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T-rump deficit has soared 27 % in one year!

According to the the Congressional Budget Office, the T-rump deficit has skyrocketed 27 % in just one year. 27% ! It's expected to surpass a whopping $1 trillion next year, hopefully in a 'good economy'. Thanks to T-rump's massive tax cuts to his very wealthy friends, the Federal Government took in $430 billion less from what was expected.

Of course, when the deficit increases under a Democratic President, Republicans believe Satan has taken over the White House.

When the deficit increases under Republican President, Republicans believe 'The Chosen One' has come home to the White House.


Disgusting. Obama took Bush's annual budget of over $1 trillion and managed to cut it to $600 billion. Here comes Trump to bring it over $1 trillion again. What a disaster.


Anbd when Obama cut it to $600B, republicans were up in arms because we had a $600B deficit. Remember?

Now they're not saying a word about the 27% spike. They are so afraid of T-rump.


Oh I definitely remember. The $600 billion was all nothing but entitlement programs according to the conservatards.
