Fake News: Pearl Harbour
President Roosevelt provoked or allowed the Japanese attack to justify going to war. Determined to help Britain fight back against the totalitarian Axis powers, Roosevelt was eager to bestir an isolationist public. Some historians have tried to show that Roosevelt knew from broken Japanese codes and other clues that an attack was imminent, yet did nothing.
In 1941, analysts recommended an eight-point plan designed to provoke a Japanese attack. These facts have been brought to light in a recent book by Robert Stinnett, entitled Day of Deceit: The truth about FDR and Pearl Harbour. The plan included military provocations and a recommendation to “completely embargo all trade with Japan in collaboration with a similar embargo by the British Empire”.
The US cited Japan’s continued continued wars on the Asian mainland as the reason for placing embargoes (mainly oil) on them. The real reason behind such measures was that America knew this would force Japan into an attempted seizure of oil and mineral riches in Indonesia.
In order to do this, the Japanese would have to nullify the threat of the American fleet stationed at Pearl Harbour. In order to enrage the American public into supporting the war effort that the American government sought to engage in, the president, Franklin Roosevelt, needed to ensure that Japan’s first strike seemed as dramatic, surprising and bloody as possible.
As a consequence, Roosevelt kept many in the dark as to what his administration was hatching, even his own commanders in Hawai never knew what was coming, that way Pearl Harbour would be written into the history books as one of the most shocking and unprovoked acts of war.
As the world went about its unwitting business, the propaganda was being carefully prepared for the events that were about to take place. Soon enough, the psychological war would also kick into operation on American soil, and the mindset of the American public forever altered.
US President Franklin D Roosevelt, responsible the deaths of 2067 people at Pearl Harbor in 1941.
Propaganda images such as the ones you see here quickly became common place in America, re-employing the age old scheme of manipulation of people’s emotions via an overload of the images and words carrying the same corrupt sentiment.
Japanese kamikaze bombers in Pearl Harbour: America has a long history of willingly provoking suicide bombers.
This report is a search for the truth, dedicated to the innocent people who had their right to life taken from them by the New World Order on September the eleventh.
De-classified documents show that the Pentagon had PRIOR KNOWLEDGE of the attack on Pearl Harbour, indeed, that they provoked and instigated the “unprovoked” attack and did nothing to stop it. A July 22 report by Admiral Richmond Turner in 1941 read:
“It is generally believed that shutting off the American supply of petroleum will lead promptly to the invasion of Netherland East Indies… it seems certain that she (Japan) would also include military action in the Philippine islands which would immediately involve us in a Pacific war.”
Also, a Top Secret Army Board report of October 1944 clearly states that in the period leading up to Pearl Harbour, the US military received information regarding the intentions of the Japanese “including the probable exact hour and date of the attack.” Both these documents can be viewed via the above links.
Roosevelt’s administration was responsible for the deaths of 2403 Americans and 64 Japanese at Pearl Harbour. The documentation clearly shows that, in the past, the US government has been willing to allow its own citizens and military personnel, as well as that of other countries, to be killed by the thousands in order to proceed with its own twisted political schemes.