Epstein dead from suicide
Dead men can't talk
shareAssisted suicide ?
shareHow sad, but I think everyone was aware this was a very strong possibility it would end this way.
shareThe person with ultimate responsibility for Epstein's well being was none other than Lord Barr.
shareI'm not buying for one minute that Barr's father Donald hiring Epstein for his first job was a coincidence...especially since Barr was working for the CIA at the time and his father was in the OSS.
shareI'm pissed that we'll likely never learn the secrets that he kept.
shareIt depends what he left behind - journals, videos, emails. You never know!
shareYeah we'll now most likely never know!
Media is now reporting the suicide watch was lifted. This is going to demand some 'splaining. He wasn't on suicide watch anymore but he was housed in his own private cell. How convenient. How many people did that take?
WaPo had some piece up citing people close to Epstein feared he would be murdered and alleged that a prior attempt on his life had been made. WTF?
AOC is demanding an investigation into the circumstances of this.
There are already a million conspiracy theories floating around - most are saying he (or someone linked to him) 'paid off' the guards to 'look the other way' at 6:30 this morning. I'm sure heads are going to roll in the coming weeks. This looks very bad for them.
If investigators don't lean hard on every employee of that jail and obtain every scrap of surveillance video then we'll know it's a sham investigation.
shareEpstein is no longer around to talk but his and his cronies victims and witnesses are.
shareIt's such a shame because the first list of unsealed names yesterday was shocking enough, what governments this man could have brought down we're now forced to speculate.
The insane thing is just how many people would want him silenced. The list we know of goes on indefinitely. Sounds like he was pitching every powerful alpha male alive on services you can’t get from ordinary sex workers. The more he did, the greater the aura of invulnerability he must have projected.
My guess is that "warning" hit or botched job a few weeks ago was almost certainly done by that dirty cop they questioned who had killed 4 people over drug deals. Certainly the type of person whose services can be purchased. Media reports he was on suicide watch from that incident. Hard to believe we live in an age with video surveillance of back alleys monitoring garbage dumpsters, but there would be nothing on inmates on 24/7 suicide watch? There's no excuse for there not to be a camera glued on him at all times, fuck his privacy. Especially seeing as this might be the most important criminal/witness to possibly ever be in custody.
There will be an Epstein movie, we can be absolutely sure. Numerous Epstein movies. There are writers surely pitching silver screen renditions this very moment. This is going to spawn a cottage industry of Kennedy-esque conspiracy tales and speculation for generations.
But the list from yesterday would have surfaced regardless of Epstein being alive or dead, no?
How much would he have spilled anyway? We’ll never know. But this Ghislaine Maxwell should know everything Eppy. Talk about being in hot water. Isn’t she the one who helped him launch his “career” through her father’s connections?
I hadn’t heard about the dirty cop, lol, but what would this saga be without one? For sure, you’re spot on with the cottage industry of all things Epstein. I’m very fascinated but I couldn’t stomach the re-enactments of the abuse.
I truly hope the victims and witnesses are sufficiently protected.
As for the surveillance footage: I saw on Twitter that it was in operation but had a “malfunction.” Right.
But here's the thing. Numerous victims are on record claiming that Epstein used hidden video cameras and regular cameras to obtain kompromat on the people involved. But nobody currently knows where that stash is. His biggest value to both authorities and to the other perps was the knowledge of the whereabouts.
Now that he’s dead, we’re probably fucked on finding it, which means that all that extended network just got saved. Highly doubtful Ghislaine Maxwell is going to know where he keeps his stash now. She's been successfully dodging scrutiny since being deposed on the Virginia Roberts case. She has no reason to return to the US if she doesn't want to, she sold her NY Townhouse 4 years ago. Her case was settled out of court while she denied everything in her deposition. If she can be held criminally liable why hadn't it already been done?
I'm very doubtful that any new information will come to light now.
Kompromat, LOLZ
Why hadn’t Maxwell been held criminally liable? Power, money?
