If the NRA invested in 'lawn darts', they wouldn't be banned in the US today
AS fifty-two innocent American people (including children) died from mass shootings during the month of August, #MoscowMitch, T-rump, and the rest of the republicans have continued to do nothing about gun safety to combat this problem. They are in lock-step with the NRA, which controls the republican party.
Meanwhile, in 1988, the sale of lawn darts - lawn darts! - were banned by the government, after a little girl was accidentally killed by playing a game of lawn darts in her family backyard a year earlier. In total, 3 children died from fatal injuries caused by lawn darts, which pushed the federal government to act.
3 dead children = No Lawn Darts. I guess the NRA had no money invested in lawn darts, otherwise we would be buying them today at our local WalMart.