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Don't be fooled. Trump has the "The Real Polls"

“I have the real polls. I have the real polls,” Trump claimed. “The CNN polls are fake. The FOX polls have always been lousy, I tell them they ought to get themselves a new pollster, but the real polls, and you look at the polls that came out this morning, people don’t want anything to do with impeachment. It’s a phony scam. It’s a hoax. And the whistleblower should be revealed because the whistleblower gave false information.”



Soon he will have “ the real impeachment vote “, too.


Trump's brain is turning into mush. He is not going to last much longer.


The CNN polls are fake.



Trump supporter logic: Any poll that produces results I disagree with is fake.


You make a good point.

Six Reasons Why Barack Obama Is the Worst President in History


Obama is no longer president yet you Trump supporters cannot stop talking about him. Maybe if Trump wasn't such a disaster you would be talking about him instead.


Its funny how fast O-tards will proclaim that Obuma is no longer Pres. I wonder if this tactic will work when Trump is no longer The President of the United States.

Obuma supporter logic: Any website that produces results I disagree with is fake.

27,462.11 +114.75

Trump 2020

Vote Trump, Vote for America


When Trump is no longer president all repubs will claim they never supported him and that they were the sole voice of reason in their party. Any negative poll of his that is touted by the dems will be agreed with by repubs. That is the disaster this president has become.


You guys blamed Obama's disastrous presidency on Bush for EIGHT YEARS!! You never shut up about him.


Those 2016 polls were real accurate.


The 2016 polls were accurate because Hillary won the popular vote by the margin predicted in those polls. Trump barely won the presidential election because many Democrats didn't vote believing that Hillary's win was guaranteed. Democrats will not make that same mistake again and Trump will lose in 2020.

Trump supporter logic: Trump attracts thousands of toothless gun-toting inbreds to his rallies so Trump will win in 2020.


Yup. That's typically how it goes. They go by popular vote. And to counter it, Trumptards came up with the lie that three million illegals voted.


You forgot. Trump supporters claimed that dead people voted in 2020 too.


The 2016 polls were a damn joke. For all those who were believers - I've got oceanfront property in Nevada I'll sell cheap!
