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Yesterday was a Great Day for the History Books, It's Christmas in September.

Wow, talk about successive bombshells hitting us at warp speed. For those of us that care about Democracy and the rule of law I say Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah. What we learned:

White House sources are now admitting that Trump convos with MBS and Putin are on that secret server. Everyone is focused on that secret server. It’s the 800 lb elephant in the room. It’s why the GOP defense of Trump is so muted, they don’t know what’s on that thing. But anyone informed and not already a Cult of Trump propaganda casualty can reasonably infer Trump’s record and trail of treason is on that server. You know who else is almost certainly going to get caught up on that server? Javanka. This is the leverage we need to get Trump out.

The House Dems are dishing out the subpoenas to Barr, Rudy and Pompeo. They’re going right at the targets. Mulvaney needs a subpoena too. They’ve also said that refusal to comply will constitute obstruction of justice. That will be the 2nd article of impeachment.

Kurt Volker resigned as State Dept envoy after Rudy flashed all those text messages on Fox to prove he wasn't in Ukraine freelancing on his own. Volker is not going down with this ship. He will likely testify.

House Dems will have the Inspector General of the IC, Atkinson, testify before House Intel. He appears to be a clear hero along with the WB emerging in this narrative. Expect the entirely predictable right wing smear machine to train their sights on him. They'll have their work cut out for them as Atkinson's rep is impeccable.

William Barr is hiding out in Italy on an unannounced trip. Not the type of thing you expect from the Dark Lord of the Sith, except when he’s caught. Barr might not be the type to stick his neck out for Trump as much as people think. I had read something from Carl Bernstein that Barr was planning to unleash ‘evidence’ supporting the phony notion that the 'origins of the investigation' into the Russia matter were flawed. With Rudy shitting the bed on national tv this past week, the lid is being blown off this whole charade and Barr may be thinking that these are risks he can’t take. The Whistleblower complaint has already named him as a co-conspirator. In effect, he’s badly damaged. Nothing he does will be considered legitimate.

Pelosi came right out and accused Russia for having a hand in this. This makes sense since we're seeing the broad contours of the evil plot unfolding where Trump was trying to extort the Ukrainian president into shouldering the blame for 2016 US election interference with his completely unfounded accusation of the DNC server being in Ukraine and reference to Crowdstrike. What could confirm this theory of the case is on that secret server, but I don’t believe it’s the only source because these crooks are dumb as fuck. This is the leverage to get Trump out of office.

And last but not least, Deutsche Bank has told the court they have tax returns from 2 Trump family members. Trump is facing a mountain of criminal liability exposure. The only thing of value he has to trade for leniency is the office he holds. He has a narrow window to resign. Otherwise, he'll keep getting dogged for the next year and sent to jail when he is defeated at the ballot box. The possibility of resignation is firmly on the radar. The chances of resignation have gone up from 18% to 25% in my own ad hoc estimation.


I'm cautiously optimistic.

Some are saying that, even if the vote clears the House, it will never clear the Senate. This is what I've always assumed would happen. However, this evidence keeps growing and is getting into: "Defend Trump and you'll be infected as well" territory so maybe--just MAYbe--it will all work out.

What do you think will happen?


Right now I don't think the Senate will convict, but things are moving so fast I can't be reasonable sure that won't be the case tomorrow or a week from now.

We're starting to see the dam break with people coming forward. And Rudy can't seem stop incriminating himself and the administration with his TV interviews. This is truly glorious!

The best indication is the current internecine civil war going on at Fox News between the News Division (Shep, Chris Wallace, Napolitano) and the Opinion Maggots like Hannity over whether to cut Trump loose. If he loses Fox News it's pretty hard to see how he recovers. But even Hannity admitted privately yesterday Trump’s call with the Ukrainian president was "really bad". Meanwhile, the first House Republican, Rep Mark Amodei (R-NV) has come out in support of an impeachment inquiry. This could turn into a flood if Trump loses Fox.

I'm just gorging on the popcorn and enjoying the shitshow savoring the moment of comeuppance against the right wing blowhards right now. It really is sweet.


Donald has been compared to Nixon before and this server sounds a lot like Nixon's tapes.


The fighting at FOX News is incredibly entertaining! I read Sheppie Smith had a 'stern talking to' Thursday, and was told if he says anything else negative about Sean Hannity while Shep is on-air, they will pull him from anymore on-air time. Wonder who was behind that?

