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British ambassador to US calls T-rump 'inept'

In an unprecedented leak of recent official diplomatic memos, Britain’s ambassador to the U.S., Sir Kim Darroch, reportedly described Donald Trump as “inept” and at risk of ending his presidency in “disgrace.”

In one devastating cable between the British Embassy in Washington, DC to Downing Street, Darroch is said to have written: “We don’t really believe [Trump’s] Administration is going to become substantially more normal; less dysfunctional; less unpredictable; less faction riven; less diplomatically clumsy and inept.”

Darroch, 65, has been Britain’s “man in Washington” since January 2016, a year before T-rump moved into the White House. He was previously the U.K.’s representative to the European Union and a national security adviser.

As of today, The White House had no official comment. T-rump is not one to take criticism lightly, and is expected to start a Tweet rage by tomorrow morning when the memos hit the British press.


lol! The British Government is not apologizing for what was said about T-rump in the leaked memos. Said a spokesperson to the British press, “We pay them to be candid. “

T-rump has not responded yet. He has child trafficking on his mind.


"Inept" among other things like racist, homophobic, miscoginistic, nationalist idiot who never should have been elected. I hope the right wingers come to their senses in the next election.


The British do have a gift for understatement.


So a diplomat who has just embarrassed his own country calls out the Trump administration for being "diplomatically clumsy and inept"? I think Sir Kim will soon have plenty of time to ponder the irony.


How did he embarrass his own country?


What exactly is so embarrassing about telling the truth? It's his job as an ambassador to assess and interpret the behavior of the leader of the country to which he's been assigned, and he's obviously a very perceptive man since he came to the same conclusion about Trumpie that everyone in this country with a functioning brain already knows. Nothing to be ashamed of here.


All of America responded, “ Tell us something we don’t know.”


T-rump is losing his mind on this one! One big hit to his ego, once again.


The embarrassment is whoever leaked those cables for embarrassing Britain. The diplomat did nothing wrong.

It's the job of the diplomat to provide an honest and unvarnished assessment of diplomatic matters of state. That diplomat was just doing his job providing his brutal assessment of this administration to his political masters. They obviously trusted his judgement for him to be US ambassador in the first place, a position with a considerable measure of prestige.

I'm more curious about the motives of the leaker.


Ex-ambassador. The British Foreign Office could have gotten the same level of insight by watching cnn or msnbc on any night of the week.


Whether his view aligns with CNN's analysis is entirely immaterial because it's not CNN's opinion that Downing Street trusts, it's their experienced and savvy diplomat they appointed as ambassador to the United States.

Why are you faulting the man for his honesty?

Would you prefer he do a poor job by lying? It sounds like you're just bitter because you don't agree with his analysis. Except he's the seasoned pro, you're not.


The British Foreign Office could have gotten the same level of insight by watching cnn or msnbc on any night of the week.

Why would they want to do that when they have a direct, first-hand account from a trusted professional whom they put in that job for his honesty an unbiased opinion?


FWIW, the entire Washington diplomatic corps is uniformly of the same opinion as Sir Kim Darroch. He just happened to be the unlucky one that had his cables leaked. But it could have been any one of a number of US ambassadors from US allies.

Ask members of the Washington diplomatic corps about the cables that Sir Kim Darroch, the British ambassador who resigned Wednesday, wrote to London describing the dysfunction and chaos of the Trump administration, and their response is uniform: We wrote the same stuff.


Excellent point. He was indeed doing his job - and there's no shame in what he said. It was all true.


BREAKING NEWS British unemployment at 1 percent over the United States.




lol Its true, the brits dont have as many unpaid interns as the US. Participation trophy on its way.




Best economy in 5000 years. Inept. LOL

Yeah right.


Pissed off T-rump today!!! Went on his tweet rage and made America laugh. He’s a snowflake.


The 1990s are shaking its head at you right now. There is no booming economy. We're still peeling back the damage from the 2007 recession. It may feel like we're out of the water, but thats only because the Obama administration made it breathable again.


The 90s were great.


Who leaked his emails? Russia? Pot meets kettle.
