MovieChat Forums > Star Wars > Who is the most signifigant jedi in star...

Who is the most signifigant jedi in star wars?

My favorite character in all of star wars is Qui Gon Jinn. There are things i hate about the prequels but there are more redeemable qualities to them than there are flaws. Darth maul, the fight choreography, mythology of the sith e.t.c...oh and Qui Gonn Jinn just to name a few.
So when i think of the entire star wars canon and all of the jedi that have come and gone, who among them is the most signifigant? Theres Anakin Skywalker, yoda, luke, obi wan, mace windu e.t.c. My pick for the most signifigant jedi in star wars is Qui Gonn for one simple and awesome reason. He returns from the netherworld of the force and teaches yoda and obi wan how to achieve life after death. This ability ripples out into the story and is at the root of all the signifigant moments in star wars.
Without this gift how would obi wan have been able to tell luke to head to dagoba to train with yoda? Luke probably would have missed his shot to destroy the death star because obi wan wouldnt have been able to commune with him.
Without yodas training vader would have succeeded in either killing luke or turning him to the dark side because he would have been to weak and more susceptible to temptation.
Qui Gonn even discovers Anakin, the chosen one who eventually destroys the sith, sidious and the part of him that was vader.
I am sure 99% of you will disagree but i would like to read others opinions on this subject. My pick for the most signifigant jedi is Qui Gonn Jinn.


Yoda. He's a legend if you ask me.

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You make a great point, Qui-Gon Jinn's significance in the saga cannot be understated. Such influence covers multiple levels as well, on top of those that you have listed.

In their brief time together Qui-Gon is the first true father figure Anakin has ever known. We'll never know, but I suspect that had Qui-Gon lived Anakin would never have been so easily seduced to the dark side. Qui-Gon was a figure that Anakin could respect, at least more-so than Obi-Wan was. A calming figure that could have gotten his messages across to Anakin. Qui-Gon was not a strict adherent to the Jedi Code, so I also suspect that he would have encouraged Anakin to free his mother somehow. Qui-Gon's death served to be the first step which set Anakin on the path to falling to Darth Sidious' influence. So the saga would not have occurred as it did without his death.


You make a great point qui gonn had a more authoratative role as anakins teacher than obi wan. It seemed like anakin saw obi wan as his equal and didnt have as much respect for him as you would think. He is always complaining and even says that he is better than obi wan in some ways. Qui gonn would have kept anakin in line.


I believe it's stated that Qui gonn taught himself how to come back as a force ghost. It doesn't imply that he taught others or they didn't have the ability on their own. He was just the first to die.


Using the Force to stay alive after death seems very anti-Jedi. The Sith get a lot of flak for attempting to live beyond their time.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


He teaches yoda in clone wars and at the end of rots yoda reveals that qui gon showed him how.


Ah! I don't watch Clone Wars. I stand corrected.
