Hey NY comic book fans....have you been FAN VERIFIED yet??
If not, well you're basically shyte outta luck at this point! This year for comic con, Reed PoP instituted a new system for getting badges on line, that requires potential comic con attendees, to fill out a very short form about themselves. The purosee of this mainly is to further the cut down on scalpers, that are usually rampant around the Jacob Javits Center, where NY comic con is held! They're getting stricter every year! I wanted to (again) try for 2 days this year, but initially I got one day, thinking that's all I could do, and thought I'd be able to go back in to get a 2nd day! No can do they said (and I did try also, lol)! Furthermore, you can't even get more badges using any different email addresses you may have , 'cause they're all still linked to "you!" Well, it's cool, I'll just enjoy my one full day there again this year! Also, they seem to be keeping a secret as to when they'll actually be selling the badges online! However, all fan verified ppl will get an email 48hrs in advance of the online sale.......whenever the heck that is!!