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Favorite and least favorite actors from HP movies

Who are your favorites and least favorite lead and supporting actors? Here are mine:

Favorite Lead Actor
Alan Rickman (adult lead) Nobody else could have pulled off Snape as perfectly as he did. Snape is such a complex, multi-dimensional character and Rickman pulled it off perfectly

)Emma Watson (child lead): I just watched Sorcerers Stone again and realized just how impressive she was even back then. The story is told through Harry's perspective, and in the beginning, Hermione was not very likeable. She was conceited, haughty, self-righteous and as Snape put it, "An insufferable know-it-all". Her encounter with the troll humbled her quite a bit and there was a transformation of her character after that. Emma Watson did such a great job of creating that character transformation. The scene in DH part one when she obliterated her parents memories was heartbreaking. It's no surprise that she would have the most successful career of the three child leads

Favorite supporting actor
Brendan Gleeson (adult supporting): Looks the part of Mad-Eye, acts like Mad-eye, couldn't have been better cast

Evanna Lynch (child supporting actor): Nailed the part of Luna Lovegood. Enough said.

Least favorite lead actor
Daniel Radcliffe: Not a horrible actor, but nothing that really stands out about his performance. There are plenty of other actors who could have portrayed Harry just as well or better

Michael Gambon: Ditto for what I said about Daniel Radcliffe. I preferred Richard Harris' portrayal of Dumbledore

Least favorite supporting actor
Bonnie Wright: Bland, stale, boring, zero chemistry. In her defense though, the same can be said about Ginny Weasley

Davis Thewlis: Not a bad actor, by any means, but I felt he was miscast for the role of Lupin


Favorite Lead:
Alan Rickman - don't really need to explain why. He was ridiculously good.

Rupert Grint(child) - by far the most natural of the core trio as an actor. Definitely the most consistent. I felt Rupert did so well despite his role being reduced to comic relief for a large part of the series. Loved him in DH1 where he got to be more than comic relief. And he was always great with the humor.

Favorite Supporting:
Helena Bonham Carter - She was awesome. Clearly having so much fun in the role. Far more terrifying than Voldemort ever became in the movies. Loved her in DH1 climax and her playing Hermione playing Bellatrix in DH2.

Special mention needs to be made for Jim Broadbent and Imelda Staunton who were fantastic in HBP and OOTP respectively.

Evanna Lynch(Child) - nailed it. Nuff said.

Least Favorite Lead:
Michael Gambon - liked him quite a bit in HBP but he didn't quite get the character's serene calm right until towards the end of OOTP.

Emma Watson(child) - did not dislike her by any means and she was quite good in DH1, probably her best yet, but she's distractingly bad in the middle movies. Particularly GOF and OOTP. She definitely improved towards the end of the series.

Least Favorite Supporting:
David Tennant - not sure if this can be called supporting because he has a small role in one movie but he was quite awful.

Emma Thompson - better example of a supporting role. She's not bad, but is a little over the top. Never worked completely in the role.

Bonnie Wright(Child) - unfortunately completely bland and dull with no chemistry with Radcliffe.