If the stash exists it will be found someday, but when? Maybe someone else knows where it is. How often is a person with such massive domestic staffs ever really alone? Servants know close to everything. My gut says at least one other person knows where it is and doubtless, there are copies. Maybe, just maybe he told his lawyer in order to line up a strategy in the event that it was found, or to pay someone to destroy it. So many possibilities...
I couldn’t find where Maxwell now resides. Let me guess.. France?
I think lots more info will come to light but we’ll have to wait and see.
I doubt anyone else is going to be eager to talk when they just took Epstein out in jail while the whole world was watching.
The only chance of information getting out is if he had something setup in the event of his death. Like video getting dropped online or whatever. But that is just something that happens in movies. If he had anything like that it was probably already taken care of.
People are talking - his victims plus the unsealed court docs.
I think more will accuse him, but whoever he had dirt on is most likely off the hook.
shareUnless those videos surface.
shareThe more time goes by I think the less chance any tapes are going to surface. Why no raid on his island compound and other US properties since his NY arrest?
That's a lot of time for some covert team of specialists to scour his properties and remove/destroy evidence or threaten and buy off subordinates. I know that sounds like something out of a paranoid conspiracy thriller but these are the circles this guy ran in. Billionaires and the elite foster their own loyal crack teams of security professionals whose job it is to protect their employer's personal and financial interests at any cost. They aren't going to necessarily be inclined to play by the rules.
I see the problem we're faced with on transparency as one of the two possibilities:
Scenario 1 (a nefarious agent in government) there will be attempts to cover it up
Scenario 2 (gross negligence) there will also be attempts to cover it up because careers, bad optics, the usual self serving BS.
In scenario 1, the obvious attempt to cover it up is to push scenario 2 as the reality.
In scenario 2, the obvious attempt to cover it up is to push scenario 1 as the reality.
Compound this by the fact that he allegedly had dirt on both high profile Republicans and Democrats. Both sides are motivated to blame the other and push one of the above scenarios while dismissing the other.
Very difficult to see how this gets sorted out with any clarity. This is a perfect storm for spawning the mother of all conspiracy theorizing because I have a hard time seeing how anyone can trust the results of the Barr led DoJ ultimately responsible for his death on the results of any investigation into themselves. He'd need to recuse himself, but of course he won't.
They are finally searching the V.I. place today. Maybe some foreign laws prevented it sooner.
I still think we haven’t heard the end of those tapes. The fact that these teenage girls knew about them indicated a sloppiness that I find surprising. If you have a secret, any secret at all that you want to preserve, you don’t tell ANYONE. So I have no doubt he was sloppy again and again and someone knows or can guess where they are. I’m very optimistic about this!
Oh yeah, Barr investigating this is ludicrous.
Sounds about right on the transparency scenarios. Took a couple of times for me to read!
I think anyone famous who is involved and afraid of exposure will distance themselves and try to create PR distractions.
This will be a legendary ordeal, I agree.
Actually, I just realised that these victims weren’t aware of who all these men were. One of them from yesterday was described to Giuffre as “a prince.”
But like I said, Maxwell would probably know.
The prince is Prince Andrew.
Former New Mexico gov Bill Richardson had been confirmed (with rumors circulating for years he was in Epstein's little black book. Curiously, his statement specifically said that he’d never been to Epstein’s place in the Virgin Islands, which left the rather gaping loophole of Epstein’s place in New Mexico while Richardson was the gov there), along with a former Senate Majority Leader, Spanish President, the Prince, and a couple of billionaires named yesterday.
Plus the people they themselves may have named.
Incidentally, the confirmation about Richardson didn't surprise me that much given the rumors of his persistent womanizing while he was New Mexico's governor. Epstein's New Mexico palace would have been too inviting a pad for him to turn down.
I'm assuming people were getting very worried that either Epstein or one of those named might start naming more names and that just couldn’t happen.
But I'd agree Gislaine Maxwell is the number one loose end in all this. You're familiar with how her mogul father died under mysterious circumstances in a likely clandestine hit right? She's probably hiding for her life right now from authorities AND shady underworld operatives.
