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Greedy tax bill to go into effect...Social Security/Medicad-care cuts next.

After fleecing the American people to line their own pockets by passing a reprehensible tax bill that will add one-and-a-half trillion dollars to the federal deficit over the next ten years, Republicans have their eyes on next slashing funding to government assistance programs for the elderly and sick.

Good luck with that, guys. The aging Baby-Boomers and soon to be aging Gen-Xers who comprise a large number of the voting population of this country aren't going to be too thrilled about that. No matter how they try to spin it, almost no-one is really stupid enough (yes, even Republicans) to want their safety-net taken away from them. It will be nice to say farewell to a lot of these greedy scumbag Republican Senators when the next mid-term elections are held less than a year from now.


"that will add one-and-a-half trillion dollars to the federal deficit over the next ten years"

It's really weird that Democrats are now concerned about the deficit, after Obama raised it by nine trillion. No, make that nine trillion.

"Republicans have their eyes on next slashing funding to government assistance programs for the elderly and sick."

Same old worn-out Democrat talking points. Republicans are going to kick your grandmother to the curb, and OH MY GOD THE CHILDREN! THE CHILDREN!

"It will be nice to say farewell to a lot of these greedy scumbag Republican Senators when the next mid-term elections are held less than a year from now. "

Got to love it when Democrats pull out their crystal balls and make predictions about elections. Because they proved that their prognostications were spot-on in 2016. Hahahaha!


Because they proved that their prognostications were spot-on in 2016. Hahahaha!

Yuk it up, Fascist-boy. We'll see who's laughing come this November.


"Yuk it up, Fascist-boy. We'll see who's laughing come this November."

Yes, we will.

And I'm a Fascist for pointing out the truth? Hahahaha! Do you even know what that word means?


Yes, I know exactly what the truth is. It's pretty much everything that's the opposite of whatever comes spewing out of the mouth of President Dumbo.


How are people keeping more of their own money fleecing the American people? WHen you get a return back form your taxes do you feel you have taken from the American people? do you insist on the IRS keeping your return? do you ask to pay more?


People get to be "keeping more of their own money" for just one year, or only a significant amount for that period, that is. After that, the tax "savings" diminish and by the third year everyone lower and middle class will be paying what they used to, and perhaps even more.

But for the rich c*nts the major tax-cuts will still be in effect.

It's called seeing past what's in front of your nose. AKA, seeing the forest for the trees.


Will the rich folks be paying the same as the lower or middle class..or still more..because that is a key different when complaining about that. for instance..if a rich person was paying a lower percentage than me then yes that could be an issue, but if he is still paying considerably more than i am...then..the issue is how much you believe a rich person should pay to cover what other people cant or don't want to pay?

Edit: I checked and they will be paying significantly more than I will whether my rates go down as expected or return to what they were. Either way the Rich will still pay in both percentage and pure cash far more than the middle class and below will. Just because someone is successful does not mean they don't deserve tax cuts. When their rates fall below those of the middle class then you can complain. Right now its those below a certain income that don't pay much in and often get back more than they had you want to fix this so its "fair" or is "fair" only defined by what you prefer?


I happen to disagree. I believe that tax rates SHOULD be progressive, and that the more you earn, then the higher percentage of taxes you should pay. During the Truman and Eisenhower era, the tax rates on the top earners was close to 90%. While I don't feel we should return to that rate, I do believe the very wealthy can afford to part with a lot more than what they are paying today.


Why should they though? Why should successful people pay more than their fair share?

When you do things with other people, if they make more money do you expect them to pay the lions share of all the things you do together or do you chip in your fair share?


Well I can't say that I "do things" with many multi-millionaires, so I can't really say.

But if you can't grasp the sheer inequity of why higher income people should fork over more in taxes on their incomes, then I suppose there's no reason to continue this conversation.
