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The Godfather vs. Once Upon a Time in America

A few weeks ago I saw Sergio Leone's popular gangster film Once Upon a Time in America, partially for a project I was working on for a class and also partly because I am a big fan of his and I'd enjoyed all of his Westerns. It was a pretty good movie, even if it was very long (this was the four-hour original cut, which I watched over the course of two nights).

Today I finally got a chance to see The Godfather. I had heard some amazing things about it and I'd already seen what Francis Ford Coppola was capable of with Apocalypse Now. Once again, it was a pretty good film, although at times a bit hard to follow.

I'm curious to hear what some people have to say in relation to each of these Gangster movies. When you compare the two of them, which would you ultimately say is the better film?

If Clint Eastwood and Chuck Norris got into a fight, Clint Eastwood would probably win.


I would say "The Godfather" and the trilogy as a whole is better. I'm the same as you, have seen all of Sergio Leone's western and he is my favourite director. I found "The Godfather" better as it was cleaner. The music in "Once Upon A Time In America" was the greatest score I've heard but the rape scene and other parts I could not tolerate. I had no sympathy for Noodles and for all the four older gang members were losers. I had not problems with the length. I would sit through a 6 hour movie just fine. Just didn't like with it cause of the immoral acts that occurred. As a result "The Godfather" wins. If "Once Upon A Time In America" did not have the rape scene and minus a couple of other sex scenes I would favour it.

This is my opinion.


The Godfather trilogy hands down. no contest


I will go out on the record and state that while I have nothing against The Godfather, Once Upon a Time in America is a bit easier to follow. It's a lot longer, but focuses on a smaller group of people, with particular focus on Robert De Niro and James Woods. The Godfather has an unusual large cast of characters who are written and performed well, but a large portion of them look like men in suits and fedodas, so at times it can be easy to get confused as to who's who. On the other hand, Once Upon A Time in America didn't have Marlon Brando talking with cotton balls in his mouth...

If Clint Eastwood and Chuck Norris got into a fight, Clint Eastwood would probably win.


I really do think that The Godfather requires at minimum one repeat viewing in order to process the bulk of names. Part II requires at least three viewings in order to completely follow and appreciate the historical significances within.

I loved OUATIA. I thought it was an epic story with great characters. i think the writing was a bit off, but not so much to spoil a good time. But when it comes to watch something again, it will be "The Godfather" (& Part II). I've never been compelled to watch OUATIA again. I just never felt connected to any of the characters to revisit them.

So for me, it's Godfather 1 & 2. 40 years later there still seems to be much to discuss about the characters and their motivations.

My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.


Once Upon a Time In America is much more than just a Gangster Film. Its more about
melancholy and regret.

Oh and BTW, gangsters are usually scum of the earth, they basically aren't "nice guys".