No, Giuffre knew who Prince Andrew was. This was another guy, who she was told was “a prince.”
Speaking of Andrew, KP has been churning out lots of Andrew related PR distractions from this all summer. Hard to believe that family’s luxuries are still funded by the rank and file Brits.
So Richardson glaringly omits any comment on the NM palace in the state he governed? Laughable.
No, I wasn’t aware of the circumstances of Maxwell’s death.
No doubt she’s hiding but that can’t last.
This is all incredible, and could just be perfectly timed to snowball right into the 2020 presidential election.
Chilling to think that 3 out of 5 presidential tickets in 2016 had Epstein ties: Trump, Clinton, and Johnson (Richardson was his VP). I boycotted the election in 2016 by not voting. I no longer feel guilty about that decision. Stein and McMullin aren't linked to Epstein as far as I know, but what chance did they really have?
shareThere were two salacious unconfirmed rumors that swirled in DC early last decade, one pertaining to a Republican and one a Democrat. The one about the Republican was that he was going into the train station restrooms and having sex with men. That was confirmed to be Idaho Senator Larry Craig who got exposed a decade ago after playing footsie with an undercover cop in a Minnesota airport restroom.
The one about a Democrat was about Bill Richardson. The rumor was "Yeah Richardson's a great guy, he's done great work on Dem causes and would make a great presidential candidate (he did run in '08') except his 'girl' problem." I had always assumed that referred to womanizing in the Clinton mold. But in light of the Epstein stuff, maybe the term 'girl' wasn't as incidental as I thought it was.
Regardless, it looks like Epstein's lawyers are lawyering up with criminal defense attorneys. You know who else has lawyered up with a big time criminal defense attorney? Les Wexner. I wonder what sort of criminal exposure he might have had, since I thought he had publicly fallen out with him in 2008 after Epstein's first arrest.
Oh the secrets these people keep. I knew a guy a while back. He’d be in his 50’s or 60’s now, grew up in DC. He discovered his sexuality very young and started sneaking out of the house and going to gay bars. By 14 he was turning tricks in limos for top DC politicians who he claimed were all anti gay republicans. They would tell him what to wear and everything- short shorts and a tank under his winter coat. Poor guy died of AIDS.
lol about the incidental girl term!
You pointed out Wexner to me. He claims Ep misappropriated 46M from him. But yes, why would a gay guy need to lawyer up over this?
Is Dershowitz still being sued? A few days before Ep’s demise Dersho took to Twitter for a civilised discussion on why exactly girls should be allowed abortions without parental consent but not allowed to consent to sex with a man.
And yes, I too wonder why Ep’s other lawyers are lining up their defence attorneys. Any clue?
From what I gather about Wexner, he seems more like a voracious metrosexual and life-of-the-party type back in the day. While it's natural to assume that any guy who made his fortune on the founding of a woman's clothing brand as definitively flaming, he appears to have swung pretty widely. My best guess: he must have orchestrated some marathon drug fueled Dionysian orgies back in his time with Epstein a cohort and partner in crime. He does have 4 kids from a wife who is 25 years his junior. He was also named in an affidavit by one of Virginia Roberts attorneys that she had sex with both Wexner and Dershowitz upon Epstein's direction.
As for Dersh, his public defense I kid you not has been:
"I got a massage even though I don’t like massages, and it was from an adult Russian woman, and I had my underwear on, and I don’t know who else was in the house…"
For such an apex lawyer, he really blows at the job of defending himself. Maybe because he's guilty?
That twitter defense you cite was his doubling down on an op-ed he wrote 22 years ago in the Los Angeles Times titled "Statutory Rape is an Outdated Concept". lulz. Yeah Alan, we're sure you think that.
I thought you had said Wexner was openly gay when you were talking about the $77M Manhattan townhouse being given to Epstein. I hadn’t known he was one of Giuffre’s defendants. I see.. so it makes much more sense to me now that he’d be scared. If he was orgy guy back in the day, there were probably countless other victims.
