MovieChat Forums > Star Wars > Why bother with using light saber fights...

Why bother with using light saber fights at all?

If they can throw big objects at each other or even the opponent then why bother with a laser sword?

That's why I think the very first light saber duel we ever saw between Darth and Obi-Wan is the best.
No gimmicks and each one that followed should have been that simple.

Damn, I'm good.


If the outcome of saber duels , as we're so often told is unequivocally expressed depicted, is determined by the length of training, why do they even bother showing them. They could just as well cut to the end of the movie and save a lot of money, and not risk annoying uptight nincompoops who's fùçking heads will explode if it looks like they wont get the outcome they know is assured.

Glasgow's FOREMOST authority.


it is like if they had never fought before


The answer can be seen in most modern sabre fight scenes. they never hit each other with the the sword itself, but use it as a distraction to land kicks and punches. if all your energy and focussed on stopping limb dismembering plasma, you might not see a punch coming, and they usually don't.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


George should not have introduced the Carrie method of moving things and each other with the Force.
Otherwise, why should Anakin have bothered lighting up when he could have used the Force with throwing all the younglings out the window or slamming those bad guys in the conference room against the walls?
Sure, Luke needed the saber against the bounty hunters and the storm trooper bikers in ROTJ.
But did Darth really need it when he can take the cowards way out and throw huge objects at Luke in ESB?

Damn I'm good.


If a contest cant be decided by knowledge of the force it has to be settled by saber combat. Prime example yoda vs dooku in episode 2.
Besides that fight was epic because of the lead up into the contest. The fight itself was horrible. It was two old guys flailing flacid weiners at each other. The best duel was maul vs obi wan and qui gonn.
