MovieChat Forums > Politics > No one's interested in Milo's Meltdown?

No one's interested in Milo's Meltdown?

The man clearly said he felt indebted to his molester for teaching him such great techniques, and found it impossible to believe that the interviewer wasn't similarly attracted to young teen girls. On top of that, you can go to his Facebook site -- he's banned for life from Twitter, just to show how pathetic he is -- and he seemingly has endless gushing fans, swearing he's the best, he's really the victim rather than the victimizer, etc. This doesn't stir any interest, pro or con?

If this were IMDb, the boards would be abuzz about it.


Well this site is barely starting up but anyhow, I don't believe this is the end of Milo. If anything he keeps getting even more publicity


I have to admit that I found him rather annoying and was shocked to learn that he was a Trump supporter. He oozes 'liberal'.



He's a nasty human being. I hope this is the beginning of the end for him.


I think we're still numb from the exodus from IMDB. I don't even know what the deal is with this web site. What is this place?


This website was launched the day before Valentines Day. Tell others we're here .Many features have yet to be added.


How is he the victimizer? What child did he molest?
Someone who is molested as a child is allowed to say whatever they want about it, as their defense to cope with it. If they need to be in denial and need to say what he said to get over it, he can. They're just words and they don't hurt anyone, unlike people you probably go crazy over, like X-Men movie's director, Lena Dunham, and half of Hollywood who molest kids all the time.

And a "young" teen girl (As opposed to an old one?) is legal in pretty much the entire world, but yet it's such a big deal in the US, meanwhile skanks like Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Christina Aguilera, Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, etc. all owe their careers to prancing around as jailbait. Selling sex to Americans as soon as they hit puberty, so either their is huge epidemic of "pedophiles" in the US, or everyone is only acting like a prude to hide their sick fetish for jailbait. Which is it?


Strangely enough, I'm not a liberal. And Milo's not a conservative.

No, it's not okay to say that grown men preying on teens is okay, let alone the positive experience Milo was making it out to be. And if he thinks it's alright to do and that he benefited from it, he doesn't have any morals or values that would make him stop in his tracks before he molested some confused child.

Nice false dichotomy, but believe it or not, I've never seen any of those "skanks" perform. I travel in circles where the morals and values don't include going for "jailbait" or playing the older man/woman to introduce the budding pubescent to sex. I have been young and stupid, though, eons ago, and thought flirtatious attentions from middle-aged men meant I was special -- rather than just being an indication that they were horny and I was standing nearby. So I know how empty Milo's rationalization of the sex being "consensual" actually is. Had I been confused enough, I might have "consented" to more than flirtation, thinking that made me even more special.


I kind of felt like he was trolling everybody. I mean even trolling the right.
Obviously he was trolling the left with all his racist and sexist stuff, but like, going on TV in heavy makeup and pearls and constantly talking about sucking cock, that would not bother the left at all. Liberals would just think he looked cute and not care who's dick he sucked as long as it was consenting. But that would give a fundy right winger an aneurysm!
It's not surprising that the last straw for the right was related to his sexuality, but they never minded his fascism.
The lesson is you can't troll both sides.


Actually, the right did mind his fascism. It was what's being called the Alt-Right that considered him their darling. There, no one cares that he's gay so long as he keeps saying, "Cuckservative!" and making racist, antisemitic pics to taunt real conservatives like Ben Shapiro.

The last straw for all but his Alt-Right goon squad was him singing the praises of older men swooping on young, pubescent boys and saying it could be a positive relationship. There are still some things most decent people won't tolerate. Just ask Carlos Danger.


Yeah I know his scandal I just mean it is adjacent to sexuality. But he doesn't really represent most gay people, he says people are only gay to "act out" and get attention. I think it's probably true of himself but that's because he's a troll, not because he's gay! I am not sure if he really believes in anything he's saying. He just says shit to get reactions and then does a 180 later. In the radio interview he kept saying he was not molested, that he was the aggressor (at like 13 or 14?), that he was asking for it, blah, blah blah. Stuff he knew would be offensive to other victims. Stuff he knew would shock. But then in his fauxpology, he emphasized his victimhood because that would get more sympathy. So it is a 180, but neither one is sincere or honest.
