When a poll shows less than favorable news for our campaign, it’s national news. Non-stop. They show it on the screen and pundits talk gleefully about how the campaign is over.
But when a poll shows us winning in an early state, or like this week’s Emerson poll that showed us down 2 nationally to Biden and leading Warren by 4, there’s nary a peep.
It’s the Bernie Blackout.
Now, I am not here to tell you which polls are bad and which ones are good. I am here to tell you that the coverage of the polls seems to correlate well with how good or bad we are doing in them.
I am here to say that we control our own destiny in this race. Not them. Us. And if we keep fighting, if you keep volunteering, if you keep giving what you can when you can, we are going to win.”
Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager
Not really sure I'm buying into this. The MSM covers Bernie extensively - just as they did in 2016. They report the ups and downs as they do every candidate. Sounds like his campaign manager feels they're being pushed aside right now - possibly because Biden is taking the spotlight away from the others (THANKS TO T-RUMP) ?
MSM covers mostly only anything they can put a negative slant on with Bernie. You probably don’t notice because you don’t care, which is fine, but it’s obvious if you pay attention. Bernie has been leading in Nevada, has leads for NH, is tied in California. I’m not denying that some polls show one thing while other polls paint a different picture. What I’m challenging is the blackout by MSM in the polls Bernie is leading in, including against trump in which he blows Biden and warren out of the water in many major polls that you won’t hear about on cable news. Why would you? Bernie poses an existential threat to MSM monopolies so they are little more than propaganda churning machines in regards to reporting on Bernie.
1) CNN reported that Bernie had a STROKE. That is a filthy LIE.
2) After the last debate, one of Bernie’s best quotes was attributed to Warren by NBC and then widely circulated around MSM - CNN, NY Mag, Boston Globe, to name just a few:
“ I get a little bit tired, I must say, of people defending a system which is dysfunctional, which is cruel. Eighty-seven million uninsured, thirty-thousand people dying every single year, five-hundred thousand going bankrupt—for what reason?—they came down with cancer.
“I will tell you what the issue is here,” Sanders continued. “The issue is whether the Democratic Party has the guts to stand up to the healthcare industry which made a $100 billion in profits; whether we have the guts to stand up to the corrupt, price-fixing pharmaceutical industy which is charging us the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. If we don’t have the guts to do that—if all we can do is take their money—we should be ashamed of ourselves.”
They ended up making a lame correction that no one saw. Can’t you see how sinister this is? Warren wants to preserve the medical insurance industry so not only is this not her quote, she wouldn’t uphold it and may well take their money for the DNC if she were to win the primary. It’s a bait and switch.
You don’t have to be rooting for the person they’re doing this to, to see the Orwellian nightmare panning out here and if it doesn’t profoundly disturb you, at least listen to them with a healthy dose of scepticism because one day if it suits them, they’ll try to destroy what it is you believe in.
Nobody is mentioning what would happen if there was Medicare For All. There are 500,000 workers in private health insurance companies. What happens to them and how does that effect the economy?
With M4A hundreds of thousands of jobs will be available and people with experience in that field will obviously be the front runners for those jobs.
How that affects the economy is that instead of a middleman taking huge profits, Americans health care money will go to getting them the care they need without any cost except for a 2.2% household income tax. No premiums, no copays, no out of pocket expenses at all, including for Rx medications.
So all the money saved on not handing over huge chunks of your pay check to insurance companies can be saved or spent on fun stuff to fuel our economy.
Are the M4A jobs public sector? If so, the math doesn't add up. The gov. isn't going to hire 500,000 people.
M4A doesn't control medical, pharma and hospital costs. There is no way a 2.2% household income tax covers that. No premiums, copays, etc.? 44.4% of Americans don't pay any federal tax. Again, the math doesn't add up.
I'm very happy with my affordable health insurance and I have no interest in giving it up. I like Biden's plan the best with continuing and expanding ACA or even a "Medicare for People who want it". It's less disruptive and less expensive.
Government needs to be able to negotiate costs down or create competition. i read that it's illegal for government to negotiate down drug prices. That needs to be changed.