Also, it's been said Tucker Carlson has also said 'off camera' that this is the end for T-rump. There's no way T-rump will survive this one, according to Carlson (according to those sources on staff at his show).


Damn! I wasn't aware Carlson had even admitted that privately.

I just read in WaPO that Trump released the Ukraine call transcript at the urging of McConnell because he was worried about the political damage from public speculation around the call.

McConnell took Trump at his word that the call was "perfect" and above board. He doesn't seem to understand that Trump is narcissist who lacks a moral compass and the reason he described the call as "perfect" is because Zelensky was constantly sucking up and stroking his ego. We all know that's how his mind works and yet Moscow Mitch somehow still has no clue. That is PRICELESS!


I have to admit--I LITERALLY gasped out loud when I first read the news headline about Trump admitting he said those things in the call and that he saw nothing wrong with it. I've only audibly gasped out loud in reaction to a news headline three times in my life...and two of them were headlines about Trump.

That's the scary part: Donald doesn't even see the wrong in what he's done. In fact--he's oblivious to even the slightest understanding of it.

As you said, Donald is a narcissist so he doesn't even see things beyond his own terms.

Amazing that his base still defends him. All over the internet, they're still strongly defending him and 100% of the defenses are in the form of deflections--ESPECIALLY regarding Hillary, of course. I mean...they say that like it somehow lessens what Donald did. They can't seem to understand that two wrongs don't make a right and that what Donald did is worse than anything Hillary did because Donald is PRESIDENT. This is behavior unbecoming of a United States President. This should bother EVERYONE.

Even IF were rid of Donald by 2021, I'll be forever disenchanted with the people of our country. Why? Because I'll always remember that such a large chunk of our population rallied behind a madman and literally defended the idea of dictatorship. I'll never forget that. I'll always fear it will happen again.


The morning shows were pretty much an unmitigated disaster for the Republicans. The fundamental problem for the trumpanzees is that Americans and the news media understand that Trump was soliciting foreign help to attack Joe Biden and just about everyone thinks it’s wrong and out of bounds. That's even before you get to the issue of legality of such conduct. This is pretty much the textbook example of a high crime and misdemeanor in terms of people’s expectation of presidential conduct. You don’t use the power of your office for personal gain. On top of that, there are real federal crimes here for which Trump, Rudy, Barr and all those that aided and abetted this crime should serve hard time.

Trump is going to have to take his impeachment like a man.

Oh, and BTW, you should treat Yahoo comments with a grain of salt if that's the source of your estimation of Trump's support as I recall you mentioning a long time ago. I've since read about how Yahoo is thoroughly infiltrated with Russian trolls, and the disinformation they push out through their comments sections is from using hijacked accounts that had been abandoned by their original owner which are used to vote each other up.

The cyberintel firm GroupSense discovered 9.5 million social media accounts being used to push propaganda from tracking just one yahoo email account listed in one of Mueller's indictments against the Russian troll farm IRA. This is how they go about influencing public debate on public forums under the guise of US citizens.

Don't get me wrong, I have no doubt there are a solid 35% in US that are propaganda casualties who worship at the altar of Trump since I believe the polling. Just be a little wary of what you read from anonymous accounts on Yahoo, as there's a strong likelihood pro-Trump sentiment is being pushed hard by these troll armies. Just like on twitter, many of these posts are being authored and inflated with likes by these armies.


Yeah, I'm starting to notice that on Yahoo, actually. So many people just posting things like: "TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!" and "She lost, libs!" and other nonsense posts with no substance. Many of them have over 30,000 posts, too.


How's the weather today on Fantasy Island? Say hi to Mr. Roarke and Tatoo for me.


WAPO reports that Trump told Lavrov and Kislyak in that Oval Office meeting from May 2017 that he was:

"unconcerned about Moscow’s interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election because the United States did the same in other countries, an assertion that prompted alarmed White House officials to limit access to the remarks to an unusually small number of people, according to three former officials with knowledge of the matter."

There is a memo summarizing that entire OO meeting. It was limited to a small number and likely stored in that server. [Btw, McMaster might’ve been one of the sources for this article].

Here’s another key part of the article:

White House officials were particularly distressed by Trump's election remarks because it appeared the president was forgiving Russia for an attack that had been designed to help elect him, the three former officials said. Trump also seemed to invite Russia to interfere in other countries’ elections, they said.

This is relevant evidence that was kept from Robert Mueller. This is obstruction of justice.

