Republican Source Says Lindsey Graham's Fealty to Trump Because He Is Hiding Controversial Past
Graham's recent comments defending Trump saying there was nothing wrong with Trump's solicitation of Ukraine's president to investigate his domestic political rival Biden raised some eyebrows even on the right. As a former Air Force prosecutor himself Graham knows it's a clear cut case of abuse of power for Trump to use the office of the presidency to benefit himself. Instead Graham played obedient lapdog by attacking his longtime Senate colleague Biden whom he knows was acting in the interests of the international consensus and not his son (whose interests were NOT served with Shokin's firing) to pressure Ukraine to fire the deeply corrupt Shokin.
Jon Cooper reports a Republican source told him he doesn't think Lindsey is just being blackmailed over his sexual orientation because that's already such an open secret. [reminiscent of how Kevin Spacey's sexual orientation was the worst kept secret in Hollywood for years] Rather, in this source's view, it must involve some serious sexual kink.
DCTribune has speculated that Trump told Lindsey something incriminating at a golf outing at Mar-a-Lago some months back that completed his metamorphosis from anti-Trumper to full bore Trumptard.
I agree with the source that if he is being extorted, it must go far beyond simply being gay. Everyone already knows he's in the closet. The right wing mostly tolerates it because they like their gays closeted and apologetic just like how they like their minorities self-hating. If this theory is true it implies it has to be something pretty dark. Anyone familiar with the literature and case studies on repressed sexuality knows how it can manifest in violent sexual sadism. Graham has a lifetime of self hatred that could fuel this.
The other possibility is if he was involved with other married Congressmen or Senators ... or Supreme Court Justices…