MovieChat Forums > The Lord Of The Rings > OT - Worst/Weakest/Least Favorite Movie ...

OT - Worst/Weakest/Least Favorite Movie In a Series

Of the following movie series that have at least three or more movies, which installment to you find the be the worst/weakest one overall? It doesn't have to be a movie you dislike, just which is your least favorite. Remakes, crossovers and prequels count in any series that has them. Thought this would be an interesting little survey to share with a new LOTR movie out now and with the huge number of fans here.


Star Wars

Indiana Jones

Lord Of The Rings





Star Trek

James Bond

Jurassic Park





Iron Man





The Godfather

Lethal Weapon

Back To The Future

Planet Of The Apes


My picks for each:

Star Wars - The Phantom Menace

Indiana Jones - The Last Crusade. Still love it though, just enjoy the others more, though this one and Crystal Skull tend to swap for me.

Lord of The Rings - Haven't seen any so far, believe it or not.

Alien - Alien Vs. Predator

Predator - Alien Vs. Predator

Terminator - Rise Of The Machines

RoboCop - RoboCop 3

Star Trek - I've only seen First Contact and liked it.

James Bond - Don't remember which I've seen, so abstain for now.

Jurassic Park - Jurassic Park III

Batman - Batman & Robin

Superman - Haven't seen any.

X-Men - The Last Stand

Spider-Man - Spider-Man 3.

Iron Man - Need to see IM2 again to see how it stacks up to the original and The Avengers, only saw it once.

Hulk - Only saw The Avengers, which I loved. Yet to see the 2003 movie and the 2008 reboot.

Transformers - Again, the original. At least the sequels were dumb fun in a way, the original to me was just dumb and boring.

Rambo - Rambo III (still love it).

Rocky - Haven't seen any, so abstain for now.

The Godfather - Been so long since I last watched any I can't fairly say.

Lethal Weapon - Probably Lethal Weapon 3, though it's still pretty good.

Back To The Future - 3, but I still like it.

Planet Of The Apes - Only seen Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes and loved it.


Feel free to add more if you'd like.


OK, I'm waiting on a phone call so I'll indulge...

Star Wars - Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones (can't decide)

Indiana Jones - Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - by far.

Lord Of The Rings - I personally don't think it has a weak film but TTT was always my least favourite.

Alien - Alien Resurrection

Predator - only seen the first so no comment

Terminator - Terminator 3

RoboCop - only seen the first so no comment

Star Trek - I don't watch Star Trek.

James Bond - Die Another Day, Diamonds Are Forever (both horrible)

Jurassic Park - Jurassic Park III

Batman - All of them are horrible. Tough call between TDK and TDKR; BB was the strongest.

Superman - Superman 4 (of course)

X-Men - The Original (I've only seen 1-3)

Spider-Man - Spiderman 3

Iron Man - Never seen any so no comment

Hulk - Never seen any so no comment

Transformers - Never seen any so no comment

Rambo - Never seen any so no comment

Rocky - They're all a pile of crap tbh.

The Godfather - Godfather III of course

Lethal Weapon - Never seen any so no comment

Back To The Future - BTFF 3

Planet Of The Apes - I've only seen the 2001 film so no comment

I'll add a few more into the mix while I'm at it:

The Matrix - Matrix Reloaded (yeah, 2nd one. Forget all the bandwagon of hate for Revolutions: the third was the superior film)

Scream - Scream 4 (When it came out I rated it above 3, but it's switched because 3 had a great ending to "end" the series and also there's probably a little case of nostalgia for me now)

Hannibal Lector - Red Dragon (not a bad film though)

Bourne - Bourne Legacy

Pirates of the Caribbean - On Stranger Tides (Being controversial, though, I find the first film the least watchable these days...)

"He was one mailroute away from being Cliff Claven"®


You haven't even seen the LoTR films so I don;t know why I'm bothering, but here goes anyway.

Star Wars - They're all garbage, kiddie films made progressively worse by constant Lucas tinkering.

Indiana Jones - No weak link, they're all good.

Lord of The Rings - Not a series, just a single story split into 3 installments, one big, good film.

Alien - 1st 4 were great, all since were bland

Predator - 1st one was great all since were bland

Terminator - First 3 were great, all since, including stupid TV series is crap

RoboCop - cartoon fodder.

Star Trek - Star Trek doesn't work in film, the proof is out there.

James Bond - All Roger Moore Bond films are utter garbage, the rest are brilliant ESPECIALLY On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Connery #1, Lazenby #2 (controversial, I know)

Jurassic Park - pathetic, all of them

Batman - There hasn't been a decent Batman since Adam West, end of argument.

Superman - cartoon fodder

X-Men - The Wolverine spinoffs were weak but all the X=Men films are great

Spider-Man - No, just no.

Iron Man - Tony Stark rocks.

Hulk - Avengers is MUCH better than Hulk

Transformers - Suitable for Saturday morning TV

Rambo - 1st was okay (The book was better), the rest are crap

Rocky - see above

The Godfather - Turgid, self-indulgent film making. This is the sort of direction that wins oscars but makes unwatchable movies. The English patient with guns.

Lethal Weapon - 3 was weak, the rest were good. Jet Li > Renee Russo :)

Back To The Future - brilliant, every second of every one :)

Planet Of The Apes - The original was a work of genius in it's day (I saw it on release), even though it starred that worthless piece of human garbage Charlton Heston (we didn't know what an a-hole he was then). The rest were obviously trying to make a few $$$ on the success of the original, rubbish cast, script, direction.

If an Earl gets an OBE is he an Earlobe?


