Holy Jebus, Christian Taliban Trump surrogate goes on Fox and threatens 2nd Civil War if Dems impeach Trump
Evangelical pastor and Trump surrogate Robert Jeffries goes on Fox and Friends and warns of thousands of angry evangelicals and a new 2nd "civil war" if Dems *legally and constitutionally* impeach Trump.
He cites the Book of Daniel that discusses "a war between North and South", the forces of God against the Anti-Christ, and Trump retweeting his call to arms. Sounds like he's invoking Armageddon.
Additionally, Trump private lawyer and Fox legal analyst Joe diGenova, a man responsible for pumping foreign disinformation into the 2020 election to again illegally help Trump secure election, has clearly told listeners of a Fox News-linked podcast to *purchase guns* and be ready for a *Second Civil War*.
These nuts are dangerous and Fox is clearly facilitating these nutjobs in their quest to foment civil unrest and violence.