018 GDP growth under Trump was 4.1%

Gee, I guess Trump is a magician.


Obama is no longer president yet you Trump supporting idiots cannot stop talking about him. Maybe if Trump wasn't such a disaster you would be talking about him instead.


But I did talk about Trump's GREAT ECONOMIC FIGURES compared to the lousy stats of the previous Prez, your incompetent & corrupt Lib "messiah."


This is called a link:

I call BS on REAL GDP growth in 2018 of 4.1%. He's probably citing NOMINAL.


FACT: Current dollar GDP increased 4.1 percent, or $206.9 billion, in the fourth quarter of 2018 to a level of $20.87 trillion. In the third quarter, current-dollar GDP increased 4.9 percent, or $246.3 billion:

Also, see below...


The report in your link has been updated.

The economy, particularly the unemployment rate and the stock market, are doing very well. There's no need to post BS numbers.


Why Sure!


Economy and stocks are booming and gas prices are at a all time low.


Gas prices are not at an 'all time low'. That's pure BS.

Economy is not booming, That is also pure BS - we have 1.9% GDP. When Obama had a quarter in 2012 with a 1.9% GDP, T-rump said "The economy is in deep trouble" with a 1.9% GDP.

Stocks have been booming the past few weeks because of the T-rump impeachment hearings, which Americans approve of. If they didn't, the stocks would tumble.


Jeez you're an idiotic, antifa LIAR.


You're acting more stupid than usual lately.


Lowest gas prices? WTF

Not even close, plus they're higher since his election...


the projection shows the prices are going down...

u can even see it spiking under oboma and then going slowly going down under Trump.


All you asshats talked about during Obama's eight years was Bush. Obama's disastrous presidency was "Bush's fault".



Tax Freedom Day 2019: May 8

Tax Freedom Day 2016: May 8

Tax Freedom Day 1979: April 22


And this has exactly what to do with what I said about y'all blaming everything on Bush, for eight years?


Big government keeps getting bigger WITH BOTH SIDES.

At least the Democrats don't lie about it.


They lie about everything. This is abundantly clear.


The conservatives lie about getting government off our backs. They just want to put their buddies in places to get the moola - see Betsy Devos. Here's an idea: NO Federal student loans! Wow! Here's another idea: Get rid of the Department of Education. Wow!

"Conservatives" used to champion ideas like those. Now it's all about getting welfare to white trash.


What a load of hooey!! If you don't think the Dept. of Education has become a bloated, ineffectual, corrupt POS in need of a MAJOR overhaul, just look at the declining test scores and literacy, among other things.


Obama was an unqualified puppet elected because of skin color. He had no experience useful to the office. He was a writer for his college newspaper. And that’s all.

The travesty is that they were able to ride the coattails of skin color to get Obamacare through despite the majority of the American people being against it. Now we have to clean up the mess.

And then there’s the gender nonsense that came along under Obama. And now we have to clean up the mess.

And then there was the reignition of the race war that’s taken race relations backwards half a century. And now we have to clean up the mess.

Record high underemployment of 95 million.

Economic growth of just over 1% set as the new norm.

An economic slowdown that lasted 7 years longer than need be, a direct result of the communist Democrats Obamacare.

Healthcare premiums now up over 500%.

Ideas brought to the table for creating jobs were: “wave a magic wand”.

As we move on from this period of history, objective historians will see Obama as one of the 3 worst presidents in history. A true enemy of the country. And the irony, his communist Democrat party is now worse than ever in history.


Thanks Gd; well said!


Whatever you say. Just like Trump -- say it, and at least YOU and your acolytes will believe it.
Trump could shoot someone on the street and wouldn't lose a vote, right?


He had no experience useful to the office. He was a writer for his college newspaper. And that’s all.

Lies don’t help your argument. Just quietly, political experience would not be the straw I’d clutch if I was trying build a case for Don Don as number one prez.


The economy sucks for most people. Wages don't keep up with inflation, regular folks can barely afford to live anywhere.
You can pick your metrics and say life's great right now, but it's not.


The extremely wealthy are doing very well indeed, though. Raising up the averages.


Most of them are wealthy because they are innovative and industrious (those who aren't eventually lose their wealth). Don't knock 'em, they're the ones supplying jobs to the bulk of the populace.

This is in contrast to communistic societies that Lefties salivate over wherein the 3% (or whatever the case) are those who run the state. They in effect are the bourgeoisie that communists sought to get rid of in the first place. The fools.


The extremely wealthy have always done very well, no matter who is in The White House.


Liberal economic policies (an oxymoron) under 0bama led to the dilemma of which you speak, but Trump's policies are clearly helping us out of it.