I agree. The research has already been done, and we know for a fact M4A is less expensive than private insurance when giving the same level of healthcare and to the same amount of people. Its a no-brainer at this point that we should adopt that system.
Biden doesn't even want a public option. Plus Biden is the one who made Bush's tax cuts permanent, and supported Citizens United. He might as well run as a republican.
Yeah it really makes you wonder where all of Biden's durable support is coming from. Maybe it's mostly disillusioned right wingers or right leaning moderates.
His durable support is really African Americans who appear to be sticking by him. Especially in southern states like South Carolina where he's leading by 17 points overall.
Continue to attack Biden so that Trump gets another four years.
Seriously, CharloteXavier, Biden is the best chance of defeating Trump which is why he blackmailed Ukraine in order to smear him. Biden's the greatest threat to Trump.
True, both parties have become economically conservative thanks to neoliberalism's influence (media, universities, donors, corporations). Democratic think tanks, leaders and strategists need to be smarter about counteracting it. I think the tide can turn since the Republicans have hurt their reputation because of Trump. Demographics show growing support of Democratic politicians which is why Republicans are depending on voter suppression and Russian influence.
Democratic priority has to be to win the presidency and both Houses in 2020. For now, we need to put away the moderate vs progressive debate in our party and unite to win in 2020.
Who pays for abortions? Red states won't allow it.
What are Bernie's plans for containing medical, drug and hospital costs? Without that, his tax plans won't cover increasing costs.
What is 500,000 x $40,000+? Bernie promised to pay laid-off insurance workers salary for a year. And retraining. And more.
Sorry, but I don't believe you're being realistic. Bernie sounds like someone making campaign promises he can't keep.
Obama and Biden created Obamacare which works well in my state because its supported. Republicans have done everything to hamper its success which helped make it unaffordable in certain areas. It's important to vote McConnell out along with as many Republican senators and Congress. Without support from both Houses, a Democratic president won't get anything done. Just gridlock.
I just read that Republicans receive 2x more money than Democrats. They accept PAC money. Why handicap our side?
I hope you're not planning to support Trump by not voting if Bernie doesn't get the nomination. I'll support any Democratic candidate who wins the nomination. Right now, I believe Biden has the best chance of winning. And I believe he'll expand ACA.
Where do you get your news Keelai? If it's cable or the networks then you are getting biased coverage that leaves out many crucial facts and often outright lies. CNN said Bernie had a stroke. He didn't. It's a lie to scare people into thinking he's not healthy enough to be POTUS. They do it all the time. The polls - they never tell you about the polls Bernie is winning in. Bernie keeps doing the best in polls against Trump for years now, so the only way to kill that fact is to just leave him out entirely from the question. Bernie has the strongest chance by far of beating Trump. Don't take my word for it, do some research, but avoid, just for the sake of argument, anything put out by a media monopoly. Bernie poses an existential threat to them and so why would they give you the real picture when it would encourage you to support him?
Also, don't even worry about how I vote. I live in a heavily Democratic state and so thanks to the Electoral College, whomever the Dem ends up being, will win in my state. But keep this in mind: if Bernie gets screwed over again, the vast majority of his supporters will sit out the race and Trump or whomever the Republican is, will win. If Bernie loses fair and square, that's another story. I'm not promoting this, I'm just giving you the info.
Bernie's M4A will be paid for by a 6.2% income based health care premium paid by employers, a 2.2% income based premium paid by households, progressive income tax rates, taxing capital gains and dividends the same as income from work, limiting tax deductions for the rich, adjusting the estate tax, and savings from health tax expenditures.
Continue mentioning taxes. Americans love paying more in taxes. All your tax talk will guarantee a Trump landslide.
Where are these mysterious polls that have Bernie winning? Links? I like links.
In other words, Bernie's supporters are crybabies. Grow-up! Only 77,744 votes is why we have a nut in the White House. He's crazy, has access to nuclear missiles, has spoken about a winnable nuclear war, and you want to sit out the 2020 election. I suggest you vote instead of making assumptions that the Democrats will win in your state. I live in a democratic state also, but I'm voting. Period! Assumptions that Clinton was going to win is what put Trump in the White House.
