The psychology of Climate Change Denial
"As monumental hurricanes lash out in Houston and Puerto Rico and California forests burn out of control, it would seem that the evidence that climate scientists are right would be clear enough. Almost annually meteorologists tell us we have just experienced the warmest year in recorded history. Yet even people who experience extreme weather events often still refuse to report the experience as a manifestation of climate change...Others deny that climate change is either occurring at all or that it represents any significant threat to civilization."
"One reason for the refusal to accept the reality of climate change is what is called “motivated interference,” which occurs when we hold a specific bias to ignore evidence.
In other words, coal miners aren't likely to support the evidence for climate change and are inclined to say Trump is right about Windmill cancer. Lol
"Corporations, especially the fossil fuel industry, have spent huge sums attempting to obfuscate the reality of climate change. We are constantly told by them that “more data are needed” because “climate scientists don’t agree.” While no scientist would ever disagree with a call for more research—that line is, after all, found near the end of almost every scientific paper ever written—it just is not true that scientists don’t agree that climate change is real. To some extent, then, we are the victims of a well-funded and sophisticated misinformation campaign that attempts to keep us in the dark about climate change."
And the article goes on to talk about why people feel overwhelmed by the crisis and that is a factor.
This is just an article from Psychology Today but you can find a lot of people questioning the idiocy of debating whether climate change is real at this point.
It's pretty much like talking to flat earthers. They just don't get it. They don't want to get it. And if they get the slightest leverage by getting a stooge like Trump into office, then they have a powerful advocate to push the crackpot thinking and junk science into public debates.
Someday, trump won't be in office. And someone with sense will address the climate crisis. It's just a shame we have to wait for this buffoon to pass out of favor with voters in 2020.