MovieChat Forums > Anime > are those 70s fairytale animations consi...

are those 70s fairytale animations considered anime?

Do you consider those 70s fairytale animated films as anime or cartoons? I'm asking, because I got one of them recommended a while ago on this boards while asking for anime films.

I just watched it ( and have a hard time seeing how this is supposed to be anime. But then again, I saw it on another anime list on this board. That it's a japanese animation doesn't automatically make it an anime, right? Any thoughts on, why it's an anime or rather a cartoon or something completely different?

here are some of the other films I'm talking about,,


EDIT: stupid IMDb screwing with my replies.

アニメ is a loan word from the French 'animé' and refers to animation in general, regardless of origin. The Simpsons, South Park and Powerpuff Girls have all ranked in charts in ニュータイプ and アニメージュ.

If you must make a distinction between anime and animation, the only somewhat valid distinction is country of origin, and even then not always given that co-productions between Japan and other countries exist. For example, Interstella 5555, which I bring up because a track from Daft Punk's "Discovery" just came on and that's too much of a coincidence to ignore. No, seriously. Weird.

All those titles you sort-of linked are anime, even if your weeb senses erroneously force you to think otherwise. The 70s had a lot of anime adaptations of European fairy tales, both as co-productions and as straight Japanese productions. Besides, the ones you referenced are all from Toei, FFS. Trying to argue that they aren't 'anime' is like arguing that ゲド戦記 or 借りぐらしのアリエッティ aren't 'anime' because they're adaptations of English-language novels. Toei is about as 'anime' as it gets.


Thank you for the answer. I was always aware of that a distinction between those two 'categories' is hard to do and more or less non-existent. But then again, both words exist and I'm sure everyone has his or her pre-set mind about a difference of those two. For instance in Germany, cartoons have a stigma of being 'for children'. Hence japanese animations that would be considered for an adult audience have until maybe the last 10 years always be dubbed in a very child-like and children-considered manner, up to a point that it's impossible to watch them. Lately a transgression has been in progress (due to a generation having grown up with a higher tolerance to watching animated films), where cartoons and anime have been seperated between being 'for children' (cartoons) and 'for children and/or grown-ups' (anime). I hope you can see, where the mentioned fairy-tale adaptations fit in my argument.

btw. Interstella 5555 is a good example.


Both words exist because it's a language thing, but all the same it is a loan word in Japanese, which is why it's written in katakana. Contrast to manga, which is written in kanji, 漫画.

Cartoons have the same stigma in the US as well, and you have a lot of weebs that completely lose their minds if you dare to call an anime a cartoon (despite both terms being 100% accurate). Still, adult animation existed in the west outside of Japan and has for decades. Ralph Bakshi is a perfect example; Coonskin might have talking animals in it, but it very much so earned it's R/18 rating. That's just one example, of which there are plenty more.

There's outlier/experimental stuff from both sides, along with the more common, conventional fare, and it's all animation in the end. Don't let the weebs fool you into thinking otherwise.


Swan Lake is anime, regardless of which definition you use. Outside Japan, anime usually means "Japanese animation," and everything about Swan Lake is Japanese (director, language, production company, etc). Inside Japan, anime just means "animation."

If you define anime by style, it's still anime. Swan Lake was made by Toei, the company that made most of the anime movies from the 60s and 70s. Toei was the company that defined the common anime movie styles of that time, and those movies had a big influence on later anime movies. Swan Lake had a style similar to other anime movies of the time.

If you define anime by time period, then maybe it's not anime, but I've never seen anyone define it like that.


I consider them more as cartoons. They were crudely drawn, voice actors and music like most.


Do you mean the english voice acting or the original japanese voice acting?

