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T-rump calls 'bedbugs' lawsuit and 534 health code violations at his Doral "Fake News!"

T-rump has declared the reports on his DORAL in Miami having over 500 code violations and infested with bed bugs and roaches as 'fake news'. Despite a lawsuit filed by one guest recently, the President insists this is all 'fake news' set up by the Dems to torpedo his idea to hold the G7 Summit at his hotel next summer (and enrich him and his family with taxpayers' dollars).

Just to prove he's telling the truth, T-rumptards on this forum are lining up in HazMat suits while carrying roach motels to check into the hotel and spend a week's vacation there.


...WHILE still supporting the biggest cockroach of them all: Dump.


That he is - big orange cockroach !



HA HA! You've got that right! Somebody needs to step on the big orange cockroach.


It will be Biden.


I hope so. I think he is the only one who can beat Orange Head.


It probably won't be Biden.
It will be Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren.
I know. The other side will cry about "socialists!" but progressive ideas are workable solutions. Socialized medicine is coming eventually. Every civilized country in the world has a variation of it and they have lower costs than us. That's what it comes down to.

Do you know that in Canada they pay a tenth of what we pay for insulin in America? A TENTH.
For a life saving drug that people are having to ration because it's so expensive here.
Call it socialism if you want, but if going without insulin is good old fashioned free markets, then the free markets have failed.


Time to squish it.