I really don't want to see any of you the day after a Trump win crying in the streets, again. You embarrass yourselves.
If you know history, then you'd understand Trump is doing similar things that leaders do when they want to become dictators. Right now, he's breaking multiple laws including the ones in the Constitution and our checks and balances are failing. He's attacked out institutions and alienated our allies to the point that they don't trust us. He's done a lot of damage in three years. Unless you want to live in an autocracy, I suggest you start worrying about the survival of Democracy.
Don’t even get me started on Obama.
You think Obama quotes are profound?? Obama?
WHICH policies did he enact or maintain to help the average American? WHICH ONES???
Also, Keelai, i could flood this thread with story after heartbreaking story of people who were fully insured but came down with something that their insurer just arbitrarily refused to pay for and ended up dying because they couldn’t get the care they required.
So even if you’re relatively healthy you are still at their mercy.
Keelai, have you ever seen Michael Moore’s 2007 award winning film Sicko? It’s gut wrenching but it will show you how vulnerable you are with private health insurance. You could come down with a life threatening illness and that great coverage you thought you had? They’ll find all kinds of bureaucratic stalling measures and wait for you to fukn DIE. Hopefully you’re healthy and don’t actually even need that high priced insurance though. With Bernie’s plan you would never have to worry about being covered. But hopefully you’ll be fine. God forbid, though right? Knock on wood..
You're preaching to the choir. Regulations can be created to protect consumers. For instance, Obama removed the lifetime cap and preexisting conditions. Obama was moderate but he did fight for consumers by reintroducing banking and finance regulation, fighting for ACA (which was weakened by Republicans). When health insurance companies wanted to drop ACA in my state like they did in some red states (for profit), my governor threatened them.
I believe everyone should be covered, but it needs to be a choice between private and public. The competition can be used to control costs. You must know how much many Americans hate socialism and government-run policies. Bernie's plan will scare enough Americans to give Trump another 4 years.
Americans hate Socialism? Like roads, bridges, schools, libraries, the post office? The MSM has turned Socialism into the boogie man because it poses an existential threat to the corporations whose leaders make billions.
Boomers hate the word socialism because they were conditioned by McCarthyism. You're not wrong about Bernie scaring people but the people who are scared of him failing to Trump are the boomers who get the wrong or biased info from cable news and the networks. Why on earth would you rely on a source that you knows lies to you?
If Americans are so scared of Bernie then why are we coughing up so much money in tiny donations every single day? He's broken records with the amount of donations he gets. Sometimes I just send him one buck. He gets more donations than any other candidate, so that right there should tell you that he's incredibly popular.
Republicans in my state's suburbs and former red counties are so turned off to Trump right now, that they voted for Democrats in 2018. Same throughout the country. Nominate someone who is too left-wing and they'll run right back to Trump.
Vote for who will win an electoral college which is disproportionality rural, Mid-Western, Southern. Biden relates to them.
You don't sound like you're going to vote since you believe your state will go Democratic without you anyway. That makes your "Bernie support" irrelevant.
You don’t sound like you know very much other than the propaganda the cable news blasts into your ears at high volume. And guess what else. You don’t get to tell me how to vote. And your propaganda addled opinions are irrelevant.
I find it comical that you believe Medicare for all will pay all your medical needs and it'll be completely free. You remind me of the Trump supporters who actually believed that Trump was going to build a wall and Mexico was going to pay for it.
Do you know anything about how medicare works? It's not free. And it doesn't cover everything. You're living in a fantasy world if you think you won't need any insurance like Long Term Health Insurance. News flash! Medicare doesn't pay for nursing homes where 50% of the elderly go.
Its not surprising when MSNBC even has Donny Deutsch saying he'd vote for Trump over Bernie. Not to mention that trust fund brat who was saying supporting Bernie was sexist because Warren is in the race.
MSM is good for reporting high profile events that don't require real journalism. If you want real political journalism, you'd have to go to an online source like TYT.
Right now corporate media dominate US politics, they would only portrait Bernie negatively.
Bernie is on the right track but unless he is willing to break down media giants and force them to de-merge things are unlikely to change. I mean 90% of US media are owned by 6 corporations, media ownership concentration is complete.