And from the NYT:

Current and former officials said the White House used a highly classified computer system accessible to only a select few officials to store transcripts of calls from President Vladimir Putin and the Saudi royal family.

So Trump had a regular practice of shielding politically damaging calls in the top secret system which is reserved for national secrets, not embarrassing political information. This is a violation of existing executive orders, but it’s also about a larger issue of hiding conspiracy, bribery, and actions against US interests.

That we’re hearing about this now tells us that many people are leaking and trying to cover themselves. Many people are going to be held accountable.


But, but, but...Hillary’s emails! And Obama’s birth certificate!

Lol! Great job eYe. And a Happy New Year, too!!


Even the last of the Dem high profile holdouts Tulsi Gabbard, flipped to yes on impeachment yesterday from the cavalcade of bombshells. Plus Rudy canceled attendance at a Kremlin backed think tank event. [In addition, the Kremlin expressed concern about their private conversations with Trump being disclosed like the one with Zelensky…hmmm.] This is the Kremlin going dark on Trump. They did this at least once before from Dec 2015-Jan 2016 and again from Feb 2016 to mid March 2016 when Trump was shopping for Trump Tower Moscow and ABC News did a feature on Trump associate Felix Sater that tied him to the Russian mob. The Kremlin laid low after that until Trump took over the GOP primary. If Putin quits on Trump, he is done.

I can understand why Vlad is upset. They clumsily outed themselves, were forced to give up the aid to Zelensky that Putin didn't want him to get unless they took the blame for Russian interference in 2016, and have now made the US Congress much more pro-Ukraine and anti-Russian. The rift seems pretty serious and growing. Putin’s crusade against the west started with the takeover of Crimea. It’s blowing up in his face. It's becoming clearer that he and Trump had a plan to weaken Zelensky and let Russia either take more territory or force him into a peace agreement highly favorable to Russia while getting US sanctions lifted. Remember this whole Ukrainian escapade was motivated not just to get dirt on Biden, but ultimately to try to force a peace agreement as Trump clearly spelled out himself in his call to Zelensky. That way he can repay Vlad with what he wants most on a sanctions lift. Those days are done now. Vlad is pissed.

What really is so much fun is watching Rudy yap like a cornered hyena on national tv because he's deathly afraid of being scapegoated like Trump's LAST fixer after a spate of articles citing US officials blaming him for everything came out a few days ago. Rudy's babbling his head off worried about becoming the next fall guy.


I love when he holds up his phone on FOX TV 'to prove' that he got texts asking him to intervene with Ukraine. Priceless!


So Lord Barr resurfaces and gets in what appears to be a non-defense of Trump and an apparent shot at Rudy.

Barr appears to want to get distance and throw Rudy under the bus. But the key here is what, if anything, can be done to derail Barr's Death Star 2.0 project to accelerate his "origins of the investigation" probe as the bulwark of Russian disinformation and bullshit to undermine the Democrats?

Does Barr slow his roll because of getting kneecapped by the whistleblower and Pelosi? We're not out of the woods yet, I fear Barr much more than the buffoon Trump at this point. Pelosi needs to impeach Barr. That would be a good way to nip this nonsense in the bud, sideline him, and get a special prosecutor in place to go after all of these crooks.

AP reports:

When Barr did learn of that call a few weeks later, he was “surprised and angry” to discover he had been lumped in with Giuliani, to a person familiar with Barr’s thinking told The Associated Press. This person was not authorized to speak about the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Priceless. I'm very curious about his next move, because even if he wanted to how does he pull back when his boss is Trump? He might decide his hands are too dirty to pull back at this point so he's got to go full Dark Lord.


Agreed. Barr must be impeached.


That unannounced trip he made to Italy? The plane of one of Putin's oligarchs, Rybolovlev, was spotted in the Rome airport tarmac at the time he landed. I shudder to think what he's planning next in league with the Russians, but there had clearly been past coordination going on between Barr, his point man in Ukraine, and the corrupt prosecutor Lutsenko to have coordinated their stories as detailed in the whistleblower report.


My God, this is getting scarier every day. And to think this admin was planning on getting away with this.


Its disgusting but thankfully they are all so inept at it. Thats what happens when they get away with corruption for too long. They get lazy and continue it without checking to see if anyone is watching.


Another epic day today!

