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WTF? Republicans move to cancel primaries and caucuses to cut off T-rump challengers

Ass-kissing T-rump republicans in four states have decided to cancel their primaries or caucuses so they can cut-off any primary challengers to T-rump. Nevada, South Carolina, Kansas, and Arizona are expected to finalize their moves this weekend in closed-door meetings, according to three GOP sources.

Former Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.), who recently launched his primary campaign against the president, is infuriated by the moves.

“Trump and his allies and the Republican National Committee are doing whatever they can do to eliminate primaries in certain states and make it very difficult for primary challengers to get on the ballot in a number of states,” said Walsh to reporters last night. “It’s wrong, the RNC should be ashamed of itself, and I think it does show that Trump is afraid of a serious primary challenge because he knows his support is very soft.”

Walsh added, “Primary elections are important, competition within parties is good, and we intend to be on the ballot in every single state no matter what the RNC and Trump allies try to do. We also intend to loudly call out this undemocratic bull on a regular basis.”

Another one of his declared primary challengers, former Mass Governor Bill Weld, said; “We don’t elect presidents by acclamation in America. Donald Trump is doing his best to make the Republican Party his own personal club. Republicans deserve better.”

Currently, T-rump is the most unpopular President in US history to be running for re-election, with an approval rating holding steady in the very low 40% range. However, Trump aides have long said they aren’t worried about a primary challenge and laughed off his Republican challengers.


Dictatorship in the making.


That is one of the FIRST things I thought of myself!!!

Why else would the Republicans go for this?

Granted, it's happened in the past in a few states, often where the President had scored high in approval, and there really was no need to have a primary with a challenger for his re-election. But when the President is scoring the lowest approval numbers in history, why are they not letting his challengers get a crack at the nomination?

Something is so terribly wrong with this picture. I truly feel bad for Weld and Walsh.


Putin is proud.


The GOP has been using dirty tricks against the democrats for so long that it was just a matter of time before the GOP started using them against their own party.


I never thought of that, but you have a very valid point. Why are they so afraid of this jackass in the WH?


Its because it is all about winning, and any primary against Trump weakens him for 2020. There's no ethics in the GOP. Its whatever it takes to have power.


It’s becoming a dictatorship. Scary!


Trump turns his psychotic base against his enemies who end up receiving death threats.

Also, a career politician is bound to lose a future election if they go against Trump who tells them not to vote for him.


More fake news and hysteria from the TDS brigade.

It is not an unusual move for state parties to forego primary contests when a strong incumbent is running for re-election as president.

For example, the South Carolina and Arizona Republican parties did not hold primaries in 1984 and 2004 when Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, respectively, were seeking re-election, according to the Associated Press.

In 2012, Democrats canceled 10 presidential preference contests, according to the New York Times.

“These are decisions made entirely by state parties and there are volumes of historical precedents to support them. Nevertheless, President Trump will dominate and prevail in whatever contest is placed before him,” Trump campaign communication director Tim Murtaugh said in a statement provided to USA TODAY of the possibility that the intra-GOP contests in the four states could be canceled.


Apparently, here's what you missed in my second post, in response to Keelai, 2 days ago:

Granted, it's happened in the past in a few states, often where the President had scored high in approval, and there really was no need to have a primary with a challenger for his re-election. But when the President is scoring the lowest approval numbers in history, why are they not letting his challengers get a crack at the nomination?

Notice my words: "where the President had scored high in approval, and there really was no need to have a primary with a challenger for his re-election."

Key words for T-rumptards: "President scored high in approval".

Here's what you conveniently left out of your post:

T-rump is averaging 42% approval, the lowest approval for a President to be launching a re-election campaign in Presidential history. The very lowest. This is why his team is so worried of the results if he will be challenged in a primary.

More fake responses from the T-rumptard right. Try again. This time use a Sharpie to correct your mistakes.


More lies and fake news. His approval is north of 80% among Republicans, which is the only approval number relevant to Republican primaries.


More lies and fake news from the T-rumptards.

ANYONE can vote in either primary - especially independents and undecideds. Democrats can vote in the Republican primaries as well - just have to sign a form before voting saying you are joining the GOP, and you're a GOP member for the time it takes you to cast your vote. Upon leaving the booth, you sign a form again disaffiliating yourself from the GOP - and go back to Independent, Undecided, or Dem. I did this many times in the past. I plan on doing it again when we primary in my state, and I will vote for Wald. Anything to vote against T-rump. Then I go back to being a registered Dem again.

SO more lies, fake assumptions and living in denial from the T-rumptards. But the T-rump campaign knows what's at stake, and this is why they don't want to hold primaries against him - they fear he will lose. And if T-rump wants to score with Independents , Undecideds, or any cross-over Dems, he better boost his approval beyond 42% - which he never ever will.


So you're admitting to election fraud. Nice. A liar and a criminal.


So you're admitting to election fraud. Nice. A liar and a criminal.

More insanity from the T-rumptards! LOL

Election fraud? Sorry to disappoint you - what I did is perfectly legal in my state and many others. ANYONE can vote in either primary. You choose which one you wish to vote in - Democrat or Republican.

If you are a registered Dem (like myself) and wish to vote in the Republican primary (which I will to cast my vote against T-rump), you simply sign a form saying you disaffiliate yourself from the party and are now a Republican. Afterwards, you have a legal choice to sign another form once you cast your vote, and disaffiliate yourself from the Republican party and remain 'independent' or you can sign up to be a registered Democrat.

Nothing dishonest or criminal about it - sorry to disappoint you.

But since you're presenting yourself as an honest, law-abiding citizen - what do you think of T-rump's most recent illegal and fraudulent act of altering a map from the National Weather Service with a Sharpie, to make him look 'correct' from a few days earlier? I'm sure you must be livid that he would commit a felony!

As you have said: "Nice. A liar and a criminal." That's exactly what T-rump is.


Many people much more knowledgeable than I, say it’s because he’s a puppet for the GOP and he will sign any piece of legislation set before him without even reading it and that he serves brilliantly as a distraction with his outrageous tweets and boorishness.

They’re supposedly making out like bandits and I’ll get back when I have more specifics.


This sounds right. They're getting away with so much by putting T-rump out front as the circus clown to distract Americans (especially his followers). It's working.


I just don’t see how they plan on getting him re-elected.


I have a feeling it's going to be a tough battle for #MoscowMitch to win re-election next year.

As for T-rump, with an approval rating hovering around 42% for the past two and a half years, it will be hard to get Independents and Undecideds on his side - not to mention the 'Never T-rumpers'.

He's going to need so much help again with interference from Russia !


Yeah. Things have changed though. Julian Assange is locked up for one thing and the fake news strategies are well known this time. I don’t know what kind of dirt could be dug up and revealed on any of the democrats running, but whatever they can unearth they will.
