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If the NRA invested in 'lawn darts', they wouldn't be banned in the US today

AS fifty-two innocent American people (including children) died from mass shootings during the month of August, #MoscowMitch, T-rump, and the rest of the republicans have continued to do nothing about gun safety to combat this problem. They are in lock-step with the NRA, which controls the republican party.

Meanwhile, in 1988, the sale of lawn darts - lawn darts! - were banned by the government, after a little girl was accidentally killed by playing a game of lawn darts in her family backyard a year earlier. In total, 3 children died from fatal injuries caused by lawn darts, which pushed the federal government to act.

3 dead children = No Lawn Darts. I guess the NRA had no money invested in lawn darts, otherwise we would be buying them today at our local WalMart.


Lawn darts aren't a constitutional right. How many lives has abortion taken, yet it is still legal in the US. Automobiles? Alcohol? Tobacco?


Ummm, have you been keeping up with the restrictions on abortions since T-rump took over? Want to start with Missouri ? Maybe if we could have half the restrictions on abortion rights applied to guns, we'd have a much safer country. Talk to #MoscowMitch about it - if you can find him.


Its much easier to get an abortion than buy a gun. Also, Trump has nothing to do with state legislature. Go beef with the Governor of Missouri


Comparing abortions with lawn darts or guns doesn't quite fit. Abortions have existed since the beginning of humanity. Stopping abortion would be like trying to stop conflict itself. How many bloody coat-hangers and dead women in alleys will it take for you to realize there is a necessity for doctors to help do it safely?


I didn't say anything about stopping abortion, what are you talking about?


And it's much easier to buy an assault rifle than a backyard game of 'lawn darts'. Who should I beef with about that?

Oh yeah - #MoscowMitch and the republicans.


The sale of assault rifles has been illegal for for over 30 years now. An AR-15 is not an assault rifle. A handgun is not an assault rifle. I know its hard for you to do research, but at least try before you got back to your usual durrr mOsCoW mItCh durrr crap.