Imagine all the slime balls in NY who are shitting bricks as we speak over this new Child Victims Act, aka Look Back Window that goes into effect today. The courts are going to be clogged!
Yeah, I read about “Olga” the Russian lady who gave Dersho a massage he didn’t like and who doesn’t exist, lol. The staff interviewed from wherever that was all said there was no middle aged masseuse nor any Olga, lol. That he would make up a lie out of thin air struck me as odd as well. I suppose this is one reason why no lawyer should represent themself, lol. The more he talks about the allegations, the more guilty he seems. He also tried to bash down Giuffre by saying that she can’t be believed because she’s a prostitute! No Alan, she’s an adult survivor of childhood sex trafficking trauma you low life scum. He’s still going after her on his Twitter feed as well as crying McCarthyism.. Ever notice the people who shriek witch hunt usually turn out to be guilty?
I thought he was gay too until I looked into him a bit more. He's technically not one of the defendants against Giuffre's suit. I believe that statement was submitted in affidavit by one of her lawyers but was later withdrawn. If it were still current I think we'd be hearing a lot more about it.
Did you see that New Yorker article from a couple weeks ago on Dersho that he was so worried about he wrote a column on Newsmax to decry it as a hit piece two weeks before it came out? Yeah he clearly doth protest too much.
I saw neither of those Dersho articles but I’ll def check them out.
Something that really pissed me off was how Judge Kenneth Marra let Dersho and Andrew off the hook when Giuffre tried to join a lawsuit in 2015. He called her allegations against Andrew lurid, immaterial and impertinent! It was a sex offence suit for god’s sake! Imagine how that would fly now, 4 years later.
You can read this crappy Page Six piece on it from back then in which they refer to Giuffre as a former teen prostitute. Again, she’s an adult survivor of sex abuse, people! Clearly the article is propping up the powerful men here, as I’m sure they’re on the PR payroll of at least KP.
(But I must admit that I love Page Six and NYPost pieces in general for quick summaries, lol). https://pagesix.com/2015/04/07/judge-throws-out-teen-sex-claims-against-prince-andrew/amp/
Yup, that New Yorker article really highlights Alan's career of using the words of victims of sex abuse to smear them as prostitutes. New Yorker has about the best journalistic rep in the business. They don't go to print with an article unless they double, triple, quadruple check sources and make absolutely certain everything said is airtight.
It's funny Alan thought he could make any sort of dent in their rep by his preemptive attack in Newsmax of all trashy right wing news rags. You can tell his target audience is all right wing zealots these days. The rest of society has written him off as a clown. The Martha's Vineyard crowd has spurned him. It's tragic Giuffre got her case tossed, but she might get the last laugh here. Especially now that she's represented by David Boies, one of the most fearsome litigators in the business. Boies is every bit the lawyer that Alan is with the pedigree to prove it. Dersho's got his work cut out for him and he's spent the last month taking shots at Boies in the press and making an all around idiot out of himself.
I have yet to even finish the Newsmax piece. It’s infuriatingly difficult to concentrate when the page keeps reloading and ads pop up. Sounds about right for an online rag. But one other bit I noticed before I put it on hold was that Dersho was again trying to equate something innocent with lying. He’s saying their lawyer won’t let them make statements to the press and so that proves they have nothing honest to say as they are only staying quiet because they don’t want to get sued for lying. Lol. Who wouldn’t see through this?
I love that the Vineyard has frozen him out, lol.
Hard to believe this guy was once at the apex of lawyer land.