Star Wars: the prequels all suck and should be ignored

Indiana Jones: the third, with Sean Connery as Indy's Dad

Lord Of The Rings: Bakshi's was worst

Alien: 3

Predator: only saw the original and Predators, so Predators

Terminator: 3

RoboCop: 3

Star Trek: Insurrection

James Bond: not a fan of Craig's Bond; he's more Bourne than Bond

Jurassic Park: 3

Batman: of the new trilogy, 3 (but it was still good)

Superman: Of Christopher Reeves series, 4

X-Men: progressively got better, so 1 (but still good)

Spider-Man: 3

Iron Man: 2

Hulk: of the new movies, the one with Eric Bana was best... worst Hulk ever = Death of the Incredible Hulk made-for-TV movie

Transformers: only saw the first, didn't care for it

Rambo: 3

Rocky: 5

The Godfather: 3, of course

Lethal Weapon: don't remember any

Back To The Future: 2

Planet Of The Apes: the Mark Wahlberg remake, horrible


Star Wars - Although I would be inclined to say The Clone Wars (the animated atrocity) I have to go with Phantom Menace for even making that 'film' possible.

Indiana Jones - Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Lord Of The Rings - The Hobbit: AUJ, didn't dislike it but it's the weakest

Alien - AvP 2

Predator - AvP 2

Terminator - Terminator 4

RoboCop - RoboCop 3

Star Trek - Star Trek V

James Bond - License to Kill

Jurassic Park - Jurassic Park 3

Batman - Batman 7 Robin

Superman - I want to say Super Man returns but Super Man

X-Men - Origins: Wolverine

Spider-Man - Spider-Man 3

Iron Man - Iron Man 2

Hulk - Ang Lee's Hulk

Transformers - They are all awful but Revenge of the Fallen takes the cake

Rambo - Rambo II

Rocky - Rocky

The Godfather - Godfather III

Lethal Weapon - Lethal Weapon 3

Back To The Future - Back to the Future 3

Planet Of The Apes - Planet of the Apes remake (2002 I think)


You can count The Clone Wars as the worst Star Wars film if it's your pick.


Star Wars - The Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones

Indiana Jones - Temple of Doom; can't stand parts of that movie

Lord of The Rings - Too tough to pick. They are all great imo.

Alien - Aliens Vs. Predators Requiem

Predator - Predator 2; just don't like the city setting.

Terminator - #3, Rise Of The Machines

RoboCop - Not a fan of the series

Star Trek - Tie between Final Frontier and Insurrection

James Bond - The one I remember that I really don't like is the sci-fi one, Moonraker.

Jurassic Park - Jurassic Park III

Batman - Batman & Robin

Superman - #3 of the Christopher Reeve versions

X-Men - I didn't like X-Men: First Class very much.

Spider-Man - Hard to pick; I'm not a big fan though I've seen them all.

Iron Man - Iron Man 2

Hulk - The 2003 movie.

Transformers - I've never seen any of them.

Rambo - Not a fan of the series.

Rocky - Rocky 3 (I quit watching after that.)

The Godfather - Godfather III

Lethal Weapon - Not a fan of the series.

Back To The Future - #3

Planet Of The Apes - The 2001 version with Ape-Lincoln is well, bad imo.

BB ;-)

it's just in my opinion - imo -


Star Wars - Attack of the Clones (the romance scenes). I actually enjoyed the Phantom Menace very much (& didn't find Jar Jar irritating at all). The last one was quite enthralling, though tragic & strange. I always found Christensen's Anakin intense & interesting, yet too young to be abruptly corrupted "for life" to the degree Darth Vader was (and his immediate choices following Mace Windu's & Palpatine's confrontation seemed too quick & drastic for me, when he was full of so much uncertainty). A gradual corruption, to my way of seeing things, would have made more sense.

Of the original series, I haven't seen the Empire Strikes Back more than once or twice, so don't recall much of it. Jedi had great moments (especially the end), but A New Hope was quite cool too; I liked Luke's innocence & sense of discovery. I honestly have never gotten into it as much as the prequels (heresy, I know; but the drama worked more for me than the humor).

Indiana Jones - Crystal Skull; overall never liked them too much.

Lord Of The Rings - TTT, but still loved it.

Alien - 3. The first two were great.

Predator - Never saw them. They seemed to violent for my tastes.

Terminator - 2; I've never liked Schwarzenegger (though in comedy, he's sometimes OK).

RoboCop - Only saw the first; and it's been years. So no insights.

Star Trek - Only saw the 2009 one, and loved it.

James Bond - Have only seen one Pierce Brosnan one, which, I don't recall. I never got into them, disliking the Bond character overall; Mission Impossible was more interesting.

Jurassic Park - 2; at least 3 was campy fun (the first was best).

Batman - It took me several days to get over how bad Batman & Robin was; it was a disagreeable assault on the five senses. The best were the first two (though "Forever" had it's sentimental appeal for teenagers).

Superman - I've only seen bits; I recall the 4th being pretty bad though.

X-Men - I never recall which is which. I though each one was fairly good.

Spider-Man - 3, though it had funny/decent moments. The first two were incredible (first being my favorite).

Iron Man - I only saw the 2nd one; it was terrible.

Hulk - Neither one was great, really. I'm more partial to Eric Bana than to Edward Norton, but the first one was rather bizarre (if I saw it again, I might change my mind). The second had an interesting set-up in Río, but the resolution didn't work much for me.

Transformers - I haven't seen them.

Rambo - I haven't seen them.

Rocky - I haven't seen them.

The Godfather - I haven't seen the third yet, though some recommend it; the first two were interesting enough, I suppose.

Lethal Weapon - I haven't seen them.

Back To The Future - 3, the first being the best.

Planet Of The Apes - The original one was good, wasn't it? Less silly than the re-make. I actually liked the James Franco one.


If you don't like overly violent films I'd imagine none of the Predator films would be to your liking, since they're very violent and bloody.
