MovieChat Forums > Politics > Will Rudy plead 'dementia' as his defens...

Will Rudy plead 'dementia' as his defense ?

There is some discussion on another forum about what's going to happen when (not a question of if) Rudy gets arrested as well. Some are saying he will probably claim he's been diagnosed with dementia (and he can easily get a doctor to back him up with falsifying records) and wasn't fully aware of what was happening with his two friends. This could easily sway the court in his favor (to a degree).

Wonder if he will go this route?


How's that Juicy Mullet story working out for you. Talk about dementia.


Well, you can plead 'delusional'.


Trumpers sure are quick to deflect away from the subject material, aren't they?


If they didn't have deflections they'd literally have nothing all.

That's the only way you CAN defend the indefensible--deflect to something else.

When Ronald is finally gone, we will always remember that 35% of our country was willing to follow in lock stop behind a madman and allow him to become a dictator. We'll forever remember that THAT much of our population is THAT stupid and THAT crazy.


I'd rather they cut him a deal to roll on Ronald. All it would take is for Rudy to roll to 100% end Ronald.


I think he’d go with dementia first. He’s too afraid of T-rump.


Either way, it gets Rudy out of the way, leaving Ronald more vulnerable.
