MovieChat Forums > Fantasy > I've seen THE HOBBIT 3, and I have to wa...

I've seen THE HOBBIT 3, and I have to warn you something.

First off all, I will only include general spoilers. By that I mean that I won't say anything you haven't figured out after watching the trailer and/or the previous 5 movies (this is a prequel after all, so you know which characters won't die).

The journey in L.O.T.R. was to basically save the world. The journey in THE HOBBIT isn't. Our heroes win the war of the title but it doesn't affect the Middle Earth that much. At least in comparison to SAURON's death. It ends with BILBO going back home and then it ties in with the beginning of FELLOWSHIP. Not exactly something that will you make you cry.

Therefore, when you go see this movie, don't expect the emotional impact and depth from RETURN OF THE KING. If you do, you'll feel empty. If you don't, you'll feel like you've seen a not-life-changing but fun adventure.

Also, remember that FRODO & BILBO were given different tasks. Neither of them fights in battles for the most part, but FRODO exhausted all of his energy ir order to do the thing that actually defeated the villain. BILBO was never meant to do any of that. If you don't keep this in mind, you might be frustrated due to BILBO's lack of duties and/or screen time (the lack is almost as big as in DESOLATION).


To be honest, I think most people already know this because most people have read, or are pretty familiar with the happenings of the book. Those are not things to warn people about this last Hobbit installment. Now I did enjoy parts of The Battle of the Five Armies, but sadly it is an extremely bloated film (despite being the shortest Hobbit movie), and it's filled with CGI that looks like a video game cut scene.

Now CGI is great tool, and obviously it's going to have to be used for big battles like this, but it needs to be used in moderation, and usually in combination with real, practical effects. When you look back at the LotR trilogy, Jackson used real people and costumes for those big battles, helping to make the fights look more real, and frankly the monsters looked more creepy because of that. In this final Hobbit installment, so much CGI is used to an unnecessary degree, and it takes people out of the film. It doesn't feel like you are really there in Middle Earth like the LotR movies.

I could also go on about the tone issues, and spending so much time on characters that don't need to be focused on like Legolas and Alfrid, but I think it's best to leave it here.

The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind ~H.P. Lovecraft


I've always preferred the story of the Hobbit to LOTR, so I don't have any problems with the movie.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.
