A thank you to everyone.
Hi all,being very fortunate in having online access since the late 90's,I've been a member of various film/music sites over the years,and I've never seen one of them do something as dumb as this!
Around 10 or so years ago,I hit an extremely low point in my personal life. During this time,one of the few things that continued was my interest in movies. Looking round for credits to a film one night,I was shocked to find a web site inhabited by people who shared my passion for movies.Spending a year or so too nervous to post on IMDb,I finally decided to post on the friendliest board on the site:the Film Noir board.
I want to say thank you to everyone who has made this such a wonderful place to visit daily,and that being the final host of the main thread has been an absolute honor.
I hope that we will all be able to transfer to a new site,and that you all have a good weekend,MDF/Chris.