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Unpopular Comic Book Opinions

What opinions do you have that are going to piss off certain people?

Harley Quinn is Overrated: Her whole character is defined by her loyalty to the Joker. Any time we see the possibility of her leaving him, the Status Quo immediately changes that. Also, let's talk about how a psychiatrist was easily charmed by Gotham's most notorious serial killer, shall we? Don't get me started on her depiction in the Arkham games, where they sexed her up and later replaced Arleen Sorkin with Tara Strong, who made her sound twice as annoying and like Timmy Turner doing a *beep* Brooklyn accent.

Gwen Stacy's Death Was Kind of Cheap: I feel like her death was an early example of stuffing somebody in the fridge and really tainted everything else about her character. Nowadays, all Gwen is known for is dying. You really shouldn't make the only memorable thing about a character be their death. Could you imagine there was nothing to Superman's character aside from his death in 1993? One thing I liked about "The Amazing Spider-Man" is that it at least gave Gwen more to do, even holding her own against the Lizard instead of being a damsel in distress. Say what you will about TASM, but at least those movies wrote the female lead better than the Sam Raimi movies. Hopefully, Spider-Gwen will put new life into her character.


I think "Watchmen" is somewhat overrated. Although I found it to be somewhat good, I just don't think it is the best thing I ever read in my life. I even think some classic Avengers stories from the silver and bronze age are better.


Superman and Batman are a lot more interesting as antagonists who respect each other (see Action Comics Annual 1 and the Grant Morrison issues of JLA) than as best friends.

Fear Itself is one of the better company-wide crossover events.

The biggest problem with "electric Superman" was that anyone with any sense knew the change in powers and costume wasn't going to be permanent. The stories themselves (especially the ones by Stuart Immomen) were actually pretty good.

The Peter David/Howard Shum/Jim Califore issues of Aquaman are great, among my top three Aquaman runs (after Steve Skeates/Jim Aparo and Paul Levitz/Jim Aparo).

Mark Waid is a disrespectful hack who's been coasting on goodwill from his original Flash run 20 years ago.

Marvel should bring back Spider-Man's webbed underarms.

Gene Ha's one issue of Justice League looked better than any of Jim Lee's.

Je suis Charlie Hebdo.


Watchmen and Dark Knight Returns are the most overrated graphic novels ever.

For all the crap people give Superman for being "too powerful" for some reason Wolverine gets a pass for being a fanboy wet dream.

X-Men is really not that great of a book unless the right person is writing it.

Damian Wayne sucks too. He should've stayed dead.

After reading the first few original issues of SPAWN, that series as well as the whole Image 1990s launch lineup were really BAD.

When theres no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.


Damian Wayne sucks too. He should've stayed dead.

I don't think that's an unpopular opinion.


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion.

I wouldn't know, the comic book stores I go to, the people cream over the little bastard.

When theres no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.


After reading the first few original issues of SPAWN, that series as well as the whole Image 1990s launch lineup were really BAD.

You got that right. I thought McFarlind was a terrible writer. Way too many words in the comic. He was like Stephen King without the interest. I felt bad for the letterers who had to print his scripts.


X-Men is really not that great of a book unless the right person is writing it.

What strip or character isn't that true of?

Je suis Charlie Hebdo.


What strip or character isn't that true of?

Because X-Men altogether is one of the most overrated titles in all comicdom.

When theres no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.
