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‘Impeachment is no longer optional’ - warnings of T-rump spinning out of control

Yesterday, award-winning WAPO columnist Eugene Robinson penned a warning to America about T-rump's dire mental decline, and his behavior can cause damage that cannot be repaired.

“The most powerful office in the world is occupied — and being abused — by a man who is entirely unfit and is spinning dangerously out of control,” wrote Robinson. “Everyone needs to stop pretending otherwise. And it’s all getting worse.”

Robinson then reminded readers of all the insanity Trump has produced this week — from his temper tantrum in a meeting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), to his letter to Turkish President Recep Erdoğan telling him “don’t be a fool,” to his blasting of James Mattis as “the world’s most overrated general.”

“Trump is in so far over his head that he doesn’t know which way is up,” Robinson continued. “He also is intellectually, psychologically and morally unsuitable for the high office he holds. Those two problems — incompetence and unfitness — reinforce one another in the worst possible way, and have sent the presidency into a tailspin that puts the nation and the world in mounting peril.”

“Impeachment is no longer optional, given what we already know about Trump’s dealings with Ukraine,” continued Robinson. “But the prospect of facing a Senate trial — for which Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is already making plans — can only boost Trump’s anxiety. His outbursts and tweetstorms are becoming more frequent and less tethered to the world of facts, events and consequences. Madness is a term laypeople use, not doctors. We must use it now.”

“Senators, pay attention,” Robinson concluded. “You may prefer to let voters judge Trump in next year’s election. But you must realize, at this point, that we may not have that long.”


Was this the subject at your antifa meeting last night?


It was the subject of our APA annual meeting last night. We are all very worried about T-rump.

BTW, did all you Klan members make it to T-rump's ego boosting rally last night?


I'm not and never have been a member of or support ANY hate groups, klan included, but you know this. You're making yourself look more idiotic, every day.




My gosh news like that will make Donald have to have all day rallies to cover all the people that will go to it.


Yes, no doubt he will need a lot of 'ego boosting' rallies this weekend. No doubt. And all his KKK and neo-Nazi members will travel from rally to rally to boost him on. I'm sure you and chilone will keep us posted from each rally!


Delusional antifa member as always.


- Signed the delusional KKK member.


Nope. Like I've said, I totally denounce and condemn the KKK and all hate groups, unlike you, a member of antifa.


Nope, like I've pointed out more than once - if you're supporting hatemonger T-rump, you're supporting the likes of KKK and all hate groups, which he has said are made up of 'very fine people'.


Except he's not a hatemonger and he never said that, liar. You're pathetic and delusional AND a member of antifa.


Tell the family of Heather Heyer he never said that. I'm sure they'd appreciate the revision of history.


Put up or shut up. A direct quote of him saying the KKK or WHITE SUPREMACISTS or ANY hate groups are very fine people.


Next time, do your own homework.


Except he wasn't referring to the white supremacists and you know it. Liar.



Try to read each article I posted, you NeoNazi. (At least T-rump thinks you're very fine).


Idiot! That kook fringe lie has already been debunked. EVERYONE knows he was referring to the peaceful protesters on BOTH SIDES. You and all your kook antifa buddies know this but you keep perpetuating the lie because you hate America. I totally condemn the KKK and neo nazis so quit with that stupid lie, also. Meanwhile you STILL don't refute that you're an antifa member, nor will you denounce them.


Keep on embracing the White Supremacists, and keep on trying to rewrite history.


Like I said. We all know the truth. Terrorist.


You write like your scared now of Donald getting reelected.


Nope, I've been writing the same way for years on these forums.


Nope, I've been trolling the same way for years on these forums.



You're projecting, not fixing.


Weak. Fail.


Surely you jest! Orange Head will be impeached and removed from office. He belongs in jail!!!!!


Someone has to stop him before he gets us out of another war!


Yes, t-Rump is just itching for another war.


I've noticed that when Trump supporters are challenged on facts, they simply ignore the argument and call names 'socialist', 'antifa' etc instead. I guess they hope to distract and deflect from all the recent damning impeachment news. These name probably mean a lot in their world but nowhere else. If I engage a right winger and they refuse to engage me on facts, I simply disengage.....not worth the effort.


LOL Another wet dream. This one will destroy the DNC's chance of winning the big office next year. LOL Please continue.
