MovieChat Forums > Comic Books and Comic-Con > Super Heroes I Just Don't 'Get'

Super Heroes I Just Don't 'Get'

With all the super hero movies coming out, I've decided to make a list of super heroes I just don't "get". Whether it be I find them overrated, don't understand their popularity or whatever. Some of these their heyday's have passed but still. Keep in mind I'm a HUGE comic fan so most of these guys I know at least something about them, and I don't mind them overall. It's more about the ones the fanboys have decided to latch onto. This isn't a thread to debate over characters, or bash someone if you disagree. Most of mine will be comics, but you can do movies, books, cartoons, anything! I just want to see what other people think. This is in no particular order.

Batman - Yes I know. I'll catch some heat from this one. For someone who is supposed to be "human", he's almost god like in his abilities. Super Genius, unlimited wealth, top class fighter, etc. To the fanboys, Batman IS God.

Deadpool - I'm so sick of hearing about Deadpool. He's aware he's a comic character, he cracks jokes, whoopie doo!

Cable - Really, what does he do? OK he has telekinesis, and telepathy. He's from the future and carries a gun. His eye lights up. OOOOOOOO!!!!

Gambit - He charges objects to make them explode and carries a staff. He can control emotions. He's a pretty decent fighter.

Wolverine - I don't mind the character himself. But why is he so popular? And I love Hugh Jackman as him, but I'm tired of the Xmen movies being "Wolverine and his amazing friends".

Iron Man - See Batman

Heimdall (from the Thor movies) - When the first Thor movie came everyone talked about how awesome he was. I admit he looks cool. But he kind sucks if you think about it. Loki sneaks into Asgard past him, he gets frozen in the first movie and their traveling device is destroyed. To top it off, in part 2, Curse gets by him, the dark elf ships sneak by him until it's almost too late. He manages to take out ONE, but he STILL doesn't get the force field up in time and Asgard is nearly destroyed.

ANY Dragon Ball Z character - All they do is yell and scream

Venom - Really? He's an alien monster.

Lobo - Although to be fair, I think he's supposed to be a parody of overrated superheroes himself, so I can respect that!

Spider-Man I get this character, his personality, problems, powers I really do. But how in the world does being bit a SPIDER grant you near invulnerability? Seriously in the movies he's getting thrown through walls and gets right back up. But he's been made out to be on par with the likes of Hulk!

Legolas - Started out really cool, and got more ridiculous as the movies have gone on.

Ok that's my list for now!


The Hulk


Forgot about Hawkeye. Nice username too. I'm a HUGE Rush fan!


Okay... I won't address EVERYTHING, but here goes...

Batman and Iron Man are about as close as you could come to ACTUAL real life super-heroes.

Deadpool, funny, but definitely overrated.

Gambit sux.

Wolverine is one of THE great anti-heroes in all of American pop-culture (along with Han Solo, Huck Finn, etc...)

Spider-Man... Oh, where do I go with this one? I don't think you "get" Spidey AT ALL!!! What makes you think that he's "near invulnerable"? Spidey gets hurt all of the time! He's super strong (could lift a car), SUPER fast (could dodge MOST projectiles) and his Spider-sense tips him off to imminent danger... but he gets his ass handed to him on the regular. He's not bullet-proof and doesn't have a healing-factor...
I think one of his secret powers is that he is REALLY lucky. He's almost been killed MANY, MANY times. And he's a nerd, so people can relate to him, lol

"Trying is the first step towards failure" Homer Simpson


Hey Frennis,

Nice answers! I guess I was a little broad with Spiderman. Maybe I should have been clearer and referenced the MOVIE Spiderman more than the comic Spiderman. Granted he gets hurt in the movies, but there are some times where in real life he would flat out be a greasy spot on the wall. But somehow he's still alive.

As far as the comics goes, I'm a little behind with him, but you are right. He's had his ass handed to him many times!



Batman- No he isnt God-like, in fact he's pretty flawed and has been shown as such. Also, (at least before NEW52) Nightwing was more trusted and liked among the hero community in the DCU for being what Batman is but more trustworthy.

Deadpool- The self awareness is pretty much his gimmick. He's also a parody of DC's Deathstroke: The Terminator and a comical commentary on anti-hero superheroes.

Cable- No argument here.

Gambit- You understand his mutant abilities, so how do you not 'get' him?

Wolverine- I agree with you here too. I also think he's pretty overrated as well.

ANY Dragon Ball Z character- Japanese are a curious people.

Venom- 'Evil Spider-Man' pretty much sums up the traditional version of the character, generally every hero has an evil counterpart.

Lobo- The original version of Lobo was pretty much in the same boat as Deadpool, NEW52 Lobo is just an even more pasty yet violent version of Rob Pattinson.

Spider-Man- Propotionate strength of a spider which also allows him super strength and resiliance to pain.

Legolas- Not really a superhero is he?

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


Haha love the Dragonball Z Character answer! As far as Gambit, I get his powers, just don't get why he's so popular. He's pretty generic as far as I'm concerned.

Legolas - Well maybe superhero is the wrong term for him. But he definitely became overrated.


"As far as Gambit, I get his powers, just don't get why he's so popular. He's pretty generic as far as I'm concerned"

I'm not sure how old you are but in the 1990s all you needed was the trench coat and suddenly you were the coolest comic book character, no matter how cool or lame the power was. Leather jackets with alot of pockets and zippers seemed to be a plus too. The X-Men and practically every knockoff team from the first run of Image comics generally had this look.

As for Legolas...the chicks dig Orlando Bloom, and by extension geeks dig him because of the bows and arrow thing.

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


Thank you! After The Avengers movie came out people have seemed to love Hawkeye. I haven't read any of the series that has been such a success, but I'd like to. I've always been more of a Green Arrow guy myself.