Oh, I don’t think Giuffre had a case tossed. She was denied her request to join one but then, I believe, separately sued Ep and Maxwell, which settled.
shareWell there's this new law that just passed called the Children's Victim's Act that passed in February but just went into effect today. It gives underage victims one year to sue their abusers. Before victims were constrained by restrictive statute of limitations. So I expect we're going to see lots of Epstein victims come forward like Jennifer Araoz today.
shareYes, I know!
shareDid you see the reports that Maxwell was spotted and photographed at an in-n-out burger in LA? Not really sure what to make of it yet, but if accurate it sure doesn't appear she thinks she's in much danger from getting apprehended.
shareNo! LMAO!!! Which In-n-Out?? The Hollywood one... it’s gotta be the Hollywood one.. 🤣🤣🤣
shareThey’re saying it’s Universal City. Maybe she paid NYP to publish that to take the heat off if her MA friend. I think the pic is bogus. She looks Photoshopped in. It’s summer; why are the women wearing long sleeves? Why is posing for the pic? The book she’s supposedly reading is an obvious plug by the paper (rag).
Someone with the proper software could see the licence plate of that white SUV and see the sticker color and when it expires. Wait a second, I just noticed there are two pics! The first one looks like her 15 years ago PS’d in and the second looks like a doppelgänger!!! LOL
Could be. The only reason I gave it credibility was because it's the top story currently on Business Insider, but they are just reciting the Post as the original source. If the story is true I'd expect her to be apprehended in short order given all the reports about how she's being sought by law enforcement.
Do you think it's any coincidence Prince Andrew announced his retirement from public life yesterday? It sounds like the pressure has taken its toll.
The whole piece is ridiculous, even for The Post. As if any jet setter, disgraced or not, would be caught dead, not just eating but hanging out in In-n-Out. Gimme a break. Then this first pic... it’s the prettiest pic of her I’ve EVER seen from any decade, which strongly suggests she chose it. Who else would chose such a pic that totally contrasts in age to the other one? They look 30 years apart and the first one is a face in complete repose. It looks like a retouched headshot. LOL. Is she friends with Murdoch?
I hadn’t heard Andrew “retired.” Retired from what, exactly? Hanging out with seedy underworld types? He’s useless at best. He’s the Duke of York and the Yorkers hate him. He rarely shows up there for anything and when he does he is clueless, puts his foot in his mouth and splits ASAP. He’ll be cut off completely once the queen dies. Charles hates him.
I bet you're right about the Maxwell story. It does sound preposterous she'd be hanging out at in-n-out burger.
shareThe staff there would know.
shareSo now I don't think Ghislaine is behind the Post fake sighting. A cursory dig informed me of what others doubtless already know. Her father was a bitter rival of Rupert Murdoch, who has been pushing the angle of Ghislaine being the sleazy victim recruiter of Epstein. So I doubt very much that she’s friend’s with Murdoch or that anyone employed by him would be inclined to go in cahoots with her.
I now think NYP is simply opportunizing on the Where is Ghislaine Maxwell? storyline.
Did you see this spread on Maxwell? They seem to think they've uncovered where she's been ... hiding out in Boston!
It really is uncanny how legit news sources are giving credence to this sham Post in n out sighting. It’s clearly a plug for the CIA book, but why would they all go along with it? Click the link of the book in the article and you’ll be routed to Amazon and guess who’s given the latest review of the book! LMAO!
There’s some code in this I think: the CIA book, the term in n out.. wait a second! Even the location of the in n out speaks in code to me. Universal City- Universal Studios owned by Comcast who outbid Murdoch not long ago on something or other. I’m telling you, there’s something very fishy about this Post scam.
That article you linked had interesting info on this non profit TerraMar. Sounds like a shell company. But I don’t understand why she would lend it money. A tax dodge? They guy she’s been with in MA looks young in his pic. He’s probably wrapped around her finger.
Dershowitz’ Newsmax rebuttal is ever so flimsy lol. He says Giuffre has a long history of lying for money and then goes on to cite one example of her acceptance of money for a story. He’s equating a person of modest means taking money for info with being a liar. He also references a houseman going on record saying he never witnessed Dersho doing anything inappropriate. He expects us to assume that means nothing inappropriate was ever done by Dersho out of the view of this rando staffer. Lol.
But this is the whirling dervish statement from his defence: “Apparently The New Yorker believes that the crimes of which I have been falsely accused are so heinous that even total innocence is not a defence! LMAO
My ass.
we know whats goign on.
