MovieChat Forums > Politics > Fauxcahontas says it's "obscene" to prof...

Fauxcahontas says it's "obscene" to profit off of students

Cost of one Fauxcahontas-authored textbook: $258

Cost of one Fauxcahontas co-authored textbook: $126

Cost of one Fauxcahontas-authored supplemental chapter: $60

Cost of her one-year salary: $430,000

One word: HYPOCRITE!


You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

You don't realize the author doesn't set the prices of her published work, but the publisher does.


Liz Warren: complains that education is too expensive
Liz Warren: Makes $300K a year to teach one class.

Liz Warren is part of the problem, not solution.


According to her tax returns for 2018 (which were made public on April 10, 2019) she and her husband filed jointly. The total family income was $905,000. Of that $905,000 'joint income', $403K came from Harvard. Both she and her husband are professors at Harvard.

So split into two salaries, they were each making slightly over $200,000 at Harvard.

You think THAT'S a lot of money? Seriously? Living in Boston MA, you think $200,000 is a lot of money for an individual ?

I guess you do. I mean, you T-rumptards believed T-rump when he said he was going to bring 'millions of high paying jobs' to his uneducated base. SO far he's brought you more positions at Dollar General for minimum wage.

“I’ve put out 11 years of my tax returns because no one should ever have to guess who their elected officials are working for,” Warren said in a statement. “Doing this should be law.”

Too bad T-rump isn't as honest as Warren - or any other candidate.


All that money to teach one class? Yea thats a lot of money.


Who said it’s for one class?


Its well documented. Pay your internet bill and go look it up


Again, $200,000 in annual income in Boston MA is not a lot of money. It equals what you make per year ($20K) at Dollar General as DM in Bumfuk, USA. But don't worry - T-rump is going to create millions of high paying jobs for everyone - including Warren.


That's a lot of money to you, and the back-ass trailer park which is where you're from. That's not a lot of money in Boston MA. Sorry.


You are delusional. There is a (large) c.o.l.a. between Boston, MA and say Bumfuck, Missouri, but it does not equate to $200k being the same as 20K. C'mon man



Did you just say Trump isn't as honest as Warren? Thats the most laughable thing you have ever said. Liz Warren, a women who lied about her heritage to get a head in the world, is honest? You're in tears!


T-rump isn't honest - period. What's his total count for 'lying to America' these days? It was just over 12,000 lies as of the beginning of July. Certainly it's gone up a few grand since then.


You're too kind to describe her as just that one word. Too kind. I'd go as far to say that the left/Democrats are the epitome of hypocrisy. You just gave me an idea for a thread, but I don't have hours to list even half of them.


Of course you won't. Just like Trump himself, you pretend you'll do something but then make an excuse when you don't. But your whole point was to make a comment without backing it up.

Or were you raised as a hypocrite which makes you an expert on them? Please give us your background that proves you know better and automatically wins the argument.


Uh oh. Is that a double-dare, Ultraviolet. Do you REALLY want me to make a thread listing a number of examples where the left show themselves to be hypocrites. Are you sure you know what you're getting into? haha I'm all over this.

And thanks for the ad hominems. Always a sign that you're winning an argument. Good job.


You can show any group that has ever existed on earth as being hypocrites. Its not going to have the effect you desperately want it to have. It'll be just another echo chamber for lordbootlick, wuchak and krl to circle jerk in.

"And thanks for the ad hominems. Always a sign that you're winning an argument. Good job."

Mmm hmm. Because you are so above them. "You're too kind to describe her as just that one word."



But Fauxahontas and I are not going back and forth. She was called out on her hypocrisy and I agreed. Please tell me how this is a direct ad hominem from myself when I'm referring to her actions. And I hope you clearly see what I did there.

EDIT: How is it you go on for me with the personal attacks when I'm trying to have a civil conversation with you? I mean, you can call me names and attack me all you want. Just to let you know it puts you in a bad light.


I didn't complain about ad hominems. You did. You said sarcastically "And thanks for the ad hominems. Always a sign that you're winning an argument. Good job."

To which I referenced your line: "You're too kind to describe her as just that one word."

"EDIT: How is it you go on for me with the personal attacks when I'm trying to have a civil conversation with you?"

Actually, I would argue I'm being quite civil. I didn't call you Fake Denzel Washington, or a token Wookie in Trump's administration. Those types of things are most uncivil. But if I see a fraudulent BSer, I'm going to call him out on it.

Also, the ad hominems that I called you here are practically nonexistent. I can't think of one other person on this site that would take offense to what I said in my first reply to you above.


You COULD argue you're trying to be civil (and I appreciate the attempt), but, to be frank, you need a little work. I actually enjoy going back and forth with you and appreciate you calling me on my mistakes which gives me an opportunity to further explain myself and to clarify. For what it's worth, thank you for that. But one more question before I go, what makes me fraudulent? I don't want to strawman so Id like you to clarify.


What you claim is civility is not the norm for this site or any other. Its a set of parameters you've set in your mind and expect me to follow because it would make you feel better. There was nothing less civil in anything I've written in this thread than there was in this thread's OP.

"You're too kind to describe her as just that one word"
"And thanks for the ad hominems. Always a sign that you're winning an argument. Good job."

And just like before, you use the same tactic of "civility" to try to schmooze your way out of it.

Golly gee, I can't wait to hear your reply, buddy ole pal. Is that better?


Actually, friend, it is. See, in face to face communication there exists a thing called mutual respect. I do my best to show it both online and in-person. If I'm a fraud because of that then so be it. I really don't mind when I'm trying to treat others as I'd like to be treated. To be fair, you could be disrespectful all you want, I don't care as that's your choice, but the fact of the matter is you're incorrect in your assumptions about me, especially the whole virtue signalling thing that love to do. Still, you haven't answered my question of why you claim I'm a fraud. And a fraud to what, exactly?

EDIT: Chicken's cooking so I have a few minutes.


I'm actually against ad hominem tactics in argumentation, generally speaking, but sometimes name-calling is appropriate because the person brings it on themselves and they desperately warrant this kind of rebuke.

Warren has no one to blame but herself since she used trace amounts of AmerIndian DNA to claim minority status and boost her career at Harvard and in politics. Testing, however, revealed that she’s 1/1024 Cherokee, less than the average American. Warren desperately needed someone bold like Trump to call her out on her self-benefiting falsehood. It was a humbling wake-up call. This is why I refer to her as Fauxcahontas Warren, not to be mean for the sake of being mean.

I'm part-Abenaki, by the way -- and look it -- so I have no qualms about calling Warren out on her fake heritage in an amusing way. Please note the key word "amusing."


It's nothing new. They ALL go against what they preach. They are the "Do as I say, not as I do." party.