Trump is left to his hardcore coterie of nutjob fanatics defending him: Stephen Miller, Jim Jordan, Rudy. They all got exposed pretty badly even while insisting on spewing more lies. Digenova and Toensing's involvement implicate Trump and Rudy as it establishes intent to seek dirt on Biden. It also shows Fox wanting to get some distance from Trump by going after the nuttier conspiracy theorists among them.

The corrupt Ukraine prosecutor (now ex prosecutor) Letsenko, made extensive remarks to the LA Times where he confirms that Rudy tried to get him to launch an investigation of Biden but he refused to do so. That's DAMNING! What did Rudy offer to Letsenko? There might be a foreign corrupt practices act violation here among the other crimes.

The whistleblower is now under government witness protection because of Trump threats.

Trump has launched a diatribe on twitter against the whistleblower and Schiff, with classic mob speak, end of movie bad guy talk when he knows he’s cornered but lashes out one last time!

Trump is trying to silence all the whistleblowers in the White House. I think it's go time if you're a whistleblower. All of you failed this country up until this point. This is a moment for redemption because Mad King has gone INSANE!!!


Former Homeland Security chief Tom Bossert did a good job today going on ABC and expressing his frustration to Stephanopoulos that the White House continues to push the idea Ukraine was behind the election interference and the long debunked DNC server conspiracy.

“It sticks in his mind when he hears it over and over again and for clarity here, George, let me just again repeat that it has no validity,” Bossert added. “The United States government reached its conclusion on attributing to Russia the DNC hack in 2016 before it even communicated it to the FBI, long before the FBI ever knocked on the door at the DNC.”

That's got to give Barr second thoughts about pushing his "Origins of Russia Probe is Ukraine's fault" bullshit, along with the corrupt prosecutor clearly signaling to the LA Times he's not willing to play ball with the rats on the sinking ship and instead would be witness to the prosecution of Rudy!

More Republicans will need to speak out like this. If they do, Trump will be history and will not be on the ballot for the 2020 election.


That’s about right.
That con man can only dodge so many bullets.
Remember the Teflon Don?


Yeah and just like the original Teflon Don, John Gotti, was ultimately undone by thinking he was untouchable (from fixing the jury in his previous trials) this Teflon Don seems determined to follow in his footsteps.

With the whistleblower entering US government witness protection today from rapid fire Trump threats calling for his execution, Don appears to be losing that nonstick teflon and he knows it.

He's been talking exactly like a tough guy mob boss would all day going ballistic over the whistleblower. This is surreal.


This round of fantasy Democrat media/party impeachment is already over.

It is funny how the ignorant left like yourself continue to ignore the fact Obama’s VP Biden did do all the things you fantasy about Trump doing.

Speaking of Christmas, You should probably save yourself the repeated frustration and spend the next 6 years trying to prove Santa Claus is real. Because Trump has already locked up re-election thanks to your worthless Democrat media/party and your platform of obsessive hate.

Thanks for your post.


I'm laughing because when isn't Rudy shitting the bed? LOLOLOL

Your synopsis is bang on!

It's apparent that Rudy and Trump are both sharing half of a functioning brain cell...Trump's campaign song should be Crazy Train...

I'm still waiting for two of Trump's biggest supporters, Aunt Becky and her hubby to become convicted felons...If Felicity is going into the clink for 14 days, what will they get? No need to worry Becky, I'm sure Trump will pardon you both...


Don't you mean 'ex-husband' ? I heard on one of the talk shows last week that they separated last Spring (before this all went down) and he filed for divorce the beginning of September. Don't know if it's true but the talk show host was mighty confident about this news.

Didn't know they were T-rump supporters!


Gee, I didn't hear that would think that The Talk would be reporting on it since it's from Hollyweird...

Yeah, apparently they dropped quite a bit of cash on his campaign...I think he's a big brown noser...


Rudy's mental health is on red alert mode.
Someone close to him should intervene.


With the corrupt former Ukrainian prosecutor spilling to the LA Times today that he was pressured by Rudy to go after Biden's son I think Rudy is sensing his coming demise.

I'm just waiting for Trump to cut him loose because that will be one for the ages.

We know Trump will ALWAYS turn to blame someone else on his own team because he doesn't take the responsibility for anything. It's musical chairs. Will it be Rudy? Hilariously enough it could even be Pence. He was pointing the finger at Pence the other day as doing all these things in Ukraine (on Trump's own orders of course that he leaves out) that the media should really be looking at. It was hysterical!


Rudy is busy trying his best to pin it all on the state department. I smell an upcoming civil war in Trump's own circle.


He's a whackadoodle.........