Show us the body.
Was definitely a surprise for me upon seeing that soon after waking up.
It almost felt a bit eerie or such when I glanced at that on CNN/etc. on the TV for a few seconds.
But their victims can, will, are.
shareKinda scary that he took the suicide route. Just shows how powerful the other people he's protecting could do to him. Looks like a strong pact where death is the only option if caught. This rabbit hole goes deeper with young women human trafficking in the US.
shareYou buy he killed himself?
He was mysteriously taken off suicide watch and put in his own unit. The cellmate who "saved" him from his attempt earlier was a dirty cop.
Why would a narcissist who walked with a slap on the wrist a decade ago kill himself pre-trial when he had leverage to make a deal? According to his victims he had hidden cameras everywhere to keep extortion material on guests he entertained. Narcissists with that sort of leverage don't kill themselves pre-trial.
What kind of deal do you think he could have made?
It’s a different world now than a decade ago, with sex abuse scandals involving the rich and powerful and with social media.
I don’t doubt he was offed, but I wouldn’t be shocked to learn that he’d been allowed to kill himself and took the chance.
I agree. The more I look into this the more I'm convinced it's far more likely outside forces facilitated, threatened, extorted, psychologically tortured, and negligently looked away while giving him the means to kill himself. The chances he got murdered by an assailant who slipped into his single occupancy cell evading CCTV or live monitoring with time to arrange the scene to create the appearance of a suicide-by-hanging seems pretty remote in my opinion. It'd just carry far greater risk of detection from the trail of forensic evidence left in the wake.
If reports are accurate about Epstein being made to eat his meals off the floor in the days up to his death, the extreme degradation he'd been enduring compared to the lifestyle he was used to could have easily pushed him over the edge.
Good points on how unlikely it was that someone got in to “hang” him. It wouldn’t be impossible I guess, but it would involve too many people: the IT team, the guards, the coroner..
How is someone murdered by hanging in a staged suicide? There would be defensive wounds or traces of drugs in their system.
I read about his meals off the floor in this NY mag article.
That actually meant without a plate? That really pisses me off for the reason you mentioned. It would obviously push a spoiled, entitled person over the edge and so it seems that was probably the plan.
Yeah without a plate. That reference to how he "lived like a pig in a sty", eating meals off the floor and making frequent requests for toilet paper.
Reading between the lines, he was probably making those frequent requests for toilet paper because they never gave him any. The intended degradation and humiliation is a form of psychological torture by making it impossible to clean up after himself; facilitating the squalid and miserable living conditions that would drive him to suicide.
I read about a similar tactic used on terror suspects in Guantanamo in the wake of 911, except in that case it wasn't to drive them to suicide but to voluntarily confess in order to escape the misery of having to live in their own filth.
Voluntarily confess to things they may not even have done. That was on a Forensic Files episode about a teenager who was browbeaten so severely by detectives he actually signed a confession for a murder that was later proven through forensic science to have been committed by someone else.
El Chapo was making complaints about the conditions as well. He was in the same facility until last month.
Yeah all the terror suspects rounded up in the week after 911 and tortured like that turned out to be innocent. You'd think the 100% false confession rate would have forced CIA to rethink that tactic.
Remember Amanda Knox and her treatment in Italy by a corrupt prosecutor and law enforcement that led to her false accusation that she retracted the next day? Sadly, it was enough to convince the haters of her guilt and 4 years of incarceration before her conviction was overturned. I don't understand why anyone would ever agree to police questioning without a lawyer present. But the naivety of teenagers not yet savvy to the deceit and games played by the supposed good guys of law enforcement make them easy marks.
I vaguely remember the Knox story.
I think in some cases the police are corrupt, ambitious, and self serving and simply don’t care if innocents rot in jail.
New York Times: "[W]hen the decision was made to remove Mr. Epstein from suicide watch, the jail informed the Justice Department that Mr. Epstein would have a cellmate and that a guard 'would look into his cell' every 30 minutes. But that was apparently not done..."
