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T-rump administration official tells why she can no longer work for T-rump, and warns of an exodus

Bethany Milton, an 11 year U.S. federal government employee as a consular officer in the Foreign Service, wrote an eye-opening op-ed piece in the NY TIMES. She explains why she could no longer work for T-rump, after hearing supporters of T-rump chanting, “Send her back, send her back” in reference to Rep. Ilhan Omar during a recent rally.

“When President Trump’s supporters chanted, ‘Send her back!,’ I took that as a charge for me as well,” Milton asserts. “I asked the Trump Administration to send me back from my overseas posting, shipping home the family, foreign language textbooks and various tchotchkes from ‘shithole countries’ that I’ve collected in my years as a United States diplomat. I am joining a growing list of Foreign Service officers who refuse to serve this administration any longer.”

Milton's career with the Federal Government is quite extensive. From 2014-2016, she “oversaw immigrant visa processing at the U.S. Consulate General in Mumbai, India” — and she “oversaw immigrant visa operations in Kigali, Rwanda, from 2018 to 2019.”

She writes, “As a Foreign Service officer, your job is to support the administration. Without exception. Despite my personal views, I spent more than two years working to carry out the Administration’s immigration and foreign policy priorities. I continued to do so until the very minute I handed in my badge and headed to the airport.”

Milton also warned of a 'growing exodus' brewing from the executive branch under T-rump.



Oh no! But who will process Rwandan visas?? 🙄

Hopefully, 11 years isn't enough for any kind of retirement benefits.


It is. And she’ll do just fine.



You're the racist.


I'm racist because I don't care that an overpaid, underworked and easily replaceable public employee has quit her job? Doesn't seem very logical.


If you don't agree with the incoherent insanity of the left, you're automatically a racist. Most of the country must be racist then.


Racists have got into the habit of name-calling those who oppose bigotry as being racists. It's an obvious reflection on what the simple-minded bigots are and they fool nobody.




Actually, you're 100% correct. Trumpers have a peculiar habit of calling me "racist" all the time and never answer me when I ask them to elaborate. It's as if Trumpers consider themselves their own independent race or something.


Trump did it first after he was called racist for telling the Squad to go back to their countries. Then, I noticed Fox calling people racists if they protested racism. As if on cue, the mockingbird Trumpites are doing the same including on this site. They are very predictable.

They can't elaborate because Fox never gave them an explanation. Trumpites can only repeat catch phrases. They can't think for themselves or analyze anything.


Sadly, you're right. Brainless, mindless SHEEP is what Trump's supporters are.


She isn't easily replaced.
Trump has failed to appoint needed diplomats and ambassadors in key positions needed to maintain important relationships with our allies.
This party of "who needs anyone but 'Mericans. Get out." won't last forever. I look forward to the day when someone with the brains to understand diplomacy is back in office.


The fact that you don't care is alarming. It's not surprising with you Trumpers anymore, but it's still alarming in and of itself. If you honestly can't see the sheer insanity surrounding this Trump administration then you would have to be truly lost.

You don't have to break away from your party--but don't sit there and tell me you can't see the insanity in Trump and his administration.


I break away from my party whenever they lack the courage to back Trump, which is all too frequently.


You completely avoided acknowledging my bit about not seeing insanity. You completely avoided a single mention of it. Typical.


No, I don't see insanity. I see a lot of hysteria from the other side, but I don't find that remarkable either. Bush was also a racist, a Nazi, and an unintelligent buffoon. Those charges lose their power when they are carted out against every Republican. Right here in this thread, I'm labelled a "racist" because of my position that Bethany Milton's resignation is a non-event.


"No, I don't see insanity."

That's all I needed to know.

Now I know to avoid you in any future discussions around here. Whew!


Why are former allies who have known and worked for him for years calling him erratic and crazy?

Why are Republican allies who work with him now contacting the press and telling them that Trump is erratic and crazy and getting worst?

Why are numerous Republicans telling people to vote Democrat because Trump is crazy, getting worst and the democracy is at stake?

Why have there been numerous leaks of cabinet members calling Trump crazy and stupid?

Why has his own biographer call him crazy and dangerous?

Why has an author who spent a year in the White House speaking with staff been told repeatedly by his interviewees that Trump is crazy and stupid? This author wrote a second book with most of the same insiders repeating their warnings about Trump's sanity and stupidity.

Why are present allies who support and agree with Trump's policies calling him crazy and stupid?

Why did 37 psychiatrists get together to write a book warning the public about Trump's mental health titled "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President" by Bandy X. Lee?

You have never worked with Trump nor do you know him personally. There are too many people who know and admired Trump for years who are saying the same thing about his mental health.


Do you feel the same way about people getting Visas from other countries, such as Norway or Slovenia?


I didn't express any feeling about anyone seeking a visa. I mocked the notion that Ms. Milton's departure is of any consequence to anyone but Ms. Milton. I'm sure that Rwandans seeking visas will be just as pleased to receive their travel documents from one of Ms. Milton's colleagues or from her replacement.


Why do you think so lowly of her and her position?


Because she's against Trump. Nothing more. Nothing less.

How it must chap the a$$es of every Trumper when someone tells him in the most professional way possible to "fck off, I'm out". Donald could never be as professional as that.


Can you imagine if this was happening in Obama's administration, or if Hillary won? Republicans would be losing their minds.


Yep. Total hypocrisy.

I'm just feeling some relief now that I see even FOX is starting to wash its hands of Donald. This improves my hopes because if FOX of all places is started to distance itself a bit from kissing Donald's a$$ then that means they know he's likely on his way out in 2021.

It's just an amazing social experiment: literally everyone is abandoning Donald left and right...EXCEPT his base. They are choosing to sink with the Titanic. I mean...if that's not cult mentality then what is?


Washington DC. I'm sure there is a hundred people lined up to take that place with moving up in work. That is a civil service job with hundreds of people applying to it every week.


No, because no one wants to work for T-rump. That's not exactly 'a secret'. Just last year they had an 'job fair' to fill hundreds of positions at every grade level which no one wanted to take. When was the last time an administration held a 'job fair' to fill hundreds of positions, because no one wanted to take these jobs and work for that administration?

Hint: The answer is NEVER.


People are leaving his administration every day it seems. Pretty soon he will be alone on his "throne".


Let me correct you: there are a hundred yes-men eager to sell their souls lining up to serve Fat Donald. Anyone of any professionalism, respect and dignity is leaving in droves and all are being replaced with inexperienced weasels like Mulvaney.


None of this is surprising. Every last person with even a PIECE of a soul, integrity, dignity and respect is leaving and either not being replaced at all or being replaced by PATHETIC yes-men who'd sell their soul to donald in a heartbeat.

In fact, I hear "sell your soul to me" is one of the requirements for a fresh job on donald's staff these days.
