How the West Ends
It is becoming increasingly apparent that a single generation will squander and ruin a two thousand year old legacy handed down to them through the ages, along with many factors including failed state education systems across the western world and a steep moral and cultural decline making everything
emotions and feelings centric is incredibly dangerous as it opens the doors of power to sadistic and nihilistic people who like nothing more than to destroy everything. violent low IQ, and with love for war, crime, and violence..... and the submission of girls and women.
A little taste of the comment section:
“Christian Runkowski
1 week ago
Look at all the people who do nothing...contribute nothing....yet demand everything. Atypical of the brown mind.”
Notice that the moron doesn’t know the proper use of “atypical”.
6 days ago
This is what happens when you let women vote.”
A lovely bit of sexism there.
Honestly, I didn’t even watch the video. The comments section alone told me everything I needed to know about it’s content. Pathetic.
Nationalism is a cancer. Thankfully it is eating itself, but unfortunately it hurts others around it before doing so.
shareLike Rome, destroyed from within.