In Knox's case the prosecutor was a straight religious fruitloop whose theory of the case was that she killed her roommate in a satanic sacrifice.
Apparently the jail is understaffed. For such an important witness he should have had round the clock observation.
That is crazy about Knox’s prosecutor! Sounds like The Crucible.
The 'jail is understaffed' being put out sounds like a huge distraction.
I don't doubt they were likely understaffed, but I'm pretty sure the most important and endangered inmate in the federal prison system did not die because of overtime policies. It was someone's decision to take him off suicide watch and put him alone in a cell monitored by overworked guards when he was supposed to have a cellmate. But I expect we're going to hear lots of vague reports like this because there are a lot of vested interests at play. This sounds like a prison official in "cover your ass" mode.
New York City medical examiner released a statement Sunday evening saying she could not make a full determination on Epstein’s cause of death until she had more information. I found that really weird.
The NY Post is now reporting Barr visited the MCC facility before Epstein's first suicide "attempt". If this turns out to be true it just makes it even more apparent he needs to recuse himself from any oversight into investigation over how this happened. This requires independent investigation for the public to trust any conclusions reached.
OMG I know. The whole thing stinks to high heaven. It’s just more lunacy from Trump and Co. with Barr, as you say, overseeing an investigation that his department was in charge of. We really are living under a banana republic at the moment.
The autopsy report is supposedly waiting on the test results. Don’t know, but I’d think they could speed that up if they wanted to.
And while I’m just as angry about Epstein being killed or allowed to off himself, this is just more shit on the shit mountain for trump and all of them, from which each new shovel full costs him more supporters.
For those interested, this is the award winning investigative reporting series Perversion of Justice by Julie K. Brown, about this sex trafficking case published in The Miami Herald.
Yeah that was the story published last November that led to renewed scrutiny by congress on Epstein's sweetheart deal and it served as the catalyst for his rearrest in New York. I believe she won a Pulitzer for that piece.
shareI saw a tweet about the NDA’s of Epstein’s staff that are now all toast so that’s something.
shareOh wow! That may give us some insight.
shareMight.. but they’re still in danger if they speak out against these powerful people.
Where is Maxwell???
Good question. Disappeared in plain sight.
shareWith all the rumors swirling about how the feds are looking to exact their pound of flesh from Epstein's co-conspirators, it'd be lunacy for her to pop her head up now. I'm sure she's hiding out somewhere with murky or non-enforceable US extradition laws.
shareThickening plot.. but she can’t be alone. I love the thought of her being holed up like a rat when you can tell by all the society pics she’s in that she loves the limelight.
shareYeah but she's 57, no spring chicken anymore and knows she'd be persona non grata among the glitterati jet set anyway. I don't see why she'd be eager on making a splashing return when she'll be forever known as Jeffrey Epstein's pitifully forlorn kiddie procurer. It'll be the byline of her obituary.
But the initial Epstein deal absolved his co-conspirators, which presumably includes Maxwell. So she might have immunity anyway. According to a sketchily sourced Daily Mail article she's signaled she's ready to talk to prosecutors. I can't imagine why she would unless she was given guarantees of immunity from self incrimination. But considering the source, I'm taking it with a grain of salt.
Maxwell may be over the hill, but people like her become accustomed to being big shots. Was she already an outcast? I just love that she’s now openly known as a pariah without a question.
That DM article was actually very informative. It was the beginning of it that’s definitely in need of taking with a grain of salt:
“Ghislaine Maxwell was last night reported to be ready to co-operate with the American authorities in their ongoing investigation into Prince Andrew’s late friend Jeffrey Epstein.”
Last night reported.. lol
I also love that the DM is slamming Andrew. He’s foul. Watch the queen give him another medal any day now for bringing more fame to the empire. lol
Great points about someone else sneaking into his cell. Never thought of that.
I don't know for sure... just too many contradictions and coincidences and misinformation. What I think we can all agree on is this was no natural death even if by accidental suicide.
Someone just saved a DA a whole lot of work.