OT fan's aren't SW fans anymore?
Star Wars is at a point where there is more new material than old. I loved the OT when i grew up. I'm not a fan of the new film TFA, the prequels are meh. Maybe i should just accept that the SW franchise is not for me anymore. I mean most of the material is made up as they've gone along. None of the 'history' existed when i was a kid, there was no Darth Plagueis there was no real clone wars history. I hate the idea of a buddy comedy with Han and Lando. But at the same time, ive moved on to better things and the kids today love SW more than ever. It's for them not for me or other OT fans.
This isn't a bash or anything. But a lot of OT fans i think like me need to move on and accept that new SW is for a different younger generation.