Greedy tax bill to go into effect...Social Security/Medicad-care cuts next.
After fleecing the American people to line their own pockets by passing a reprehensible tax bill that will add one-and-a-half trillion dollars to the federal deficit over the next ten years, Republicans have their eyes on next slashing funding to government assistance programs for the elderly and sick.
Good luck with that, guys. The aging Baby-Boomers and soon to be aging Gen-Xers who comprise a large number of the voting population of this country aren't going to be too thrilled about that. No matter how they try to spin it, almost no-one is really stupid enough (yes, even Republicans) to want their safety-net taken away from them. It will be nice to say farewell to a lot of these greedy scumbag Republican Senators when the next mid-term elections are held less than a year from now.