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The debates

Hi all,

Did you watch the debates tonight? I like most of the 23, but of course anyone is okay with me as long as they get this Alt Right idiot out. My favorite is Tulsi Gabbard, but Biden, the front runner is the likely candidate. Beto did a good job in the debate, Castro is annoying, the rest are okay. Let's see what happens tomorrow,


Why are they having the debates so early???? The next election is Nov. 3, 2020!!!! I'm already tired of hearing/seeing all the news about the debates.


You mist be remarkably pliable mentally - brainwashing usually takes longer than that!



Debates are an outdated waste of time. A test of who can memorize the most focus grouped answers. And if they get lucky they’ll be the one chosen by the democrat media/party to be declared the winner.

Being a great leader, having great ideas and solutions to real problems the country faces, has nothing to do with ones debate skills. They’re pointless. They were necessary in a time before internet and television. But now they’re just a circus for the 24/7 propaganda cycle.
